Aulas de ingles pela internet As aulas sao via Skype e Google+ Nossos e-mails sao: e Nossos nomes de Skype sao: scott.chalom1 e cecilia.chalom1 Nossos telefones de contato dentro dos Estados Unidos sao 954-296-5262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 954-296-5262 end_of_the_skype_highlighting ou 954-592-9848 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 954-592-9848 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Nos temos ensinado ingles para brasileiros durante os ultimos 12 anos. As aulas via internet, no conforto da sua casa ou qualquer lugar do mundo, sao mais praticas e convenientes. O professor Scott e norte americano, de Los Angeles, California e morou em Santo Andre, SP, Brasil por 11 anos. Durante estes anos ele ensinou em varias escolas de idiomas incluindo, o "The ABC American English Language Center", que ele e a esposa dele, Cecilia, criaram. Antes de voltar com a familia toda para Coral Springs, Florida, ele foi contratado pelo Colegio Dante Alighieri, em Sao Paulo como um dos primeiros professores de um novo projeto, "High School"! Durante este tempo, ele ensinou com muito sucesso o curriculo americano em ingles. A professora Cecilia trabalhou tambem em varias escolas de idiomas e deu aulas particulares de ingles para muitos adultos, adolescentes e especialmente criancas. Antes disso, trabalhou durante 10 anos no Colegio Objetivo, como professora e coordenadora da escola. Juntos fizeram e ainda fazem traducoes e versoes de diversos assuntos com precisao e rapidez. ENGLISH CLASSES THROUGH THE INTERNET!!! The Classes are via Skype and Google + Our Emails are: Our Skype names are: scott.chalom1 cecilia.chalom1 Our US contact phone numbers are: 1- 954-296-5262 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 1- 954-296-5262 end_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-954-592-9848 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting FREE 1-954-592-9848 end_of_the_skype_highlighting We have been teaching English in the US and Brazil for the last 15 years. The classes are via the internet, and in the comfort of your own home or any place in the world. They are very practical and convenient. Scott is an American from Los Angeles, California and had lived in Santo Andre, SP, Brazil for 11 years. Throughout these years he has taught at various language schools including, "The ABC American English Language Center", which he and his wife, Cecilia, founded. Before returning with their family to Coral Springs, Florida, he was contracted by Colegio Dante Alighieri, in Sao Paulo as one of the first teachers for the new project, " American High School"! Throughout all this time he has taught the American curriculum with great success. Since his return to the US, he has been teaching at The Language Academy in Fort Lauderdale, privately in Coral Springs, and through the internet. His credentials include a BA in Anthropology from UCLA and a TEFL Professional Certificate from: TEFL Institute-USA Cecilia has also worked in several language schools and has given classes to adults, teenagers and children. Before this she worked for 10 years at Colegio Objetivo in Sao Paulo, Brazil as a teacher and academic advisor. Since her move to the US, she has also been giving private classes in person and through the internet. She is currently giving English language classes at the Uceda Institute of Boca Raton, FL. Her credentials include a BA and aTeaching Credential in Psychology from Metodista University, Sao Paulo. Script embedded in HTML Links Website Builder
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