Lines on book
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA280620 [F0263] – Capa Dura. 21 x 14,5 cm. Livro usado, muito bom; alguns riscos superficiais; pontas levemente amassadas e com tinta um pouco descascada. Bordas e corte claros com alguns leves pontos de oxidação. Miolo com grifos de caneta nas primeiras páginas; algumas páginas com pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas. Sinopse: This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley’s own “diary” lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing you ever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you ever got in for something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with? This Do-It-Yourself Book features art throughout, along with ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories, keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves. Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collected cartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2008. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Sinopse Tina Daniels is thirteen years old and a star She sings beautifully and everyone loves her Her mother has big ideas about Hollywood but Tina is not happy One day she goes away on a train Who does she meet What does she see Read about Tinas newlife Peso 0055 kg ISBN10 1405880732 ISBN13 9781405880732 Número de páginas 20 Ano de edição 2008 Idioma Inglês Tipo de produto Livro com cdaudio Método de ensino Estudo individual self study autodidata Literatura Estrangeira Paradidáticos eou leitura escolar Ensino de Línguas Readers Ensino de Línguas Leitura Simplificada Tipo de produto Novo e Impresso
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Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
Qualquer Dúvida -> Whatsapp (051) 99641-2275 Combo 2 Livros World Pass Advanced (168 páginas Studentbook Colorido + 73 páginas workbook preto e branco) - Impecáveis, praticamente novos! Sinopse: To help students expand their fluency, WORLD PASS focuses on dynamic vocabulary building, essential grammar, and stimulating listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities that emphasize the language they need for real-world communication. Peso: 0.4 kg ISBN10: 1413029159 ISBN13: 9781413029154 Número de páginas: 168 Studentbook Colorido + 73 páginas workbook preto e branco Ano de edição: 2006 Idioma: Inglês Americano - Inglês Tipo de ensino: ELT - Inglês como 2a Língua Nível de ensino final: Avançado Método de ensino: Ensino orientado pelo professor Faixa etária inicial: Adultos +21 anos Faixa etária final: Adultos +21 anos Ensino de Línguas: Cursos de Idiomas Tipo de produto: Impresso
R$ 30
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Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro)
Livro novo, embalado no plástico, recebido pelo trabalho de tradução. Livro: Operando Price Action: Lateralidades Autor: Al Brooks Conteúdo: Basics for All Three Books · Signs of Strength: Reversal Bars, Trends, Breakouts · Bar Counting Basics: High 1, High 2, Low 1, Low 2 · Definitions Breakouts: Transitioning into a new Trend · Example of How to Trade a Breakout · Signs of Strength in a Breakout · Initial Breakout · Breakout Entries in Existing Strong Trends · Failed Breakouts, Breakout Pullbacks, and Breakout Tests Gaps Magnets: Support and Resistance · Measured Moves Based on the Size of the First Leg · Measured Moves Based on Gaps and Trading Ranges · Reversals Often End at Signal Bars from Prior Failed Reversals · Other Magnets Pullbacks: Trends Converting to Trading Ranges · First Pullback Sequence: Bar, Minor Trend Line, moving average, moving average Gap, Major Trend Line · Double Top Bear Flags and Double Bottom Bull Flags · Twenty Gap Bars · Moving average gap Bars · Key Inflection Times of the Day that Set Up Breakouts and Reversals · Counting the legs of Trends and Trading Ranges · High and Low 1, 2, 3, and 4 Patterns and ABC Corrections · Wedge and Other Three Push Pullbacks · Dueling Lines: Wedge Pullback to the Trend Line · ?Reversal? Patterns: Double Tops and Bottoms and Head and Shoulders Tops and Bottoms Trading Ranges. Example of How to Trade a Trading Range · Tight Trading Ranges · Triangles Orders and Trade Management · Scalping, Swinging, Trading, and Investing · Mathematics of Trading and Directional Probability: The Odds of Making X Points Before Losing Y Points · Need Two Reasons to Take a Trade · Entering on Stops · Entering on Limits · Protective and Trailing Stops · Profit Targets · Scaling into and out of a Trade · Getting Trapped In or Out of a Trade
R$ 350
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
This book focuses on the most useful and applicable scripts for making truly interactive, engaging Web sites (and it doesn't proclaim to be the definitive all-knowing JavaScript guide).You'll not only have quick access to the scripts you need, you'll finally understand why the scripts work, how to alter the scripts to get the effects you want, and, ultimately, how to write your own groundbreaking scripts from scratch. Through his popular Web site, Nick Heinle has been showing Web designers and other nonprogrammers how to create the scripts they need. In fact, he wrote much of the JavaScript used on the Web today. This book is the culmination of his work. His explanations are clear, detailed, and accessible; everything - every script, every concept, every line - is explained so that "the rest of us" will understand.Designing with JavaScript covers many of the powerful capabilities that JavaScript is given with Dynamic HTML, in a few chapters covering important aspects of implementing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 as well as Netscape Navgigator 4.0. You'll learn how to create pages on the fly, how to identify users' browsers, how to create "rollover" effects with sound, graphics, and animation, and more. It also features a CD-ROM and Web site that provide fast access to some of the author's most useful functions and scripts, making it easy to find the code you need and to build your own custom scripts
R$ 25
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Lote de canetas plásticas antigas. Para colecionadores. Com suas cargas originais e, consequentemente, não escrevem = carga seca. PREÇO DO LOTE. Temas: 1 ? Victoria Villa Hotel; 2 ? Banco Sudameris Brasil (BIC); 3 ? BV Financeira; 4 ? Caixa (BIC); 5 ? Aliança do Brasil; 6 ? SIABI (Sistema de Automação de Bibiliotecas); 7 ? UNICEUB (BIC); 8 ? CEFOR; 9 ? Sistema CNC, SESC e SENAC; 10 ? Citibank; 11 ? Assessoria de Imprensa da Petrobrás; 12 ? Free Way (Foot Wear); 13 ? SENAC; 14 ? Air Way Cargo; 15 ? Cultura Inglesa 16 ? Secretaria de Saúde GDF; 17 ? Sistema Telebrás; 18 ? Ford; 19 ? AquaPlay Piscinas; 20 ? Mr. Book; 21 ? Siemens; 22 ? DANA; 23 ? Matte Leão; 24 ? ABIN; 25 ? Maceió Mar Hotel; 26 ? Excel Econômico; 27 ? Air Way Cargo; 28 ? Banrisul; 29 ? Losango; 30 ? Monumento Os Candangos; 31 ? TransBrasil; 32 ? Grupo Libra; 33 ? ESPN Brasil; 34 ? Air Way Cargo; 35 ? Mauá Automóveis; 36 ? Gás Natural BR; 37 ? Star Alliance; 38 ? Valle da Informática; 39 ? CIEE; 40 ? Lav E Lev Lavanderia; 41 ? Varig Brasil; 42 ? Citibank Brasil; 43 ? Bonsono; 44 ? ABDIB; 45 ? Bosch Freios; 46 ? Super Card Veneza; 47 ? FIEPE; 48 ? InfraAero; 49 ? Laço Forte Boutique; 50 ? Chesf; 51 ? Previdência Social; 52 ? Credicard; 53 ? Hotel Glória Rio; 54 ? Hotéis Othon Brasil; 55 ? Prodesivo; 56 ? Ótica Fernandes; 57 ? Cobra Tecnologia; 58 ? Imobiliária Novo Lar; 59 ? Continental Air Lines; 60 ? Hotel Nacional; 61 ? SEDEX; 62 ? Vanguarda ? O jornal de Caruaru 63 ? Marante Plaza Hotel; 64 ? Embratel; 65 ? Hotel Pestana; 66 ? ANEEL; 67 ? Óptica Versátil; 68 ? URI Santiago; 69 ? Croatia; 70 ? Coral Dulux; 71- UCS ? Universidade de Caxias do Sul; 72 ? Banrisul 2000; 73 - Wizard; 74 ? Minalba; 75 ? Educação infantil; 76 ? Gerdau; 77 ? PREVI 1994; 78 ? Sheraton; 79 ? Magic Bingo; 80 ? Prozac; 81 ? Emplavi 27 anos; 82 ? Hotel Jangadeiro; 83 ? Bradesco; 84 ? Sulamérica; 85 ? Livrarias Porto; 86 ? Capital Refrigeração; 87 ? Fininvest; 88 ? Aristus Hotel; 89 ? La Salle; 90 ? Imobiliária Zirtaeb; 91 ? Bon Marche; 92 ? Fiesp; 93 ? Bolsa do Rio; 94 ? WBI Brasil; 95 ? Editora Saraiva; 96 ? CNI ? 1ª Pesquisa de Clima Organizacional - 97 ? Avon; 98 ? Coral Dulux; 99 ? Federação do Comércio do Estado do Espírito Santo e, 100 ? Caneta Lembrança Caldas Novas. Retirada: Brasília ? DF Frete para fora por conta do comprador.
R$ 50
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Campo Largo (Paraná)
COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS ENGLISH By Bob Dgmen Este livro apresenta um vocabulário e padrões de linguagem relacionados ao ambiente de negócios e a situações comuns aos negócios. Ele cobre tópicos como: fazendo e recebendo ligações de negócios, fazendo apresentações, participando em reuniões, socializando com contatos de negócios, negociando acordos e escrevendo cartas e documentos de negócios. Contém diálogos que ilustram o vocabulário sendo usado em contexto, exercícios para reforçar o aprendizado do vocabulário, respostas dos exercícios e um CD de áudio com diálogos. Idioma: inglês. Communicating in Business English presents vocabulary and language patterns related to business environment and common business situations. Topic covered in the book include making and receiving business telephone calls, giving presentations, participating in meetings, socializing with business contacts, negotiating deals, and writing business letters and documents. * key vocabulary lists for each lesson * sample phrases, sentences, paragraphs illustrating common business language structures * cross-cultural tips and golden rules for effective communication * dialogs illustrating vocabulary usage in context * exercises for vocabulary reinforcement and usage * answer key for exercises * audio CD of the first exercise on every exercise page Contents: Chapter 1: English For The Telephone Chapter 2: English For Presentations Chapter 3: English For Meetings Chapter 4: English For Socializing Chapter 5: English For Negotiating Chapter 6: Writing For International Business: E-Mails, letters and Reports Communicating in Business English is designed for people interested in developing their communication skills for business. The focus of this book is on functional English that people need to communicate within various business environments. (from the Introduction). Estado do Livro: Livro em bom estado de conservação. Nos cantos da capa e contra-capa há alguns sinais de desgaste; pode-se observar algumas marcas de orelha nas páginas; cor amarelada nas extremidades externas. Havia pequenas e discretas notas a lápis: em geral uma referência à faixa do CD no topo da página; essas notas foram apagadas com borracha. Não foram encontrados outros grifos ou anotações; e os exercícios não estão respondidos. No geral, internamente, o livro está muito bom. O CD de áudio foi testado e está funcionando. Envio nota fiscal. MAIS DETALHES: Características principais Título do livro Communicating in Business English Autor Bob Dignen Idioma Inglês Editora do livro Compass Publishing Edição do livro First published in 1998 and 1999 Capa do livro Mole Ano de publicação 2003 Outras características Quantidade de páginas: 192 Altura: 28 cm Largura: 21.5 cm Peso: 586 g É de bolso: Não Gênero do livro: Idiomas Subgêneros do livro: Inglês,Negócios,aprendizado,exercícios,idiomas,linguagem,vocabulário Tipo de narração: Manual Acessórios incluídos: CD ISBN: 1932222170
R$ 149
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Formosa (Goiás)
Livro sem rasuras, folhas amassadas, grifos ou anotações nem sinais de manuseio. Miolo intacto. The book covers all the vocabulary needed by students aiming for band 6.5 and above in the IELTS tests and provides students with practice of exam tasks from each paper. Cambridge Vocabulary for IELTS Advanced focuses on moving students to 6.5 and beyond by working on vocabulary-building strategies necessary for success at advanced levels. It includes useful tips on how to approach IELTS exam tasks and covers especially tricky areas such as paraphrase and collocation. It is informed by the Cambridge English Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and includes real learner errors. The Audio CD contains the listening and pronunciation exercises from each unit. The material is suitable for self-study or homework tasks, and may also be used in class with the teacher.
R$ 199
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Web site design and development continues to become more sophisticated. An important part of this maturity originates with well-laid-out and well-written content. Ginny Redish is a world-renowned expert on information design and how to produce clear writing in plain language for the web. All of the invaluable information that she shared in the first edition is included with numerous new examples. New information on content strategy for web sites, search engine optimization (SEO), and social media make this once again the only book you need to own to optimize your writing for the web
R$ 75
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
The definitive guide to the vehicles from a galaxy far, far away... Learn all about your favorite Star Wars(TM) vehicles, from the A-wing to the Y-wing. Don't know your X-wing from your Y-wing? Not sure what type of craft Slave I is? Look no further than the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles. From the swamps of Kashyyyk to the deserts of Jakku, from inner-city Coruscant to the vastness of hyperspace, this new Star Wars book will show you the right craft for the job. This handy guide is full of fun facts and intriguing information, guaranteed to enthrall fans for hours on end. This encyclopedia features more than 200 weird and wonderful vehicles from the world of Star Wars, including ships and vehicles from the entire saga of movies as well as the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. One vehicle is explored in detail on each page, so there's something new even for die-hard fans. All the technology behind the vehicles such as repulsorlift craft and hyperspeed is fully explored. Detalhes do produto Capa dura: 208 páginas Editora: DK Children; Edição: 01 (3 de abril de 2018) Idioma: Inglês ISBN-10: 1465466657 ISBN-13: 978-1465466655 Dimensões do produto: 18,8 x 2,1 x 23,9 cm Peso de envio: 748 g
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
The Clone Wars Campaign Guide (Star Wars Roleplaying Game) Hardcover RPG Livro em bom estado de conservação. Capas e lombadas inteiras e com apenas leves sinais de uso. Páginas e miolo estão muito bem preservados. Bring your Star Wars Roleplaying Game Campaign into the epic battles of the Clone Wars. This book includes new information for heroes on both sides of the war, including new talents, feats, prestige classes, and equipment designed to tailor characters to the unique feel of the Clone Wars conflict. More than just information for players, The Clone Wars Campaign Guide provides Gamemasters with descriptions and statistics for starships, vehicles, allies, opponents, and planets and features in-depth information on material drawn from Lucasfilm's new CG animated series, The Clone Wars.
R$ 379
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Aracaju (Sergipe)
80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More - 9781599185057 CUT YOUR WORK IN HALF and DOUBLE YOUR SALES Guided by famed marketing consultant and bestselling author Perry Marshall, learn how to save 80% of your time and money by zeroing in on the right 20% of your market --then apply 80/202 and 80/203 to gain 10X, even 100X the success. With exclusive online tools, the 80/20 Power Curve and Marketing DNA Test, you possess the power to identify untapped markets, slash waste, and target high-profit opportunities, gaining you time and exponentially greater profits. You're in for one of those explosive moments when an interesting notion becomes a momentous epiphany...because Perry Marshall is about to blow your mind! Read slowly. Put down often. Do what Perry says. Then we can all go out to lunch and celebrate! -Michael E. Gerber, Author, The E-Myth I've read well over 1,000 business books and 80/20 Sales and Marketing is among the top 10 for actionable strategies to fast impact your bottom line. Every business person should own a copy - highlighted, dog-eared and underlined. -Bill Harrison, CEO, Bradley Communications Corp. Best business book I've read this year. Focusing only on the 20% of the 20% that really matters using the power curve and reverse thinking has made my business extremely profitable. Once you understand how to disqualify, work less and make more, life flows naturally. Powerful, little-known concepts are clearly articulated with terrific real world examples and concise summaries. -James Schramko, Founder, SuperFast Business If you don't know who Perry Marshall is -- unforgivable. -Dan Kennedy, Author, The Ultimate Marketing Plan Detalhes do produto Editora: Entrepreneur Press; Illustrated edição (13 agosto 2013) Idioma: Inglês Capa comum: 240 páginas ISBN-10: 1599185059 ISBN-13: 978-1599185057 Dimensões: 15.24 x 1.27 x 22.86 cm
R$ 69
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
Discover the secrets of your future with renowned astrologer Dr. Vinay Bajrangi. Specializing in Libra Horoscope Tomorrow and Tomorrow Horoscope readings, Dr. Bajrangi offers accurate and personalized insights to help you navigate life’s uncertainties. With over 20 years of experience, he provides expert guidance on career, relationships, finance, and more. Unravel the mysteries of tomorrow and make informed decisions today. Book your consultation now and embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future. Don’t let destiny wait – contact Dr. Vinay Bajrangi and seize control of your tomorrow! Online Report
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Written by Gerry McGovern, an internationally-acclaimed specialist in the field, Killer Web Content gives you the strategies and practical techniques you need to make your website really work for you. On the Internet, if you're not read, you're dead. Killer Web Content is an accessible, concise, and practical guide to the strategies and techniques you need to get the very best out of your online content. This book helps readers to: - provide visitors to their website with the right content at just the right time - write compelling Web content that users really respond to and want more of - make sure their website has the best possible chance of getting into the first page of search results - understand the benefits of blogs, RSS, and e-mail newsletters Web content is an increasingly important asset. It helps sell products and deliver services. From software companies to universities to governments, online content is something that has to be done right
R$ 60
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Produto Novo Porém Não Está Lacrado. Conforme Fotos.
Editora: Marvel Comics; Autor: Brian Wood, Chris Claremont; Arte: Oliver Coipel, David Lopez, Marc Silvestri; Ano: 2013; País: EUA; Idioma: Inglês; Páginas: 112; Tamanho 17cm X 26cm. Capa Normal.
The X-Women finally get their own book, from critically acclaimed superstars Brian Wood (X-MEN, ULTIMATE X-MEN, DMZ, THE MASSIVE) and Oliver Coipel (AVX, HOUSE OF M, THOR)! An old enemy shows up at the X-Men's door, seeking asylum from an ancient evil come back to earth. Meanwhile, Jubilee has come home, and she's brought with her an orphaned baby who might hold the key to the earth's survival...or its destruction. Against a backdrop of wh-t seems like an alien invasion and an eons-spanning war between brother and sister, Storm steps up and puts together a team to protect the child and stop a new threat that could destroy all life on earth! COLLECTIING: X-MEN (2013) #1-4, UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #244 (JUBILEE'S CLASSIC FIRST APPEARANCE)
R$ 89
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