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Florianópolis (Santa Catarina)
Estou vendendo 4 pneus 255/60/R18 CROSS CONTACT CONTINENTAL com mais ou menos 30% de uso, os pneus estão perfeitos. 4 pneus Cross Contact daria 4991,00 e estou vendendo por apenas 2850,00
R$ 2.850
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Pneu 175 55 15 Continental Contipremium Contact 2 SOMOS A BIGIM PNEUS, A MAIOR LOJA DE PNEUS USADOS DO BRASIL Temos Pneus Seminovos e Meia Vida. Amplo estoque com todos os tipos de aros, marcas e medidas. Pneus de diversos estados com preços que cabem no seu bolso, venha você também para a BIGIM PNEUS e venha economizar com muita qualidade e segurança! VALOR UNITÁRIO = 01 PNEU. Ficamos na Zona Norte de São Paulo, no Bairro da VILA MARIA: RUA PREFEITO MILTON IMPROTA, 601 - VILA MARIA - CEP 02119-021 (PELO WAZE PODE DIGITAR "BIGIM PNEUS" QUE JÁ É FEITO O TRAJETO) HORÁRIOS DE FUNCIONAMENTO: - Segunda a Sexta das 09H00 ás 18H00 - Sábados das 08H00 ás 17H00 PARA CONFIRMAR ESTOQUE E MAIS INFORMAÇÕES CONSULTE-NOS! LIGUE AGORA MESMO PARA (11) 3895... ver número E TIRE TODAS SUAS DÚVIDAS. TAMBÉM ATENDEMOS VIA WHATSAPP (11) 9811... ver número EQUIPE BIGIM PNEUS AGRADECE A SUA PREFERÊNCIA!
R$ 180
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Natal (Rio Grande do Norte)
4 Pneus 205/55/17 Continental Power contact Não são reabertos Não são VULCANIZADOS! R$350,00 Os 4 PNEUS!
R$ 350
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Pneu Continental Extreme Contact 215 55 R17 Pneu com apenas 3.200 kms rodados ! Caí em um buraco e ele apresentou uma pequena bolha (onde está a marca de giz). Embora saiba que ainda poderia usar por muito tempo, decidi comprar um novo. Recomendo que seja usado como estepe ou quem comprar, saiba como repará-lo para andar com segurança para os ocupantes do carro e demais pessoas no trânsito. Um pneu NOVO deste, custa por volta de R$ 550,00 ! Mando fotos pelo zap.
R$ 199
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Curitiba (Paraná)
E.A.S Comércio de Pneus, Rodas e Acessórios - 02 Pneus 255/55 R18 Continental - Modelo Cross Contact UHP - Com aproximadamente 60/65% de vida útil, sendo um vulcanizado - Pneus 255 55 18 * Confirmar estoque antes por telefone ou WhatsApp. * Entre em contato com a EAS Comércio de Pneus: (41) 99988-3260 (WhatsApp e ligação) * Temos outras opções de pneus e rodas (Ferro e Esportiva). * Aceitamos trocas: Pneus e rodas como parte de pagamento, mediante avaliação pessoalmente. * Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro e cartão de débito. * Cartão de crédito e parcelamento em até 12x (c/ pequeno acréscimo). * Local coberto. Nossos serviços: - Vendas de pneus e rodas; - Montagem e desmontagem; - Balanceamento; - Conserto de pneus (simples e vulcanização); - Restauração de rodas. Estamos abertos de segunda-feira a sábado. Nosso Endereço: - Rua João Bonat, 94, Novo Mundo, Curitiba, CEP 81050-170. Horário de funcionamento: - Segunda-feira a sexta-feira das 08h30 às 18h00 - Sábado das 08h30 às 16h00 - Horários alternativos: Fazer agendamento. Atenção: * Confirmar estoque antes por telefone ou WhatsApp. * Aceitamos pneus e rodas como parte de pagamento, mediante avaliação pessoalmente. * Testamos os pneus na hora da instalação. Qualquer dúvida estamos à disposição! E.A.S Comércio de Pneus, Rodas e Acessórios.
R$ 540
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Pneu continental contact at 205/60/16 valor Rs 499,00 a unidade Pneu rodou, 1000 km praticamente zero km Sem furo, remendo ou vulcamização Tenho 2 unidades So vendo o par
R$ 450
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Vila Velha (Espírito Santo)
Jogos de pneus aro 18..255/60/18,, muito novos.continental Cross contact.originais.preço 249.90 cada tel 27.998070166/999211934. Trabalho com cartão de crédito e pik pay.
R$ 249
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Curitiba (Paraná)
E.A.S Comércio de Pneus, Rodas e Acessórios - Par de Pneus Continental 195/60r16 - Modelo Cross Contact LX - Com aproximadamente 65% de vida útil, vulcanizados * Confirmar estoque antes por telefone ou WhatsApp. * Entre em contato com a EAS Comércio de Pneus: (41) 99988-3260 (WhatsApp e ligação) * Temos outras opções de pneus e rodas (Ferro e Esportiva). * Aceitamos trocas (pneus e rodas de menor valor). * Formas de pagamento: Dinheiro e cartão de débito. * Cartão de crédito e parcelamento em até 12x (c/ pequeno acréscimo). * Local coberto. Nossos serviços: - Vendas de pneus e rodas; - Montagem e desmontagem; - Balanceamento; - Conserto de pneus (simples e vulcanização); - Restauração de rodas; - Vendas de bateria. Qualquer dúvida estamos à disposição! E.A.S Comércio de Pneus, Rodas e Acessórios
R$ 499
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Normandia (Roraima)
the bike is in excellent working condition very clean an new you can whatsapp..+971556543345 ......the bike is in excellent working condition very clean an new you can whatsapp..+971556543345
R$ 4.800
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Original da HRV, tenho outras marcas e medidas, pneus usados, rodas de ferro, rodas de alumínio avulsas ou jogos, monto estepe para seu veículo, consulte
R$ 1.300
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Pneu 185 60 15 Continental Pneu meia vida Modelo Conti Valor de cada Pneu Vendemos avulsos Pneus com aproximadamente 70% de vida útil Garantia de 3 meses Aplicação linha chevrolet Temos várias outras medidas Consulte nos Somos um Auto Center Estamos Próximo a Ponte João Dias Na Zona Sul de São Paulo Na Vila Cruzeiro Rua Laguna 817 Travessa da Avenida João Dias cep 04728-001 avant Rodas Atendemos desde 1983 Consulte nos Fixo 11 2737 3562 Chama no Whats 11 2737 3562
R$ 320
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Angra dos Reis (Rio de Janeiro)
Contact E mail ; 2004 MMC Street Monster Chopper - factory built and priced to sell. This is a manufactured bike and titled as a MCC motorcycle -113" Polished S&S Super Sidewinder engine -Dyno tested at 100HP and 117 ft/lbs of torque -6 speed transmission -Chrome inverted front forks -Polished billet aluminum wheels with matching rotors and pulley -Stainless throttle, clutch and brake cables -Chrome handlebars and hand controls -Polished billet aluminum brake calipers -2 into 1 exhaust -250 rear tire -Custom paint -Rigid frame -Built in 2004 and ridden less than 600 miles -Always garage stored VIN (Vehicle Identification Number): 1M9SM299744500016 Year: 2004 Exterior Color: Black Make: Custom Built Motorcycles Engine Size (cc): 1,850 Model: Chopper Mileage: 567 Contact Email: SKYPE : junior.sportel
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Contact: Mr.Rodge E-mail: Skype: rodge_chinalutong CHINA-LUTONG é um fabricante que se especializam na injeção de peças Diesel Fuel em todo o mundo. Nós estabelecemos as linhas de produção para Common Rail Injector, a Valve Common Rail, o rotor principal, bocal, atuador, válvula de entrega, Cam Plate, bomba de alimentação, Drive Shaft etc. Sendo um velho fabricante para substituição de produtos injetion diesel, temos uma fabricação avançada Technic e modelos de negócio. 096400-1000 22140-6A511 096000-4320 TOYOTA 2C-L 096400-1010 22140-55110 096000-3850 TOYOTA 1N-T 096400-1020 22140-55190 096000-3510 TOYOTA 1N 096400-1030 22140-54263 096000-1601 MITSUBISHI 4D6 096400-1050 096000-1161 DAIHTSU CL10 096400-1060 22140-58690 096000-3810 TOYOTA 3B 096400-1080 096000-2160 MITSUBISHI 4D5-SL 096400-1090 22140-55130 096000-2990 TICO 2J 096400-1110 096000-2071 DAIHTSU CL-T 096400-1130 096000-4460 MITSUBISHI 4D65T 096400-1140 096000-7120 MITSUBISHI 4D65 096400-1160 22140-5B270 096000-7090 TOYOTA 1N-T 096400-1180 096000-0510 MAZDA XA 096400-1190 22140-87706-000 096000-3600 DAIHTSU CL-T 096400-1210 22140-78330-71 096000-7300 TICO 12Z 096400-1220 096000-1840 KOMATSU 4D95L 096400-1230 8-97161856-0 096000-2831 ISUZU 4JG2 096400-1240 22140-56350 096000-4640 TOYOTA 14B 096400-1250 22140-54730 096000-4910 TOYOTA 3L 096400-1260 22140-56290 096000-4530 TOYOTA B 096400-1270 22140-6A590 096000-5170 TOYOTA 2C-T 096400-1300 22140-78200-71 096000-3620 TICO 1DZ 096400-1320 22140-17140 096000-6400 TOYOTA 1HD-T 096400-1330 22140-17010 096000-6261 TOYOTA 1HZ 096400-1360 22140-6D050 096000-6940 TOYOTA 2C-TL 096400-1400 22140-55230 096000-7850 TOYOTA 1N 096400-1430 MD627098 096000-8104 MITSUBISHI 4S68T 096400-1441 096500-3071 TOYOTA 1KZ-TE 096400-1481 096500-2011 TOYOTA 3C-TE 096400-1490 22140-6D500 096000-9330 TOYOTA 2C-L 096400-1500 22140-17810 196000-2300 TOYOTA 1HZ 096400-1581 22140-5C090 196000-0062 TOYOTA 15B-F 096400-1600 196000-1490 ISUZU 4JB1 096400-1700 22140-17841 096000-9721 TOYOTA 1HD-FT 096400-1710 196000-1383 MAZDA J19A 096400-1790 22140-5B820 196000-2521 TOYOTA 2L 0445 110 105 0445 110 106 0445 110 107 0445 110 108 0445 110 126 0445 110 216 0445 110 290 0445 110 291 0445 110 293 0445 110 305 0445 110 313 0445 110 317 0455 110 318 0445 110 321 0445 110 333 0445 110 334 0445 110 334 0445 110 335 0445 110 343 0445 110 348 0445 110 356 0445 110 380 0445 110 397 0445 110 432 0445 120 007 0445 120 020 0445 120 040 0445 120 059 0445 120 074 0445 120 078 0445 120 081 0445 120 083 0445 120 083 0445 120 084 0445 120 086 0445 120 087 0445 120 106 0445 120 110 0445 120 117 0445 120 121 0445 120 122 0445 120 123 0445 120 124 0445 120 126 0445 120 127 0445 120 129 0445 120 130 0445 120 134 0445 120 149 0445 120 150 0445 120 156 0445 120 156 0445 120 160 0445 120 163 0445 120 164 0445 120 165 0445 120 169 0445 120 170 0445 120 191/260 0445 120 192/264 0445 120 213 0445 120 214 0445 120 215 0445 120 222 0445 120 224 0445 120 225 0445 120 226 0445 120 227 0445 120 231 0445 120 232 0445 120 236 0445 120 244 0445 120 261 0445 120 265 0445 120 266 0445 120 277 0445 120 289 0445 120 290 0445 120 290 0445 120 290 0445 120 291 0445 120 292 0445 120 293 0445 120 304 0445 120 310 0445 120 310 0445 120 373 0445 120 382 0445 120 393 095000-5214 095000-5215 095000-5471/8901 095000-5473 095000-5501 095000-5502 095000-5511 095000-5513 095000-5515 095000-5942 095000-5960 095000-6070 095000-6221 095000-6222 095000-6223 095000-6340 095000-6351 095000-6353 095000-6581 095000-6583 095000-6591 095000-6592 095000-6593 095000-6631 095000-6692 095000-6700 095000-6701 095000-6790 095000-6791 095000-6860 095000-6861 095000-7050 095000-8010 095000-8011 095000-8100
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Contact Us on email and whatsapp.. WhatApp:: +447451288473 Email:: [email protected]
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Used Yamaha 60hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine,Yamaha F20BEPL 20hp Outboard Motor Engine Contact Email: BB PIN: 23B7E360 Skype Chat: o_store96 WhatsApp: +2349033651125 ICQ: 640647955 USED OUTBOARD ALL NEW SERIES Used Yamaha 9.9hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 800usd Used Yamaha 15hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 1000usd Used Yamaha 20hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 1200usd Used Yamaha 25hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 1400usd Used Yamaha 40hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 1500usd Used Yamaha 60hp 4-Stroke Outboard boat Engine at 1700usd Used Yamaha 90HP 4 Stroke Outboard Motor Engine Used Suzuki 90HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Suzuki 9.9HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Yamaha F200TXR Outboard Motor Yamaha-vmax-SHO-250HP-Outboard-Motor-8-000-Mercury-90HP-Four-Stroke-Outboard-Moto Used Yamaha 9.9hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1000usd Used Yamaha 15hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1200usd Used Yamaha 20hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1400usd Used Yamaha 40hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1500usd Used Yamaha 60hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1700usd Used Yamaha 100hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2000usd Used Yamaha 170hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1200usd Used Yamaha 200hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2500usd Used Yamaha 350hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 3500usd Used Honda 20HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1000usd Used Honda 25HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1200usd Used Honda 30HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1400usd Used Honda 40HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1600usd Used Honda 50HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1700usd Used Honda 60HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 1850usd Used Honda 135HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 2000usd Used Honda 150HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 2200usd Used Honda 200HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 2600usd Used Honda 250HP 4-Strokes outboard Motor at 3300usd Used Suzuki 20HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1000usd Used Suzuki 40HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1200usd Used Suzuki 60HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1500usd Used Suzuki 65HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 1700usd Used Suzuki 70HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2000usd Used Suzuki 90HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2200usd Used Suzuki 100HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2300usd Used Suzuki 140HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 2500usd Used Suzuki 250HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 3000usd Used Suzuki 255HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 3000usd Used Suzuki 300HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 4800usd Used Evinrude 9.8HP 4 Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 800usd Used Evinrude 25HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 1000usd Used Evinrude 30HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 1200usd Used Evinrude 50HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 1500usd Used Evinrude 60HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 1700usd Used Evinrude 75HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 195usd Used Evinrude 90HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 2100usd Used Evinrude 115HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 2400usd Used Evinrude 175HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 2600usd Used Evinrude 200HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 3000usd Used Evinrude 225HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 3200usd Used Evinrude 250HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 3500usd Used Evinrude 300HP 4 Strokes Outboard Motor Engine at 4200usd Used Mercury 9.9HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor at 900usd Used Mercucy 15HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 1200usd Used Mercucy 50HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 150usd Used Mercucy 90HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 1800usd Used Mercucy 110HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 220usd Used Mercucy 115HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 2450usd Used Mercucy 175HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 2800usd Used Mercucy 200HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 300usd Used Mercucy 250HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 3200usd Used Mercucy 300HP 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine at 4000usd New Yamaha Yamaha F20BEPL 20hp Outboard Motor Engine.2,500usd Yamaha F30BETL 30hp Outboard Motor Engine.3,000usd Yamaha F40FEDL 40hp Outboard Motor Engine.3,500usd Yamaha F60CETL 60hp Outboard Motor Engine.5,500usd Yamaha F70AETL 70hp Outboard Motor Engine.6,000usd Yamaha F75LA 75hp Outboard Motor Engine...5,820usd Yamaha F80BETL 80hp Outboard Motor Engine.7,500usd Yamaha F90JA 90hp Outboard Motor Engine...7,600usd Yamaha F100DETL 100hp Outboard Motor Engine.9,000usd Yamaha F115JA 115hp Outboard Motor Engine...8,152usd Yamaha F300UCA 300hp Outboard Motor Engine.11,000usd Yamaha F20LEHA 20HP 4-Stroke Outboards Motor...........2,000usd Yamaha F25D 25HP 4-stroke outboard tiller handle.......2,500usd Yamaha F115XA 115hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor In-Line....4,000usd Yamaha F150LA 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor In-Line....5,900usd Yamaha F150XA 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor In-Line....4,900usd Yamaha F150TLR 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor In-Line...7,000usd Yamaha F150TXR 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor In-Line...5,800usd Yamaha F150JA 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Jet Drive..6,600usd Yamaha F200XA 200hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor High Power.9,300usd Yamaha F225TLR 225hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Sport.....9,300usd Yamaha LF150XA 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine.10,000usd Yamaha LF200XA 200hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine.12,000usd Yamaha LF225XCA 225hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine.13,500usd Yamaha LF250UCA 250hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine.14,500usd Yamaha LF350XCB 350hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor Engine.15,000usd Yamaha High Thrust FT25FETL 25hp 4-Stroke Outboard Engine.2,000usd Yamaha High Thrust FT50GETL 50hp 4-Stroke Outboard Engine.5,000usd Yamaha High Thrust FT60DETL 60hp 4-Stroke Outboard Engine.6,500usd New Mercury Mercury 9.9EXLHPT 9.9hp ProKicker Outboard Motor.2,000usd Mercury 15ELHPT 15hp ProKicker Outboard Motor....2,400usd Mercury 20ELHPT 20hp Outboard Motor..............2,600usd Mercury 25ELPT 25hp JET Outboard Motor...........2,700usd Mercury 30ELHPT 30hp EFI Outboard Motor..........3,100usd Mercury 40ELPT 40hp Jet Outboard Motor...........3,800usd Mercury 50ELPT 50hp Bigfoot Outboard Motor.......4,000usd Mercury 60EXLPT 60hp Bigfoot Outboard Motor......4,200usd Mercury 75ELPT 70hp EFI Outboard Motor...........4,500usd Mercury 80ELPT 80hp JET OptiMax Outboard Motor...5,000usd Mercury 90EXLPT 90hp EFI Outboard Motor..........5,400usd Mercury 110ELPT 110hp JET OptiMax Outboard Motor....6,000usd Mercury 115ELPT 115hp OptiMax-ProXS Outboard Motor..6,500usd Mercury 115ELPT 115hp EFI Outboard Motor 4-Stroke...6,200usd Mercury 125EXLPT 125hp OptiMax Outboard Motor.......6,800usd Mercury 150CXL 150hp Verado Outboard Motor..........8,000usd Mercury 200CXL 200hp Verado Outboard Motor.........10,500usd Mercury 225CXL 225hp Verado Outboard Motor.........12,700usd Mercury 250CXXL 250hp Verado Outboard Motor........13,500usd New Suzuki Suzuki DF9.9THX1 9.9hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.1,700usd Suzuki DF15AES 15hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor....2,600usd Suzuki DF20AEL 20hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor....1,300usd Suzuki DF25RL 25hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.....1,500usd Suzuki DF4S 45hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.......3,000usd Suzuki DF6S 65hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.......4,000usd New Honda Honda BF50D2XRT 50hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.....4,600usd Honda BFP60A1XRT 60hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor....5,500usd Honda BF75D2LRTA 75hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor....6,000usd Honda BF90D2XRT 90hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.....6,600usd Honda BF115DLA 115hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor.....7,000usd Honda BF115D1XCA 115hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor...7,800usd Honda BF135A2XCA 135hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor...9,000usd Honda BF150A2XCA 150hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor...9,700usd Honda BF200K2XCA 200hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor..10,500usd Honda BF225K2XXC 225hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor..12,900usd Honda BF250AXXCA 250hp 4-Stroke Outboard Motor..13,500usd Type: Outboard Motor Year: Current Model: F15 HP Model Number: F15LEHA Series: Four Stroke Portable HP: 15 Engine Type: 2 Cylinder Displacement: 22.1 ci (362 cc) Borex Stroke: 63 x 58.1 mm (2.48 x 2.29in) Prop Shaft Horsepower: 15 at 5500 RPM Compression Ratio: 9.3 RPM Range: 5000-6000 Fuel Induction System: Carbureted SOHC Fuel Type: Unleaded gasoline (minimum pump octane 87) Exhaust: Thru prop Ignition System: CDI Micro Computer CARB Rating: 3-Star Alternator Outputat WOT: 10A Starting System: Electric Lubrication: Wet Sump Oil Capacity: 1.7 quarts Recommended Engine Oil: Yamalube 4M Gear Ratio: 2.08 Control Type: Tiller Handle Trolling Throttle Adjustment: N/A Cooling: Water, Thermostatic Control Weight: 122 lb Gear Shift: F-N-R Command Link System: No Enhanced Ultimate Corrosion Protection System UCP: Standard Feature Power Trim and Tilt: No Power Tilt: No Shaft Length: 20 inch Gearcase Rotation: Right Hand (Standard) Propeller: Standard 9.25 x 11 aluminum Freshwater Flush: Yes Contact Email: BB PIN: 23B7E360 Skype Chat: o_store96 WhatsApp: +2349033651125 ICQ: 640647955
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Itaguaçu da Bahia (Bahía)
We offer best services and distributions of boat engines (Evinrude, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Tohatsu, Mercury outboards engines and more). All our outboard engines are working in great conditions. We have 2 strokes and 4 strokes engine from 20 Horsepower to 350 Horsepower. Contact; boatengines4sale. gmail. com ======================== EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS ======================== Evinrude 25hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $850 Evinrude 30hp fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $1,000 Evinrude 40hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $1,150 Evinrude 50hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $1,350 Evinrude 60hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $1,800 Evinrude 75hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $2,270 Evinrude 90hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $2,400 Evinrude 115hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $2,820 Evinrude 125hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $3,120 Evinrude 135hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $3,550 Evinrude 140hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $3,700 Evinrude 150hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $4,250 Evinrude 175hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $4,515 Evinrude 200hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $5,225 Evinrude 235hp Fuel Injected ETEC Outboard... $5,490 ===================== HONDA OUTBOARD MOTORS ===================== Honda 15hp Portable 4 Stroke Outboard... $600 Honda 20hp Portable 4 Stroke Outboard... $840 Honda 25hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,000 Honda 30hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,250 Honda 40hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,560 Honda 40hp 4 Stroke Jet Outboard... $2,900 Honda 50hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,985 Honda 60hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,700 Honda 65hp 4 Stroke Jet Outboard... $3,400 Honda 75hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,150 Honda 200hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $4,660 Honda 225hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $5,350 Honda 250hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $6,000 ======================= MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS ======================= EFI Mercury Motors: Mercury 15hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,115 Mercury 20hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,230 Mercury 25hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,100 Mercury 30hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,650 Mercury 40hp EFI 4 Stroke... $2,050 Mercury 50hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,400 Mercury 60hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,690 Mercury 100hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,150 Mercury 150hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,640 Mercury Jet Motors: Mercury 65hp 4 Stroke jet Outboard... $3,200 Mercury 80hp 4 Stroke jet Outboard... $3,800 Mercury SeaPro Motors: Mercury 15hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $2,450 Mercury 40hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $2,880 Mercury 60hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $2,960 Mercury 75hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $3,240 Mercury 90hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $3,600 Mercury 115hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $3,900 Mercury 150hp 4 Stroke SeaPro Outboard... $4,250 Mercury 200hp 4 Stroke V6 SeaPro Outboard... $5,600 Mercury 225hp 4 Stroke V8 SeaPro Outboard... $5,800 Mercury 250hp 4 Stroke V8 SeaPro Outboard... $7,200 Mercury 300hp 4 Stroke V8 SeaPro Outboard... not in stock Mercury Pro XS Motors: Mercury 115hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $5,950 Mercury 150hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $6,400 Mercury 175hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $6,800 Mercury 200hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $7,180 Mercury 225hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $7,550 Mercury 250hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $8,280 Mercury 300hp Pro XS 4 Stroke Outboard... $9,400 ====================== SUZUKI OUTBOARD MOTORS ====================== Suzuki 25hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,550 Suzuki 30hp EFI 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,940 Suzuki 40hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,590 Suzuki 50hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,000 Suzuki 60hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,320 Suzuki 115hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,560 Suzuki 140hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,700 Suzuki 150hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,150 Suzuki 175hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,550 Suzuki 200hp 4 Stroke Outboard...$3,900 Suzuki 225hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $4,000 Suzuki 250hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $4,160 Suzuki 300hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $5,000 Suzuki 350hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $5,450 ====================== YAMAHA OUTBOARD MOTORS ====================== Yamaha 20hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $880 Yamaha 25hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $900 Yamaha 30hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $980 Yamaha 40hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,450 Yamaha 50hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,600 Yamaha 60hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $1,980 Yamaha 70hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,600 Yamaha 75hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $2,700 Yamaha 90hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,140 Yamaha 100hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,280 Yamaha 115hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,400 Yamaha 130hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,600 Yamaha 150hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $3,700 Yamaha 175hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $4,500 Yamaha 200hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $4,860 Yamaha 200hp V6 4 Stroke Outboard... $7,560 Yamaha 225hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $6,800 Yamaha 250hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $7,000 Yamaha 300hp 4 Stroke Outboard... $8,650 Yamaha 350hp 4 Stroke Outboard... not in stock With any question and inquiries regarding our boat engines, please message us and we will be happy to answer and assist you with your orders. Contact E-mail; boatengines4sale. gmail. com
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Alagoinha PB (Paraíba)
Yamaha Lf300xca, 300 Hp, 25' Shaft, Digital, Electric, Pt&t, Offshore 4.2l All our outboard Engines are brand new original, working perfect in good conditions. we carry 4 strokes outboard engines from 20hp to 350hp of different brands such as Johnson, Evinrude, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki, Tohatsu, Mercury outboards Purchase your choice of quality outboard engines at cheap and affordable price. Contact for Purchase. Sales Manager: Rayhan Jafar Mikhail (moto Centro Limited) Mail: sales. motocentroltd. com website: www. motocentroltd. com Whatsapp Chat Number: +14848419285 Price: $8500usd Brand: Yamaha Motor, Yamaha Motor Weight: 229 kg (505 lbs) Manufacturer Item Number: Lf300xca Warranty: 3 Year Limited Pleasure Boat - 1 Year Limited Commercial Degree Of Tilt: 67° Thermostat Controlled Cooling System: Standard Feature Alternator Output: 50 Amp, 70 Amp Bore And Stroke: 96 x 96mm (3.78 x 3.78 in) Carb Rating: 3-star Compression Ratio: 10.3:1 Cooling System: Thermostatic Control Degree Of Trim: -3° through +16° Displacement: 4.2l (254 ci) Engine Oil Capacity: 6.3l/6.0l w/with filter Engine Type: V6 Four Stroke Exhaust System: Through Propeller Fuel Induction System: Electronic Fuel Injection Gear Case Rotation: Standard (rh) Gear Shift: Forward, Neutral, Reverse Gearcase Ratio: 1.75:1 Gearcase Rotation: (lh) Counter Horsepower: 300 Ignition: Tci Microcomputer Intake: Single Throttle Valve Model Number: Lf300xca Mounting Centers: 28.6' Multi Function Gauges: Optional Equipment Oil Capacity: 6.7l/6.4l Power Trim & Tilt: Yes Recommended Fuel: Octane 87, 10% Maximum Recommended Fuel Filtration: Yamaha 10-micron Fuel/water Separating Filter (external) Standard Feature Recommended Oil: Yamalube 4m (see owner's manual) Shaft Length: 25' Spark Plug: Lfr6a-11-00-000 Starting System: Electric Steering Angle Maximum: 32° from center, either direction Yamaha Propellers: Optional Equipment Year: Current Command Link System: Compatible Full Throttle Rpm Range: 5000-6000 Lubrication System: Wet sump Purchase your choice of quality outboard engines at cheap and affordable price. Contact for Purchase. Sales Manager: Rayhan Jafar Mikhail (moto Centro Limited) Mail: sales@motocentroltd. com website: www. motocentroltd. com Whatsapp Chat Number: +14848419285
R$ 43.000
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Alto Boa Vista (Mato Grosso)
2020 Toyota Tundra TRD Pro Silver i-Force 5.7L V8 Clean User Like New GCC Spec Sliver Color 1 X owner No Accident offer 28,000 Euro VIN: 5TFDY5F17LX9----- Note : Only serious buyers should contact me. Mr Adel Nasser Saleh Contact Email:...(
R$ 29.000
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Samsung 65. Samsung 65" Q900T (2020) QLED 8K UHD Smart TV cost $2,000 LG 65 Inch (2020) NanoCell 8K Ultra HD Smart TV cost $1,500 for sales interested buyers contact me at Anunciante Agim Registrado desde: 04 Setembro 2021 E-mail: Ver telefones WhatsApp Conversar LG 65 Inch (2020) NanoCell 8K Ultra HD Smart TV cost $1,500 for sales interested buyers contact me at" data-link-indicacao="/classificados/samsung-65?id=267598" data-image-indicacao="/media/user/images/original/e589a3e01b97aafd47e28a70b63111d6.jpg"> indicar para um amigo imprimir Avaliação 0 / 0 (0 Classificações) Deixe sua avaliação Relatar anúncio
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
2022 Specialized S-Works Epic Frameset - Speed of Light. 20/22 ROAD AND MOUNTAIN BIKES NOW IN STOCK FOR SALE ! All models of Specialized, YT Decoy, Trek, Cannondale, Norco, Gary Fisher, Klein, GT, Scott, Cervélo, Pinarello, Colnalgo, Look, Time, Yeti, Felt, Focus, Giant, Santa Cruz, Rocky Mountain, Kona, Whyte, Ellsworth, Jamis, Litespeed, De Rosa, Fuji, Bianchi and Marin Bikes Are Also Available In Stock. Save Big, Buy Direct. Brand New Original Bicycles. Full Factory Warranty. Contact Person: Greg Milton E-mail: Phone: +1-347-391-4234 Prices are in U.S. Dollars! Specialized 2022 Mountain Bikes: 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Expert $3,100 2022 Specialized S-Works Stumpjumper $7,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Kenevo SL Comp $6,000 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Pro $5,600 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Expert Carbon $7,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Comp Carbon $5,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Comp Carbon $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo Frameset $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL Frameset $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic Frameset - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic Frameset $3,300 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper Expert $2,900 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Enduro LTD $9,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Expert $8,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Stumpjumper EVO $8,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Kenevo SL Expert $8,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Enduro $7,500 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper Pro $4,900 2022 Specialized Epic Expert $3,200 2022 Specialized Demo Expert $2,500 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Comp $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Pro $10,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Comp $4,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Comp $4,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic - Speed of Light Collection $12,000 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Elite Alloy $2,600 2022 Specialized Turbo Tero 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Enduro Comp $2,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo SL $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic EVO $10,000 Specialized 2022 Road Bikes: 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO $11,750 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Expert EVO $6,750 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Expert $6,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon EVO $4,250 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon $4,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp E5 $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 Frameset - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos Frameset - Sagan Collection: Disruption $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 Frameset $2,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - SRAM Red eTap AXS $10,500 2022 Specialized Diverge Expert Carbon $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Shiv TT Disc Module - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos Frameset $2,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Crux Frameset $2,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Speed of Light Collection $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 $11,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Dura-Ace Di2 $11,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Crux $9,000 2022 Specialized Aethos Pro - SRAM Force eTap AXS $5,500 2022 Specialized Crux Pro $5,000 2022 Specialized Crux Expert $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Founder's Edition $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Shiv Disc $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - SRAM Red eTap AXS $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Dura Ace Di2 $10,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Dura Ace Di2 $10,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Roubaix – SRAM Red eTAP AXS $9,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Como 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 Step-Through $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 Step-Through EQ $2,000 Open 7 Days a Week. Payment method is via Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer and Bitcoin. Shipping Company: FedEx, UPS.(ship worldwide) Delivery Time: 3- 5 depending on province Anunciante Greg Registrado desde: 02 Fevereiro 2022 E-mail: Ver telefones WhatsApp Conversar All models of Specialized, YT Decoy, Trek, Cannondale, Norco, Gary Fisher, Klein, GT, Scott, Cervélo, Pinarello, Colnalgo, Look, Time, Yeti, Felt, Focus, Giant, Santa Cruz, Rocky Mountain, Kona, Whyte, Ellsworth, Jamis, Litespeed, De Rosa, Fuji, Bianchi and Marin Bikes Are Also Available In Stock. Save Big, Buy Direct. Brand New Original Bicycles. Full Factory Warranty. Contact Person: Greg Milton E-mail: Phone: +1-347-391-4234 Prices are in U.S. Dollars! Specialized 2022 Mountain Bikes: 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Expert $3,100 2022 Specialized S-Works Stumpjumper $7,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Kenevo SL Comp $6,000 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Pro $5,600 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Expert Carbon $7,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Comp Carbon $5,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Comp Carbon $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo Frameset $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL Frameset $5,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic Frameset - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic Frameset $3,300 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper Expert $2,900 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Kenevo SL $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Enduro LTD $9,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Expert $8,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Stumpjumper EVO $8,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Kenevo SL Expert $8,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Enduro $7,500 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper Pro $4,900 2022 Specialized Epic Expert $3,200 2022 Specialized Demo Expert $2,500 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Comp $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Pro $10,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo SL Comp $4,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Levo Comp $4,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic - Speed of Light Collection $12,000 2022 Specialized Stumpjumper EVO Elite Alloy $2,600 2022 Specialized Turbo Tero 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Enduro Comp $2,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Levo SL $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Epic EVO $10,000 Specialized 2022 Road Bikes: 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL EVO $11,750 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Expert EVO $6,750 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Expert $6,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon EVO $4,250 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp Carbon $4,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Creo SL Comp E5 $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 Frameset - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos Frameset - Sagan Collection: Disruption $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 Frameset $2,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - SRAM Red eTap AXS $10,500 2022 Specialized Diverge Expert Carbon $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Shiv TT Disc Module - Speed of Light Collection $4,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos Frameset $2,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Crux Frameset $2,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Speed of Light Collection $12,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 $11,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Dura-Ace Di2 $11,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Crux $9,000 2022 Specialized Aethos Pro - SRAM Force eTap AXS $5,500 2022 Specialized Crux Pro $5,000 2022 Specialized Crux Expert $3,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Founder's Edition $11,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Shiv Disc $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - SRAM Red eTap AXS $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Turbo Creo SL $10,500 2022 Specialized S-Works Tarmac SL7 - Dura Ace Di2 $10,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Aethos - Dura Ace Di2 $10,000 2022 Specialized S-Works Roubaix – SRAM Red eTAP AXS $9,500 2022 Specialized Turbo Como 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado 5.0 Step-Through $2,000 2022 Specialized Turbo Vado SL 5.0 Step-Through EQ $2,000 Open 7 Days a Week. Payment method is via Credit Card, PayPal, Bank Transfer and Bitcoin. Shipping Company: FedEx, UPS.(ship worldwide) Delivery Time: 3- 5 depending on province " data-link-indicacao="/classificados/2022-specialized-s-works-epic-frameset-speed-of-light-collection?id=268929" data-image-indicacao="/media/user/images/original/1fce32a289a8f1fe0d4fa434c9fff855.jpeg"> indicar para um amigo imprimir Avaliação 0 / 0 (0 Classificações) Deixe sua avaliação Relatar anúncio
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Brasil (Todas cidades)
JUO-Mandy whatsapp:+8613386901265 mandy(at)china-lutong(doc).net #cav vehicle parts #Delphi Blade Kit #ford tractor cav injector pump #injection pump cav parts #lucas automotive parts #lucas cav diesel fuel injection pump #lucas cav diesel pump Our Advantage: high quality and competitive price Sample order accepted Quality Warranty Quick lead time Prompt Delivery International Approval Return Policy At CHINA-LUTONG we work for your satisfaction and have a liberal 30 day return policy. We create each product page to include the information you need to know to make an informed decision that will satisfy your needs. We provide phone and email support to answer any questions you may have before making your purchase. Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable with experience in the Heavy Machinery industry. Please contact us if you have any concerns regarding your purchase. Returned parts within 30 days are subject to a restocking fee of up to 30% and return shipping costs. The part must be in an unused condition and in its original packaging. If you need to return a part or replace it with another one it is best to contact us before returning it. We want to work with you to maximize your satisfaction.
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Aguaí (São Paulo)
#Solenoid Spring SHIM BOX CRI#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET CRI#Solenoid Spring Shim Denso#solenoid valve spring force adjusting shim#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Adjusting Shims#Solenoid valve spring force adjustment Shims#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Washer Shims Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with 180 days Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. Professional and good after sale service. CONTACT:DENNIS:A-G-O W-H-A-T’S A-P-P:0086-133/8690/1257 Dennis AT china-lutong {DOT} net China Lutong Parts Plant is a manufacturer specialist diesel fuel injection system accessory. We have strong technique power, advanced equipment, craft, first class processing test equipment, perfect quality assurance system and excellent after services. To face the challenges of globalization of the world economy, we continuously adopt the advanced international processing and testing techniques. Our company is a science, industry and trade as a whole, production, supply and marketing of such products of the modern enterprise. Main products: Diesel pump plunger (contains type A, AD, P, PS7100, PS8500, EP9, MW and the others), Nozzle (contains type DN, PDN, S, SN, PN, DSLA, BDLL and more), Delivery Valve, Nozzles, Common Rail System Parts, VE pump parts and the accessories (such as: Head Rotor, Cam Disk, Feed Pumps, Repair Kit, Fuel injectors, Fuel injector parts, Pencil Nozzle, etc.). If you have any interested in our products or have any inquiry, Please don't hesitate to contact us. We will give you the best price, best quality and best service. Pump | Repair Kit| Rubuild Gasket| fuel injection kits | Fit for fuel injection pump rebuild kit What is Repair Kit & Rubuld Gasket? A repair kit or service kit is a set of items used to repair a device, commonly comprising both tools and spare parts. Many kits are designed for vehicles, such as cars, boats, airplanes, motorbikes, and bicycles, and may be kept with the vehicle in order to make on-the-spot repairs. Some are considered essential safety equipment, and may be included survival kits. In the military, personnel crossing large water bodies in aircraft may be equipped with a raft and raft repair kit. Other kits, such as those for watch repair or specific engine components, are used by professionals. Depending on the type, a repair kits may be included when buying a product, or may be purchased separately Hot sale Rebuild Repair kit Delivery valve,metering valve & Car Models: 161S1 MITSUBISHI/NISSAN D5006DB10/PD6T 2 418 552 027 Mercedes Benz 0M421 146430-0320(VE4) MITSUBISHI 4D55 unit pump metering valve Our factory advantage 1. Factory price 2. capacity stock available 3. High quality and 6months warranty 4. ISO Certificate 5. One-One Service 6. Professional after sales service # ve injection pump gasket kit #Fit for ve injection pump overhaul #Fit for ve injection pump timing kit #Fit for ve pump gasket kit #Fit for ve pump overhaul #Fit for ve pump seal kit China Lutong Parts Plant is specialized in fuel injections spare parts like head rotor,nozzle,plunger,Rebuild kit ,delivery valve,metering valve,control valve,and some common rail system like Common Rail Pressure Release Valve #1 110 010 035 #1 110 010 029 #1 110 010 028 #1 110 010 027 #1 110 010 026 #0 281 002 241 #0 281 002 699 #0 281 002 698 #0 281 002 243 #0 281 002 718 #0 281 002 732 #0 281 002 445 #0 281 002 943 #0 281 002 732 #0 281 006 015 #0 281 006 074 #0 281 002 507 #0 281 002 949 #0 281 006 246 #0 281 002 493 #Fit for cav injection pump front seal #Fit for cav injection pump gasket kit #Fit for cav injection pump kit #Fit for cav injection pump rebuild kit #Fit for cav injection pump seal kit #Fit for cav injection pump shaft seal #Fit for cav injector pump kit #Fit for cav injector pump repair
R$ 20
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Adamantina (São Paulo)
#Solenoid Spring SHIM BOX CRI#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET CRI#Solenoid Spring Shim Denso#solenoid valve spring force adjusting shim#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Adjusting Shims#Solenoid valve spring force adjustment Shims#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Washer Shims Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with 180 days Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. Professional and good after sale service. CONTACT:DENNIS:A-G-O W-H-A-T’S A-P-P:0086-133/8690/1257 Dennis AT china-lutong {DOT} net China Lutong Parts Plant is a manufacturer specialist diesel fuel injection system accessory. We have strong technique power, advanced equipment, craft, first class processing test equipment, perfect quality assurance system and excellent after services. To face the challenges of globalization of the world economy, we continuously adopt the advanced international processing and testing techniques. Our company is a science, industry and trade as a whole, production, supply and marketing of such products of the modern enterprise. Main products: Diesel pump plunger (contains type A, AD, P, PS7100, PS8500, EP9, MW and the others), Nozzle (contains type DN, PDN, S, SN, PN, DSLA, BDLL and more), Delivery Valve, Nozzles, Common Rail System Parts, VE pump parts and the accessories (such as: Head Rotor, Cam Disk, Feed Pumps, Repair Kit, Fuel injectors, Fuel injector parts, Pencil Nozzle, etc.). If you have any interested in our products or have any inquiry, Please don't hesitate to contact us. We will give you the best price, best quality and best service. Pump | Repair Kit| Rubuild Gasket| fuel injection kits | Fit for fuel injection pump rebuild kit What is Repair Kit & Rubuld Gasket? A repair kit or service kit is a set of items used to repair a device, commonly comprising both tools and spare parts. Many kits are designed for vehicles, such as cars, boats, airplanes, motorbikes, and bicycles, and may be kept with the vehicle in order to make on-the-spot repairs. Some are considered essential safety equipment, and may be included survival kits. In the military, personnel crossing large water bodies in aircraft may be equipped with a raft and raft repair kit. Other kits, such as those for watch repair or specific engine components, are used by professionals. Depending on the type, a repair kits may be included when buying a product, or may be purchased separately Hot sale Rebuild Repair kit Delivery valve,metering valve & Car Models: 161S1 MITSUBISHI/NISSAN D5006DB10/PD6T 2 418 552 027 Mercedes Benz 0M421 146430-0320(VE4) MITSUBISHI 4D55 unit pump metering valve Our factory advantage 1. Factory price 2. capacity stock available 3. High quality and 6months warranty 4. ISO Certificate 5. One-One Service 6. Professional after sales service # ve injection pump gasket kit #Fit for ve injection pump overhaul #Fit for ve injection pump timing kit #Fit for ve pump gasket kit #Fit for ve pump overhaul #Fit for ve pump seal kit China Lutong Parts Plant is specialized in fuel injections spare parts like head rotor,nozzle,plunger,Rebuild kit ,delivery valve,metering valve,control valve,and some common rail system like Common Rail Pressure Release Valve #1 110 010 035 #1 110 010 029 #1 110 010 028 #1 110 010 027 #1 110 010 026 #1 110 010 024 #1 110 010 022 #1 110 010 021 #1 110 010 020 #1 110 010 019 #1 110 010 018 #1 110 010 017 #1 110 010 015 #1 110 010 014 #1 110 010 013
R$ 20
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Afonso Cunha (Maranhão)
#Solenoid Spring SHIM BOX CRI#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET#SOLENOID SPRING SHIM BOX SET CRI#Solenoid Spring Shim Denso#solenoid valve spring force adjusting shim#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Adjusting Shims#Solenoid valve spring force adjustment Shims#Solenoid Valve Spring Force Washer Shims Raw Materials: GCr15 Processing Technique: Vacuum hardening Rigidity: HRC62-65 Specification:Ps7100,010,020 Type Our Advantage: 1)Factory price. 2)High quality with 180 days Warranty. 3)Capacity Stock & Arrange the goods quickly. 4)Enjoy good reputation among our customers. Professional and good after sale service. CONTACT:DENNIS:A-G-O W-H-A-T’S A-P-P:0086-133/8690/1257 Dennis AT china-lutong {DOT} net China Lutong Parts Plant is a manufacturer specialist diesel fuel injection system accessory. We have strong technique power, advanced equipment, craft, first class processing test equipment, perfect quality assurance system and excellent after services. To face the challenges of globalization of the world economy, we continuously adopt the advanced international processing and testing techniques. Our company is a science, industry and trade as a whole, production, supply and marketing of such products of the modern enterprise. Main products: Diesel pump plunger (contains type A, AD, P, PS7100, PS8500, EP9, MW and the others), Nozzle (contains type DN, PDN, S, SN, PN, DSLA, BDLL and more), Delivery Valve, Nozzles, Common Rail System Parts, VE pump parts and the accessories (such as: Head Rotor, Cam Disk, Feed Pumps, Repair Kit, Fuel injectors, Fuel injector parts, Pencil Nozzle, etc.). If you have any interested in our products or have any inquiry, Please don't hesitate to contact us. We will give you the best price, best quality and best service. Pump | Repair Kit| Rubuild Gasket| fuel injection kits | Fit for fuel injection pump rebuild kit What is Repair Kit & Rubuld Gasket? A repair kit or service kit is a set of items used to repair a device, commonly comprising both tools and spare parts. Many kits are designed for vehicles, such as cars, boats, airplanes, motorbikes, and bicycles, and may be kept with the vehicle in order to make on-the-spot repairs. Some are considered essential safety equipment, and may be included survival kits. In the military, personnel crossing large water bodies in aircraft may be equipped with a raft and raft repair kit. Other kits, such as those for watch repair or specific engine components, are used by professionals. Depending on the type, a repair kits may be included when buying a product, or may be purchased separately Hot sale Rebuild Repair kit Delivery valve,metering valve & Car Models: 161S1 MITSUBISHI/NISSAN D5006DB10/PD6T 2 418 552 027 Mercedes Benz 0M421 146430-0320(VE4) MITSUBISHI 4D55 unit pump metering valve Our factory advantage 1. Factory price 2. capacity stock available 3. High quality and 6months warranty 4. ISO Certificate 5. One-One Service 6. Professional after sales service # ve injection pump gasket kit #Fit for ve injection pump overhaul #Fit for ve injection pump timing kit #Fit for ve pump gasket kit #Fit for ve pump overhaul #Fit for ve pump seal kit China Lutong Parts Plant is specialized in fuel injections spare parts like head rotor,nozzle,plunger,Rebuild kit ,delivery valve,metering valve,control valve,and some common rail system like Common Rail Pressure Release Valve
R$ 20
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Full Option Used 2020 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sport S 4WD Very Clean Excellent Condition Accident free, Gulf specification and Affordable price $12,000 USD Vehicle Details Contact Name: Jerrod July Email: [email protected] Whatsapp Number: (35)79639-0043 Body Style: SUV Make: Jeep Model:Wrangler Year:2020 Trim:Unlimited Sport S 4WD Body type:SUV Exterior color:Bright White Clearcoat Interior color:Black Mileage:33,928 Fuel type:Gasoline Contact Name: Jerrod July Email: [email protected] Whatsapp Number: +35796390043
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Sao José do Valle do Rio Preto (Rio de Janeiro)
Bike 2011 SUZUKI Hayabusa - GSX1300R
Price $4,000*
Odometer 20,700 kms
Body Super Sport
Colour Black/red
Engine Capacity 1340
Reg Plate 1E4DB
Road Worthy Certificate Yes
VIN Js1ck111300101968
RefCode SSE-AD-2099323
Phone Number: +447035937859
Contact Number: +447011140095
Sales Manager::: +447035914611
R$ 4.000
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WE SELL ALL KIND OF SEGWAY MODEL LISTING AND PRICE Bargain Segway i2 Cargo..............$2850 Segway x2....................$3000 Segway X2 Golf...............$3500 Segway i2 Personal Transporter..$2600 Red Segway I2 New with Custom Red Handle...$3000 Segway XT Cross-Terrain Transporter........$2850 Segway Pt I2 Extras Spare Tire And X2 Conversion Kit.$2600 Segway Pt I2 Ferrari Limited Edition.................$4000 Segway Pt X2 With Extras Warranty....................$2400 Segway X2 Golf Turf 0 Miles Sealed Express...........$2400 Segway X2 Adventure Fedex W/ Light Rack Bag Extras...$2500 Custom Polished & Black Segway I2 W/ Custom Rims.....$3800 Segway I2 White Worldwide..4,100USD Orbit Baby ORB852000R Stroller Travel System G2 Ruby Slate..650USD Orbit Baby Stroller G2 - Black -- Black...450USD Orbit Baby Stroller Travel System............... US $3500 TMAX TECH MAX / ABSTMAX TECH MAX / ABS... US $2770 TMAX / ABSTMAX / ABS... US ...$1000 X-MAX 250 ABSX-MAX 250 / ABS... US $1750 Place of Origin: United Kingdom Shipping Company: FedEx, UPS & DHL(ship worldwide) Delivery Time: 3-5 depending on province. For further inquiry and prices contact us via… +447053868142
R$ 3,5
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Pacaraima (Roraima)
WE SELL ALL KIND OF SEGWAY MODEL LISTING AND PRICE Bargain Segway i2 Cargo..............$2850 Segway x2....................$3000 Segway X2 Golf...............$3500 Segway i2 Personal Transporter..$2600 Red Segway I2 New with Custom Red Handle...$3000 Segway XT Cross-Terrain Transporter........$2850 Segway Pt I2 Extras Spare Tire And X2 Conversion Kit.$2600 Segway Pt I2 Ferrari Limited Edition.................$4000 Segway Pt X2 With Extras Warranty....................$2400 Segway X2 Golf Turf 0 Miles Sealed Express...........$2400 Segway X2 Adventure Fedex W/ Light Rack Bag Extras...$2500 Custom Polished & Black Segway I2 W/ Custom Rims.....$3800 Segway I2 White Worldwide..4,100USD Orbit Baby ORB852000R Stroller Travel System G2 Ruby Slate..650USD Orbit Baby Stroller G2 - Black -- Black...450USD Orbit Baby Stroller Travel System............... US $3500 TMAX TECH MAX / ABSTMAX TECH MAX / ABS... US $2770 TMAX / ABSTMAX / ABS... US ...$1000 X-MAX 250 ABSX-MAX 250 / ABS... US $1750 Place of Origin: United Kingdom Shipping Company: FedEx, UPS & DHL(ship worldwide) Delivery Time: 3-5 depending on province. For further inquiry and prices contact us via… +447053868142
R$ 3,5
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Range Rover Evoque 2013 SUV is in excellent condition full options with leather seat clean, free of accidents, no mechanical failure, almost like new with perfect tires. please contact me by email:
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