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São Paulo (São Paulo)
xbox one s all digital seminovo, 5 meses de uso. acompanha caixa, cabos e controle. como brinde enviarei capinha protetora para o controle e vários grips para proteção dos analógicos. a versão all digital é para quem joga exclusivamente com mídia digital (não aceita discos). os códigos dos jogos e da live gold já foram resgatados.
R$ 1.450
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Osasco (São Paulo)
Xbox one S all digital 1 tb de hd com nota fiscal e garantia de 1 ano
Com caixa
2 jogos para ativar na Live
1 controle
R$ 1.700
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Recife (Pernambuco)
Xbox One ALL Digital Editon (1 ano e 3 meses de uso. PRATICAMENTE NOVO!). Funcionando perfeitamente (Nunca foi aberto). Caixa intacta. Nota fiscal. Cabo HDMI e cabo de força originais. 01 Joystick original. Assinatura GamePass Ultimate até Dezembro/21, benefícios: - Xbox Live Gold (jogar online),jogos grátis 4 jogos por mês. - Biblioteca com mais de 100 jogos (FIFA21, PES21, PUGB, FORTNITE, FORZA HORIZON 4, F1 e etc.). - EA Play. (Biblioteca de jogos da EletronicArts. (Exclusividade do Game Pass Ultimate) - Jogos disponíveis para PC e Android. (Exclusividade do Game Pass Ultimate) Contato/ZAP/telegram: 81999626772 Não me venham com propostas absurdas. (Só a assinatura GamePass Ultimate é mais de R$500!) Só entre em contato se realmente estiver interessado.
R$ 1.600
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Guarulhos (São Paulo)
Xbox one x 1 ano e 6 meses de uso impecável, cartão xbox live gold incluso, nunca deu problema nunca foi aberto, unico dono! 1 Controle 1 TB 13 Jogos All in one samsung tela 21.5 full hd Conexões 2 x USB 3.0; 2 x USB 2.0 | 1 x Entrada HDMI; 1x Saída HDMI | Saída Fone-de-Ouvido | Entrada p/ Microfone | Ethernet Tela articulada Web cam 720p HD Bluetooth 4.1 Leitor de cartão 3 em 1 (SD, SDHC, SDXC) Intel dual core 4GB DDR4 HD 500GB Windows 10 home Acompanha mesinha, teclado e mouse
R$ 3.000
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Xbox One Limited Edition Halo 5: Guardians Bundle Limited Halo 5: Guardians Bundle, with a custom 1TB console and controller Design inspired by Spartan Locke and UNSC technology, with custom Halo sound effects Includes a uniquely designed Spartan themed SteelBook containing a full game download of Halo 5: Guardians, Warzone REQ Bundle, FOTUS-class armor and multiplayer emblem Features a Guardian model by Metal Earth, Halo: The Fall of Reach — Animated Series, and Spartan Locke’s Classified Orders Contents UNSC and Spartan Locke-inspired Xbox One 1TB console and controller Spartan-themed SteelBook Halo 5: Guardians Limited Edition full game download Warzone REQ bundle, FOTUS-class armor, multiplayer emblem Metal Earth Guardian model Halo: The Fall of Reach — Animated Series Spartan Locke’s Classified Orders HDMI, power supply Jump ahead with Xbox One. Play the greatest games lineup in Xbox history Play the best exclusives with Halo 5: Guardians, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Forza Motorsport 6, and Gears of War: Ultimate Edition. Play your digital and disc-based Xbox 360 games. Own the biggest blockbusters like Fallout 4, FIFA 16, and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege The only one where you can play new EA games for a limited time before they’re released, including FIFA 16, Star Wars Battlefront, and Madden NFL 16 Be a Part of Xbox Live, the world’s premier gaming community Play with friends on the most advanced multiplayer network Powered by hundreds of thousands of servers that maximize performance and reduce lag and cheating The only one where you can connect with friends and play across Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs Get a better multiplayer experience with the player-powered reputation system Enjoy Games, Entertainment, and TV, all in one Quickly switch back-and-forth between games, live TV, and apps Receive multiplayer invites while watching live TV, Netflix, and Blu-ray movies Enjoy popular apps like Skype, Sling TV, NFL, HBO GO, and ESPN The only one with the OneGuide, a personalized entertainment guide across live TV, apps and more The only one that lets you snap a live stream or tutorial alongside your game Experience advanced technology that keeps getting better Pause your game and instantly resume where you left offThe only one where you can stream your Xbox One games to a Windows 10 PC or tablet in your home Get new features and enhancements all the time, with more than two hundred added since launch Play with the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller and revolutionary Kinect technology
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Lote Jogos e Controle Paralelo PS3 VENDA SOMENTE DE TODOS OS JOGOS. NÃO VENDO AVULSOS. NEM RESPONDO SOBRE VENDAS AVULSAS. JOGOS NO LOTE: NBA Live 2010 NBA 2K13 PES 2012 Playstation All Star* Cavaleiros do Zodiaco Alma dos Soldados (VENDIDO) Metal Gear Rising* Super Street Fighter IV 1 controle paralelo *Estado de novo, tirado do lacre só para teste. R$ 180,00 venda SOMENTE do lote
R$ 180
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