The 3-room apartment is located on 74 well-planned square meters with nice light, good storage facilities and a fantastic view. Around the corner is the exercise track around Årstaviken with several outdoor gyms, boat clubs, bathing docks and cafes. Good transport links a few minutes from the residence; subway, cross-railway, bus, airport buses and direct lines to Scania, Huddinge Hospital and Karolinska, etc. Around the corner is Lake Mälaren, a nature reserve and exercise tracks, as well as restaurants, grocery stores and gyms within walking distance. Please get in touch if you are interested! Código: SV783


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3-room apartment central Stockholm Foto 1 / 4
3-room apartment central Stockholm 0
3-room apartment central Stockholm 1
3-room apartment central Stockholm 2
3-room apartment central Stockholm 3
Preço: R$ 710,00
R$ 710,00
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