Livro s cavalo for
Lista mais vendidos livro s cavalo for

Cotia (São Paulo)
Livro em inglês, The Secret Garden (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children's Edition). On the grounds of Misselthwaite, her Uncle Archibald's estate near the Yorkshire moors, nine-year-old Mary Lennox finds a walled-in garden that has been locked securely for years. With the help of Dickon Sowerby, a young local boy who can charm animals, Mary cultivates the garden, an experiences that both improves her health and raises her spirits. Ultimately, the secret garden proves beneficial not only to Mary, but to her sickly cousin Colin. Nurtured with love and tenderness, the secret garden proves it has the power to heal the heart. First published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden is a much-loved classic of children's literature. This illustrated edition, with full-colour plates by Charles Robinson, features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, distinctive gilded edging, and decorative endpapers. Decorative, durable, and collectible, it's a book that will be cherished by readers of all ages.
R$ 110
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Niterói (Rio de Janeiro)
Livro CRIAÇÃO DE CAVALO E DE OUTROS EQÜINOS. 1977 Blibioteca Rural Livraria Nobel S/A CAPA DURA! EXCELENTE ESTADO DE CONSERVAÇÃO Entrego em Niterói Centro ou proximidades. Aceito Cartão!
R$ 50
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São José dos Campos (São Paulo)
Livro de Inglês (Cultura Inglesa) em ótimo estado de conservação For Real Intermediate (Edição Combinada) Student's book and workbook
R$ 50
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA240420 [F0055] – Brochura. 19,5 x 13,5 cm. 568 p. Livro usado; muito bom; riscos superficiais; alguns pontos de oxidação; contornos, junções e pontas levemente amassados e com tinta um pouco descascada; pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas e na lombada; pedaço de etiqueta na capa. Bordas e corte levemente amarelados, com pontos de oxidação. Miolo sem grifos; páginas levemente amareladas com pontas um pouco amassadas e algumas pequenas marcas de dobras. Sinopse: Jason has a problem. He doesn't remember anything before waking up on a school bus holding hands with a girl. Apparently she's his girlfriend Piper, his best friend is a kid named Leo, and they're all students in the Wilderness School, a boarding school for "bad kids." What he did to end up here, Jason has no idea-except that everything seems very wrong. Piper has a secret. Her father has been missing for three days, and her vivid nightmares reveal that he's in terrible danger. Now her boyfriend doesn't recognize her, and when a freak storm and strange creatures attack during a school field trip, she, Jason, and Leo are whisked away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood. What is going on? Leo has a way with tools. His new cabin at Camp Half-Blood is filled with them. Seriously, the place beats Wilderness School hands down, with its weapons training, monsters, and fine-looking girls. What's troubling is the curse everyone keeps talking about, and that a camper's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist they are all-including Leo-related to a god. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2011 - 2ª edição. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
The definitive guide to the vehicles from a galaxy far, far away... Learn all about your favorite Star Wars(TM) vehicles, from the A-wing to the Y-wing. Don't know your X-wing from your Y-wing? Not sure what type of craft Slave I is? Look no further than the Star Wars Encyclopedia of Starfighters and Other Vehicles. From the swamps of Kashyyyk to the deserts of Jakku, from inner-city Coruscant to the vastness of hyperspace, this new Star Wars book will show you the right craft for the job. This handy guide is full of fun facts and intriguing information, guaranteed to enthrall fans for hours on end. This encyclopedia features more than 200 weird and wonderful vehicles from the world of Star Wars, including ships and vehicles from the entire saga of movies as well as the television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. One vehicle is explored in detail on each page, so there's something new even for die-hard fans. All the technology behind the vehicles such as repulsorlift craft and hyperspeed is fully explored. Detalhes do produto Capa dura: 208 páginas Editora: DK Children; Edição: 01 (3 de abril de 2018) Idioma: Inglês ISBN-10: 1465466657 ISBN-13: 978-1465466655 Dimensões do produto: 18,8 x 2,1 x 23,9 cm Peso de envio: 748 g
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Brasil (Todas as cidades)
LUNA280620 [F0263] – Capa Dura. 21 x 14,5 cm. Livro usado, muito bom; alguns riscos superficiais; pontas levemente amassadas e com tinta um pouco descascada. Bordas e corte claros com alguns leves pontos de oxidação. Miolo com grifos de caneta nas primeiras páginas; algumas páginas com pequenas marcas de dobras nas pontas. Sinopse: This innovative interactive journal based on Greg Heffley’s own “diary” lets kids express themselves in an exciting new way. In Diary of a Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book, kids will be asked: What was the best dream you ever had? The worst thing you ever ate? The best secret you ever heard? The most trouble you ever got in for something that wasn’t even your fault to begin with? This Do-It-Yourself Book features art throughout, along with ruled and blank pages for readers to create their own stories, keep their own diaries, and record their favorites and least faves. Includes a bonus full-color comics section featuring the collected cartoons of Greg Heffley and his best friend, Rowley. Ano e edição desta publicação: 2008. (Exemplar de acordo com imagem do vendedor). *** Livro disponível para envio imediato ***
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Divinópolis (Minas Gerais)
Something is scratching around in the attic above Alison's room. Yet the only thing up there is a stack of grimy old plates. Alison and her stepbrother, Roger, discover that the flowery patterns on the plates, when traced onto paper, can be fitted together to create owls-owls that disappear when no one is watching. With each vanished owl, strange events begin to happen around Alison, Roger, and the caretaker's son, Gwyn. As the kids uncover the mystery of the owl service, they become trapped within a local legend, playing out roles in a tragic love story that has repeated itself for generations... a love story that has always ended in disaster. LIVRO NOVO, EMBALADO, IMPORTADO
R$ 50
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Fortaleza (Ceará)
Clayton?s Basic Pharmacology for nurses Livro novo(sem uso) em inglês
R$ 400
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Esta publicação apresenta os principais recursos do Microsoft Office Access 2010 para desenvolvimento de aplicações de banco de dados, por meio de um projeto exemplo de aplicativo. Indicada a estudantes e profissionais da área, traz um estudo didático, de linguagem acessível, e exercícios explicados passo a passo. Aborda conceitos e fundamentos de bancos de dados relacionais; criação e alteração de tabelas; inserção, alteração e exclusão de registros; criação, alteração e execução de consultas. Mostra a construção e o uso de formulários de entrada de dados e de relatórios, etiquetas de endereçamento e macros, elaboração de rotinas em Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) para automatizar tarefas e troca de informações do Access 2010 com Word 2010 e Excel 2010.
Título: Coleção PD Estudo Dirigido Microsoft Office Access 2010
Subtítulo: em português
Autor: William Pereira Alves
Editora: Érica
Peso: 1 Kg
Altura: 24.5 cm
Largura: 17.5 cm
Espessura: 1.5 cm
I.S.B.N: 978-85-365-0299-1
Código Universal do produto: 9788536502991
Quantidade de páginas: 264
Edição: 1ª
Ano de edição: 2010
Idioma: Português
País de origem: Brasil
Assunto: Tecnologia da Informação - Informática - Aplicativos - Banco de dados
Acabamento: Capa Fina
Formato: Médio
R$ 15
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
This book focuses on the most useful and applicable scripts for making truly interactive, engaging Web sites (and it doesn't proclaim to be the definitive all-knowing JavaScript guide).You'll not only have quick access to the scripts you need, you'll finally understand why the scripts work, how to alter the scripts to get the effects you want, and, ultimately, how to write your own groundbreaking scripts from scratch. Through his popular Web site, Nick Heinle has been showing Web designers and other nonprogrammers how to create the scripts they need. In fact, he wrote much of the JavaScript used on the Web today. This book is the culmination of his work. His explanations are clear, detailed, and accessible; everything - every script, every concept, every line - is explained so that "the rest of us" will understand.Designing with JavaScript covers many of the powerful capabilities that JavaScript is given with Dynamic HTML, in a few chapters covering important aspects of implementing Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 as well as Netscape Navgigator 4.0. You'll learn how to create pages on the fly, how to identify users' browsers, how to create "rollover" effects with sound, graphics, and animation, and more. It also features a CD-ROM and Web site that provide fast access to some of the author's most useful functions and scripts, making it easy to find the code you need and to build your own custom scripts
R$ 25
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Latina superstar Thalia is back with ¡Radiante!, a gorgeous guide for women seeking a fit and fabulous pregnancy. Having just enjoyed the same herself, Thalia is the perfect woman to advise and inspire, sharing nutrition advice, fitness tips, fashion dos and don'ts, and so much more. She's broken the book down into trimesters (including the little acknowledged but very real /
R$ 35
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Anápolis (Goiás)
Novo! Desconto de até 15% para quem mora em Anápolis! Livro: O Cavalo e seu Menino Autor: C.S. Lewis Editora: martinsfontes Terceiro Volume da Série: As Crônicas de Nárnia. Ao saber que não era filho de Arsheesh, o pescador, o jovem Shasta decide fugir da cruel Calormânia. Na companhia do cavalo falante Bree, ele parte em direção ao Norte rumo a Nárnia, onde o ar é fresco e reina a liberdade. Em sua jornada pelo deserto árido, Shasta tenta imaginar o que estará esperando por ele adiante. Tudo parece tão vasto, desconhecido, solitário... e livre. Tradução de Paulo Mendes Campos. Páginas: 192.
R$ 10
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Brasilia (Distrito Federal)
Você aspira a se tornar um artista conceitual na indústria de videogames, mas não sabe por onde começar? The Big Bad World of Concept Art for Video Games: An Insider's Guide for Students é um livro abrangente que dá aos aspirantes a artistas um olhar honesto, informativo e conciso sobre o que é preciso para fazer exatamente isso.
R$ 120
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Fortaleza (Ceará)
Livro está em ótimo estado de conservação. Premium Hardcover Book?a must-have for any fan! Plus, all of the strategy content of the standard guide! Comprehensive Walkthrough with Detailed Maps: Learn the location of every dangerous encounter, trap, shortcut, and important item in every area of the game. Equipment, Spell, and Item Data: A full armory of items, weapons, spells, armor, and upgrades for your perusal. Learn where the best equipment is located and how best to level it up. Character Build Analysis and Strategies: Use our authors? extensive testing to your advantage. We provide ideas and concepts for character builds to help you define your playstyle. Enemy Tactics and Boss Strategies: Tips and tricks for every encounter. Learn the tells for every attack that a major enemy makes so you can counter their strikes effectively.
R$ 225
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Niterói (Rio de Janeiro)
Livro em capa dura. Em excelente estado. Prima Games, an imprint of DK and a division of Penguin Random House, is the world's leading publisher of strategy content for PC and console video games. Prima Games understands what gamers--both casual and hardcore--want and need from strategy guides. Every guide features in-depth content, detailed screen captures, quick-reference tips, and professional strategies. Prima Games is also a leader in the digital strategy realm, offering interactive maps, streaming video, searchable online guides and apps, and a full website at
R$ 150
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