Sou formado no Uruguai pais do qual sou natural,estou com 43 anos, tenho feito cursos na tailândia e no Brasil em diferentes técnicas de massagens, relaxante anti-stress, shiatsu, thai massage, sensitiva, pedras quentes e outras, atendo numa clinica no Shopping Pátio Paulista e Higienópolis e em domicilio ou Hotel todos os dias, qualquer dúvida você pode falar comigo ou enviar mensagem, (whatsapp e Telegram 9 9886 4306), obrigado.
Hi my name is Félix Rafael, 43 years old. I graduated in Uruguay, my first country, and i have taken courses in Thailand and Brazil in different massage techniques, relaxing anti-stress, shiatsu, thai massage, hot stones and others, work in my place Shopping Patio Paulista e Higienopolis or at your hotel, you can call anytime of the day or send message, (Whatsapp and Telegram (11) 9 9886 4306), thank you, see you.
Hi my name is Félix Rafael, 43 years old. I graduated in Uruguay, my first country, and i have taken courses in Thailand and Brazil in different massage techniques, relaxing anti-stress, shiatsu, thai massage, hot stones and others, work in my place Shopping Patio Paulista e Higienopolis or at your hotel, you can call anytime of the day or send message, (Whatsapp and Telegram (11) 9 9886 4306), thank you, see you.
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