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Olá, muito obrigado pela sua visita! Espero que tenha gostado deste anuncio! Trabalhamos todos os dias com muito amor para enviar até você o melhor produto do mercado, com um preço justo, altíssima qualidade, excelência no atendimento, e principalmente respeito com o prazo de postagem para que você sempre receba sua compra ANTES do prazo combinado. Vamos agora a alguns detalhes sobre este anuncio: Horário de atendimento: - De Segunda a Sexta-Feira: das 08:00 às 16:00; - Responderemos sua pergunta ou mensagem em ordem de recebimento! - Assim que for postado, você receberá o seu código de rastreamento; - Se não houver nenhum atraso das transportadoras, seu pedido sempre será entregue antes do prazo. Observações: algumas tonalidades de cores podem sofrer alterações de acordo com seu monitor. As medidas das camisetas podem variar em 2CM para mais ou para menos e a malha poderá encolher até 5% após a primeira lavagem. Cuidados de Lavagem: - Vire a camiseta do avesso para lavar em máquinas ou tanquinhos; - Se for lavar à mão, não raspe a estampa; - Não use alvejante ou produtos químicos na lavagem; - Nunca use água quente ou morna; - Não passe o ferro em cima da estampa; - Secagem à sombra. Avaliações Do Produto 4.7 de 5 _rafamadureura_ 2024-06-03 17:38 | Variação: Preto/Preto,M Tamanho: M Parecido com anúncio: simm Qualidade: boa Qualidade boa chegou antes da data Útil? rodrigodalek 2024-05-13 17:40 | Variação: Blusa Branca/Calça Branca,GG Tamanho: na medida Qualidade: top Parecido com anúncio: siim Superou minhas expectativas! Muito bom e o tecido é brabo, certeza que comprarei mais da loja 7 4jfzx915vw 2024-05-25 12:12 | Variação: Preto/Preto,G Parecido com anúncio: sim Tamanho: G Qualidade: muito bom Perfeito, do jeito q eu queria ! 1 carolmaria2023 2024-06-07 14:37 | Variação: Blusa Branca/Calça Branca,G Parecido com anúncio: sim Tamanho: G Qualidade: ótima Muito linda ótima qualidade vcs tão de parabéns e chegou antes do prazo parabéns shopee. Útil? fernandosilva854 2024-05-31 16:04 | Variação: Preto/Preto,G Qualidade: boa Tamanho: certo Parecido com anúncio: sim Muito bom top em chego certinho Útil? w43vwg2b76 2024-05-31 21:53 | Variação: Preto/Preto,G Tamanho: compre maior achei a forma pequena Qualidade: boa Parecido com anúncio: igual Se usa G,melhor comprar GG por q meu filho tem 1,70 comprei o G e a blusa ficou no comprimento certo,mas pra quem gosta maior melhor pegar um número a mais Útil? 2 3 4 5 ... PRODUTOS DO MESMO VENDEDOR Ver Tudo Camisa Masculina Feminina Desenho ANIME ONE PIECE Shrohige ACE SIMPLE Camiseta Distro 100% Algodão fio 30.1 penteado Gola careca Redondacustom-overlay Camisa Masculina Feminina Desenho ANIME ONE PIECE Shrohige ACE SIMPLE Camiseta Distro 100% Algodão fio 30.1 penteado Gola careca Redonda R$ 24,90 199 vendidos Camiseta Basica Camisa Banda Black Sabbath Heavy Metal Caveira Death Corpo Plus size TamanhosG1 do P Ao G5custom-overlay Camiseta Basica Camisa Banda Black Sabbath Heavy Metal Caveira Death Corpo Plus size TamanhosG1 do P Ao G5 R$ 59,90 334 vendidos Moletom infantil São Paulo Casaco + Calça Blusa De Frio Lançamento 2024 Times Brasileirão Tricolor Conjunto Ref SPcustom-overlay Moletom infantil São Paulo Casaco + Calça Blusa De Frio Lançamento 2024 Times Brasileirão Tricolor Conjunto Ref SP R$ 179,90 111 vendidos Brinquedo Pop-it Fidget Toy Empurre Bolha Sortidoscustom-overlay Brinquedo Pop-it Fidget Toy Empurre Bolha Sortidos R$ 19,90 3 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2023 Lançamentocustom-overlay Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2023 Lançamento R$ 139,90 761 vendidos Sapatenis tênis Masculino Polo Blu Casual - Promoção Lançamento Estilo e conforto -Rota11 7700custom-overlay Sapatenis tênis Masculino Polo Blu Casual - Promoção Lançamento Estilo e conforto -Rota11 7700 R$ 59,90 2 vendidos Camiseta Basica Unissex Blusao Thrasher Logo Logo Skate Classic Style Moda 100% Algodão fio 30.1 penteado Gola careca Redondacustom-overlay Camiseta Basica Unissex Blusao Thrasher Logo Logo Skate Classic Style Moda 100% Algodão fio 30.1 penteado Gola careca Redonda R$ 34,90 132 vendidos Moletom Unissex Gola Careca Blusa de frio masculino e Feminino Estampado 2024 Lançamentocustom-overlay Moletom Unissex Gola Careca Blusa de frio masculino e Feminino Estampado 2024 Lançamento R$ 89,90 20 vendidos Camiseta Anime Personagens Camisa Uzumaki Naruto Goku Boku No Hero One Piece Anime camisa 100% algodão-Ref202custom-overlay Camiseta Anime Personagens Camisa Uzumaki Naruto Goku Boku No Hero One Piece Anime camisa 100% algodão-Ref202 R$ 24,90 6 vendidos Camiseta Geek Qualidade Premium Nostalgia Caverna do Dragão Vingador Mestre dos Magos Algodão 30.1 Malha Penteadacustom-overlay Camiseta Geek Qualidade Premium Nostalgia Caverna do Dragão Vingador Mestre dos Magos Algodão 30.1 Malha Penteada R$ 39,90 4 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Plus Size, Tamanho Grande Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024custom-overlay Conjunto Moletom Plus Size, Tamanho Grande Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 R$ 189,90 36 vendidos Camiseta Anime Death Note Estampado Unissex Camisa 100% Algodão Envio rápido- Ref201custom-overlay Camiseta Anime Death Note Estampado Unissex Camisa 100% Algodão Envio rápido- Ref201 R$ 59,90 52 vendidos Conjunto Moletom INter Miami MLS liga Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Timescustom-overlay Conjunto Moletom INter Miami MLS liga Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Times R$ 139,90 13 vendidos Conjunto de Moletom Bahia Masculino Feminino Times Brasileirão Futebol Canguru Estampado Premium Promoçãocustom-overlay Conjunto de Moletom Bahia Masculino Feminino Times Brasileirão Futebol Canguru Estampado Premium Promoção R$ 129,90 22 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Atlético Galo Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2024 Lançamento GALOcustom-overlay Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Atlético Galo Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2024 Lançamento GALO R$ 129,90 44 vendidos Camiseta Facção Central Direto Do Campo de Extermínio ALIPRALDIcustom-overlay Camiseta Facção Central Direto Do Campo de Extermínio ALIPRALDI R$ 59,99 65 vendidos Camiseta Anime One Piece Personagens Luffyeab camisa Unissex Algodão estampado Ref 203envio rápidocustom-overlay Camiseta Anime One Piece Personagens Luffyeab camisa Unissex Algodão estampado Ref 203envio rápido R$ 69,90 14 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Al Nassr Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Champions Time Europeu CR7custom-overlay Conjunto Moletom Al Nassr Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Champions Time Europeu CR7 R$ 74,90 24 vendidos Conjunto de Moletom Masculino Feminino Brasileirão Times Futebol modelo Canguru Premium Estampado com bolso e capuz Promoção VERDAOcustom-overlay Conjunto de Moletom Masculino Feminino Brasileirão Times Futebol modelo Canguru Premium Estampado com bolso e capuz Promoção VERDAO R$ 69,00 101 vendidos Blusa De Moletom Casaco Flanelado de Frio Times Europa Futebol Unissex Envio Imediato Ref Citycustom-overlay Blusa De Moletom Casaco Flanelado de Frio Times Europa Futebol Unissex Envio Imediato Ref City R$ 89,90 135 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Times Envio rápidocustom-overlay Conjunto Moletom Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Times Envio rápido R$ 69,90 123 vendidos conjunto Moletom Masculino e Feminino Calça + Blusa Linha Premium Lançamento Inverno Lançamento 2024 Atualizadocustom-overlay conjunto Moletom Masculino e Feminino Calça + Blusa Linha Premium Lançamento Inverno Lançamento 2024 Atualizado R$ 69,90 4 vendidos Camiseta Personalizada Pernalonga Estampra Premium RT Eleven camiseta Tshirt Algodão Unissex - ref 210custom-overlay Camiseta Personalizada Pernalonga Estampra Premium RT Eleven camiseta Tshirt Algodão Unissex - ref 210 R$ 89,90 Camiseta Estampada Jesus camisa Cristã Masculina e Feminina Moda Evangélica Gospel Camisa Jesus Cristo - Envio Rápido -REf 205custom-overlay Camiseta Estampada Jesus camisa Cristã Masculina e Feminina Moda Evangélica Gospel Camisa Jesus Cristo - Envio Rápido -REf 205 R$ 24,90 1 vendidos VOCÊ TAMBÉM PODE GOSTAR conjunto infantil inverno lacoste casaco calçacustom-overlay conjunto infantil inverno lacoste casaco calça R$ 68,90 6,4mil vendidos Blusa Moletom Masculina Audi Esportiva Moto Grau Estilosacustom-overlay-29% Blusa Moletom Masculina Audi Esportiva Moto Grau Estilosa R$ 99,32 833 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Real Madrid Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Champions Time Europeucustom-overlay-63% Conjunto Moletom Real Madrid Blusa + Calça Abrigo Premium Inverno Lançamento 2024 Champions Time Europeu R$ 69,90 16 vendidos KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Showcustom-overlay -15% KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Show R$ 74,00 2,3mil vendidos Lavadora Alta Pressão Portátil Regador Lava-jato Bateria 48vcustom-overlay-39% Lavadora Alta Pressão Portátil Regador Lava-jato Bateria 48v R$ 113,99 10,8mil vendidos Conjunto Infantil Menino Casaco e Calça Roupa Criança Masculino Modelo 2023custom-overlay-17% Conjunto Infantil Menino Casaco e Calça Roupa Criança Masculino Modelo 2023 R$ 66,32 157 vendidos conjunto infantil criança masculino menino de inverno casaco e calça infanto juvenilcustom-overlay conjunto infantil criança masculino menino de inverno casaco e calça infanto juvenil R$ 69,90 2,8mil vendidos Conjunto Adulto 1 Blusa E 1 Calça Pronta Entrega masculino Femininocustom-overlay-40% Conjunto Adulto 1 Blusa E 1 Calça Pronta Entrega masculino Feminino R$ 60,00 591 vendidos Conjunto masculino infantil de inverno para dias frios, Conjunto de calça e casaco quentes e aconchegantescustom-overlay-17% Conjunto masculino infantil de inverno para dias frios, Conjunto de calça e casaco quentes e aconchegantes R$ 66,32 8 vendidos Blusa De Moletom Casaco Flanelado de Frio Times Europa Futebol Unissex Envio Imediato Ref Realcustom-overlay -39% Blusa De Moletom Casaco Flanelado de Frio Times Europa Futebol Unissex Envio Imediato Ref Real R$ 54,90 157 vendidos Par De Aliança Banhada Ouro 18k 6mm - 2 Peçascustom-overlay-10%Anúncio Par De Aliança Banhada Ouro 18k 6mm - 2 Peças R$ 44,99 1,2mil vendidos Conjunto Trio 3 Peças camisa + calça + casaco ou kit 2 peças casaco + calça Modelo 2024custom-overlay Conjunto Trio 3 Peças camisa + calça + casaco ou kit 2 peças casaco + calça Modelo 2024 R$ 69,90 974 vendidos kit infantil menino 3 peças casaco+calça+blusa ou 2 peças casaco+calça 2 ao 14 anoscustom-overlay-10% kit infantil menino 3 peças casaco+calça+blusa ou 2 peças casaco+calça 2 ao 14 anos R$ 71,91 3,1mil vendidos Máquina De Cortar Cabelo Para Barba Masculina Designer Aleatório Elétrico Profissionalcustom-overlay -84% Máquina De Cortar Cabelo Para Barba Masculina Designer Aleatório Elétrico Profissional R$ 15,90 243mil vendidos conjunto de inverno infantil unissex masculino e feminino para menino kit cria ou menina blogueirinhacustom-overlay conjunto de inverno infantil unissex masculino e feminino para menino kit cria ou menina blogueirinha R$ 69,90 360 vendidos Conjunto e trajes de frio inverno 2023, Roupas para Passeio Kit Estiloso Jaqueta e Calçacustom-overlay-1% Conjunto e trajes de frio inverno 2023, Roupas para Passeio Kit Estiloso Jaqueta e Calça R$ 68,22 32 vendidos Conjunto Infantil Babador de Silicone + Tigela Impermeável Ventosa Bolsinho Pega Migalhascustom-overlay -49% Conjunto Infantil Babador de Silicone + Tigela Impermeável Ventosa Bolsinho Pega Migalhas R$ 31,90 594 vendidos Nível Laser Profissional Trena Level Pro3 Estágios Niveladorcustom-overlay-53% Nível Laser Profissional Trena Level Pro3 Estágios Nivelador R$ 28,00 11,6mil vendidos Blusa De Moletom Agasalho Times Europeu Futebol Unissex envio imediato até 14horas-44% Blusa De Moletom Agasalho Times Europeu Futebol Unissex envio imediato até 14horas R$ 55,00 4,1mil vendidos KIT 3 Calças de Moletom New York Academia Jogger Promoçãocustom-overlay KIT 3 Calças de Moletom New York Academia Jogger Promoção R$ 209,00 380 vendidos KIT 2 CALÇAS JOGGER + 2 CAMISETAS ou KIT 1 CALÇAS JOGGER + 1 CAMISETA - CONJUNTO DRY FIT ACADEMIA-50% KIT 2 CALÇAS JOGGER + 2 CAMISETAS ou KIT 1 CALÇAS JOGGER + 1 CAMISETA - CONJUNTO DRY FIT ACADEMIA R$ 37,59 1,1mil vendidos kit moletom abrigo infantil masculino calça e casaco roupa nova de meninocustom-overlay kit moletom abrigo infantil masculino calça e casaco roupa nova de menino R$ 43,89 3,9mil vendidos Calça Chimpa e Camiseta Dri Fit Refletivo - CONJUNTO COMPLETOcustom-overlay-32% Calça Chimpa e Camiseta Dri Fit Refletivo - CONJUNTO COMPLETO R$ 14,89 960 vendidos Relógio De Quartzo Masculino Original De Moda Masculinacustom-overlay -66% Relógio De Quartzo Masculino Original De Moda Masculina R$ 12,69 10,5mil vendidos Kit 10 Cuecas Box Boxer Infantil Micro Fibracustom-overlay-51% Kit 10 Cuecas Box Boxer Infantil Micro Fibra R$ 29,98 188,3mil vendidos Conjunto Moletom Adulto e Infantil Blusa de Frio Canguru Unissex Unissex masculino feminino Promoção Tamanho do 8 ao GG Envio Imediatocustom-overlay-63% Conjunto Moletom Adulto e Infantil Blusa de Frio Canguru Unissex Unissex masculino feminino Promoção Tamanho do 8 ao GG Envio Imediato R$ 69,90 59 vendidos KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Showcustom-overlay-72% KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Show R$ 69,90 467 vendidos CONJUNTO 1 CALÇA + 1 CAMISETA - CONJUNTO DRY FIT-38% CONJUNTO 1 CALÇA + 1 CAMISETA - CONJUNTO DRY FIT R$ 37,77 4,7mil vendidos KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Showcustom-overlay-72% KIT 4 Média + Sacola + Carteira + Necessaire Anjik Gaby Show R$ 70,00 7,2mil vendidos PEMG Tang Suit Coat Retro Long Sleeved Reversible Chinês Estilo Tradicional Vestuário Manter O Colarinho Quente Camisa Chinesa Vintage Para A Vida Diáriacustom-overlay -57%Anúncio PEMG Tang Suit Coat Retro Long Sleeved Reversible Chinês Estilo Tradicional Vestuário Manter O Colarinho Quente Camisa Chinesa Vintage Para A Vida Diária R$ 80,92 2 vendidos Moleton Real Madrid Blusa De Frio Casaco Blusao Timescustom-overlay Moleton Real Madrid Blusa De Frio Casaco Blusao Times R$ 75,00 212 vendidos Blusa Moletom Canguru Flanelado De Time Europeu Unissex Envio Imediato Citycustom-overlay -33% Blusa Moletom Canguru Flanelado De Time Europeu Unissex Envio Imediato City R$ 69,55 429 vendidos 1 PC Capuz Integrado , Proteção Solar Esportiva Ao Ar Livre , De Passeio , Máscara Facial Completa De Motocicleta , Lenço De Pescoço À Prova De Vento Para Homens E Mulherescustom-overlay -58%Anúncio 1 PC Capuz Integrado , Proteção Solar Esportiva Ao Ar Livre , De Passeio , Máscara Facial Completa De Motocicleta , Lenço De Pescoço À Prova De Vento Para Homens E Mulheres R$ 11,07 22 vendidos Conjunto Infantil Menino Roupa Criança Masculino modelo Novo Calça e casacocustom-overlay-17% Conjunto Infantil Menino Roupa Criança Masculino modelo Novo Calça e casaco R$ 66,32 22 vendidos conjunto Moletom Calça + Blusa Masculino e Feminino Linha Premium Lançamento Inverno Lançamento 2024 Atualizadocustom-overlay-63% conjunto Moletom Calça + Blusa Masculino e Feminino Linha Premium Lançamento Inverno Lançamento 2024 Atualizado R$ 69,90 Kit Alimentação Refeição Infantil Criança Bebe Babador De Silicone Impermeável Pega Migalhascustom-overlay -34% Kit Alimentação Refeição Infantil Criança Bebe Babador De Silicone Impermeável Pega Migalhas R$ 33,00 810 vendidos KIT JUVENIL 2 CALÇAS JOGGER + 2 CAMISETAS ou KIT 1 CALÇAS JOGGER + 1 CAMISETA NK - CONJUNTO DRY FIT - Tamanho 16 ao 22-50% KIT JUVENIL 2 CALÇAS JOGGER + 2 CAMISETAS ou KIT 1 CALÇAS JOGGER + 1 CAMISETA NK - CONJUNTO DRY FIT - Tamanho 16 ao 22 R$ 38,97 4,2mil vendidos Kit Bota Coturno Masculino Caterpillar Adventure Onset + Chinelo + Carteira + Cinto e Relógiocustom-overlay Kit Bota Coturno Masculino Caterpillar Adventure Onset + Chinelo + Carteira + Cinto e Relógio R$ 79,90 40,3mil vendidos Blusa de Moletom Canguru Time Real Madrid Esporte Lançamento 2024 Qualidade Espetacularcustom-overlay Blusa de Moletom Canguru Time Real Madrid Esporte Lançamento 2024 Qualidade Espetacular R$ 69,70 111 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2023 Lançamentocustom-overlay -26% Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2023 Lançamento R$ 139,90 761 vendidos 1 Par Luvas De Trabalho Homens E Mulheres , Mecânicas De Utilidade Tela Táctil De Alta Dexteridade Para Multiuso , Grip Exclusivocustom-overlay -46%Anúncio 1 Par Luvas De Trabalho Homens E Mulheres , Mecânicas De Utilidade Tela Táctil De Alta Dexteridade Para Multiuso , Grip Exclusivo R$ 26,05 27 vendidos Chinelo Masculino e Feminino Confortável Macio Bonito Praia Festa Balada Adulto e Juvenil Do 33 ao 44custom-overlay-63% Chinelo Masculino e Feminino Confortável Macio Bonito Praia Festa Balada Adulto e Juvenil Do 33 ao 44 R$ 29,54 5,6mil vendidos Conjuto de Moletom Estilo Canguru Com Capuz Jaqueta/Blusa de Frio Unissex Personalizado Estampa de Marcas Famosas mas uma novidadecustom-overlay-30% Conjuto de Moletom Estilo Canguru Com Capuz Jaqueta/Blusa de Frio Unissex Personalizado Estampa de Marcas Famosas mas uma novidade R$ 69,99 270 vendidos Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno Lançamento timecustom-overlay -29% Conjunto Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Champions Manchester City Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno Lançamento time R$ 134,90 366 vendidos Jaqueta Masculina de Alta Performance com Isolamento Térmico Indicada para Exercícios Intensoscustom-overlay -50%Anúncio Jaqueta Masculina de Alta Performance com Isolamento Térmico Indicada para Exercícios Intensos R$ 59,90 25 vendidos S10 Fone De Ouvido Sem Fio Mini Bluetooth Mãos-Livres Estéreo À Prova D'água Comcustom-overlay -99% S10 Fone De Ouvido Sem Fio Mini Bluetooth Mãos-Livres Estéreo À Prova D'água Com R$ 6,55 29,8mil vendidos Blusa de Moletom Canguru Esporte flaneladocustom-overlay Blusa de Moletom Canguru Esporte flanelado R$ 69,90 2,6mil vendidos Moletom Blusa De Frio Red Bull Sublimação Full Poliéster Moleton masculino feminino casacocustom-overlay-31% Moletom Blusa De Frio Red Bull Sublimação Full Poliéster Moleton masculino feminino casaco R$ 89,63 153 vendidos Ver Mais Principais Escolhas Da Loja Conjunto Moletom Premium Masculino Feminino diversas cores Abrigo Inverno 2024 Lançamento okl& R$74,90 - R$139,90 Moletom Premium Estampado Masculino e Feminino Casaco Gola Careca Redonda Blusa de frio Pelúciado Inverno 2023 Lançamento R$139,90 PARA OBTER ESTE PRODUTO COPIEBO LINK https://s.shopee.com.br/9ezh7YvIbH
R$ 69
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808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal System BL-808C/808CW Technical Parameters Technical Advantage 1. Laser Wavelength:808nm 2. Energy Fluence:0-120J/cm2 3. Pulse Width:25-450ms 4. Repetition Rate:1-10Hz 5. Spot Size:10 x 16mm 6. Cooling Tip: TEC + sapphire cooling tip(-5℃~+5℃) 7. LCD Screen:8′ HD Touch Screen 8. Power Supply: 110V~220VAC, 50~60Hz 9. Dimension:~ 50 x 32 x 90cm 10. Weight:40kg 11. Shell Material: Metal 12. Color: Silver grey 1. Laser chips imported from Germany 2. Laser Beam shaping patent 3. High integrated central control circuit 4. Over eight years of Laser Diodes R&D 5. Safe to treat patients all year round 6. Easy to use Typical laser diode stacks for hair removal, 360W(6x60W)/720W(12x60W) Optional. LCD Screen, 10.4′Optional. Color, White Optional. The pulse energy is up to 120J/cm2 or even higher up to 150J/cm2 upon request. Payment & Shipping Delivery Time: 5~7 working days Shipping: By DHL Payment: T/T, Western Union Packaging: Carton Box Minimum Order Quantity: 1 set Supply Ability: 100 sets per month Theory 808nm diode laser effectively penetrates deep into dermis and is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicles. The laser energy transforms to thermal energy, which damages the hair follicle without damaging the surrounding tissue to achieve effective hair removal. The Best Wavelength As we know, the main color group in skin is melanin, hemoglobin and water. Each color group has its own specific absorption curve. When the wavelength of the incident laser beam with the target color base inherent matching the absorption peak, and the irradiation time is shorter than the thermal relaxation time of the target color base, the laser can selectively destroy the target color group, without damage to the surrounding normal tissue, or only cause mild damage, so as to achieve a non-invasive treatment effect. So in the picture above, it is to see that 808nm wavelength laser is the safest and most effective one for melanin absorption purposes. It works even better for white to light brown skin with dark color hair. Comparision of 808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal & IPL Laser Type 808nm Diode Laser Hair Removal IPL Wavelength 808nm 610~1200nm Energy Deep penetration into skin Lower energy penetration Absorption Most effective for melanin absorption Multi-wavelength Absorption of water against melanin High risk for burning on dark skin Lifetime Durable/long time of using Consumables are xenon lamp and quartz tube Shorter life time than laser machine Cooling TEC + Sapphire Contact Cooling system, <5° Low efficiency of cooling or without cooling system Effect Permanent/painless Evident feeling of burning Case White Color (BL-808CW) Please contact us for technical support to find a proper laser solutions for you.
R$ 1
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Features:1. This beautiful artwork can be placed in the garden, as long as you look at it,its beauty and bright colors will make you happier.2. Made of high-quality resin, each piece has been carefully contoured and carved.It is sturdy and not fragile, the uniform color is not easy to fade, and it can be usedfor a long time. Create a unique garden landscape.3. Fine workmanship, vivid appearance, and super cute.Description:Item: Garden DecorColor: White, Grey, Pink, Black, YellowMaterial: ResinSize: 15*9*9cm/5.91*3.54*3.54 InchPackage Included:1*Garden DecorPlease Note:1. Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement.2. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration. Thanks for understanding!
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1111MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8 磅Normal0Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Canvas Bag) ▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016, Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young br
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Canvas Bag)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1.There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2.We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6.The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016,Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique fashio
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Canvas Bag)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016, Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique fa
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Carton Case)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016, Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique f
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Carton Case)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016,Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique fa
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1111MicrosoftInternetExplorer402DocumentNotSpecified7.8 磅Normal0Brand: Socofy Package included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Canvas Bag) ▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016, Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young b
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Carton Case)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1.There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2.We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6.The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016,Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique fashi
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Brand: Socofy▲KINDLY NOTICE:1.There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2.We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6.The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016,Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history, beauty comes from the comfort. The young brand is always committed to bringing women's comfort and unique fashion.
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Brand: SocofyPackage included:1*Pair Of Shoes (Packing In A Carton Case)▲KINDLY NOTICE:1. There Is 2-3% Difference According to Manual Measurement.2. We Suggest You Choose Size According to Foot Length and Foot Width. Please Check the Measurement Chart Carefully Before You Buy the Item (1 Inch = 2.54 cm).3. Please Note That Slight Color Difference Should Be Acceptable Due to The Light and Screen. As These Shoes Are Hand-colored, There May Be A Certain Odor.4. Please Be Patient for the Goods. These Are Handmade Products So It May Take More Time to Produce Than Other Shoes for Good Enough Quality.5. After Receiving the Goods, Putting Them in A Well-ventilated Place Can Eliminate the Smell.6. The Shoes Are Genuine Leather Products That Are Able to Have A Little Contact with Water, but They Cannot Be Soaked in Water for a Long Time.7:Each pair of shoes is handmade and unique in style, and the pattern received by each person is different.▲TIPS: Two Ways to Break in New Shoes Without Rubbing Your Feet1. Stretch the Backs of Your Shoes with Warm Air by Using the Hairdryer.2. Roll on Some Deodorant or Soap to Prevent Rubbing and Smell.▲ABOUT SOCOFY:SOCOFY was founded in 2016, Focus on quality&comfort--The key to the brand shoes is the traditional handmade craftsmanship and the use of soft rubber soles. Retro is the soul of brand creation--Bohemian style, combined with the genuine leather texture and vintage design, constantly creates perfect SOCOFY shoes. Quality comes from history,
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Features:- Tufted pillows, Moroccan style with rich colors and diversified textures complement the space with colors and create a romantic atmosphere by mixing and matching. - Mix and match casually, every place is beautiful, and the furry texture, like the warm sun in winter, makes the whole living room and bedroom warmer and warmer.Washing and storage:1. Coldwater washed by hand(Do not soak in hot water).2. Don't soak for a long time.3. Please do not use soap to wash it.4. Air dry, please do not use the machine to dry.5. Dry storage, avoid moisture.Description:Item: Tufted Cushion CoverColor: White, BlackMaterial: CottonPackage Included:1*Cushion Cover (Without Filler)Size Chart:45*45cm/17.72*17.72 Inch30*50cm/11.81*19.68 InchPlease Note:1. Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement.2. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration. Thanks for understanding!
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Item Type: CombColor: BlackWeight: As the picture shownSize: As the picture shownMaterial: ABS, Stainless SteelFeatures:- Classic black fist design, adorable comb handle.- The comb teeth are wide, won't hurt your scalp and hair.- Made from metal material, durable to use for a long time.- Especially suitable for curly hair or Afro hairstyle.- Necessary pick combs for DIY hairstyle.Package Included:1 x Comb
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Product Features:★Natural wrinkle and fade resistant, vibrant colors made exclusively not to fade with washings★Soft, breathable and comfortable★Strap design★Vibrant and solid color will decorate multi-room style, the sheet cover set can be paired with looks both traditional and contemporary alike.Size guide:*Twin Size Set (3PCS) Includes:1x Twin Fitted Sheet: 39" W x 75" L +12"1x Twin Flat Sheet: 66" W x 96" L1x Standard Pillowcase: 20" W x 26" L*Queen Size Set (4PCS) Includes:1x Queen Fitted Sheet: 60" W x 80" L + 12"1x Queen Flat Sheet: 90" W x 102" L2x Standard Pillowcases: 20" W x 26" L*King Size Set (4PCS) Includes:1x King Fitted Sheet: 78" W x 80" L + 12"1x King Flat Sheet: 102" W x 105" L2x King Pillowcases: 20" W x 36" LReactive printingReactive dyeing is also called reactive dyes. It contains active genes that can react with fiber molecules.In the process of dyeing and printing, the active gene of the dye is combined with the fiber molecules, so that the dye and fiber form a whole. The fabric has excellent dust-proof performance, high cleanliness, and does not fade for a long time. The color is bright.The difference with reactive printing and dyeingThere are two main methods of fabric printing and dyeing, one is traditional paint printing and the other is reactive printing and dyeing as opposed to paint printing. Reactive printing and dyeing means that azo and formaldehyde are not added during the printing and dyeing process, and it does not contain harmful substan
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Specification: Material: Polyester.Color: White/Grey/Purple/Gold/Pink/BluePackage Included: 1 xQuilt Cover, 1 x pillowcase/2 x pillowcasesReactive printingReactive dyeing is also called reactive dyes. It contains active genes that can react with fiber molecules.In the process of dyeing and printing, the active gene of the dye is combined with the fiber molecules, so that the dye and fiber form a whole. The fabric has excellent dust-proof performance, high cleanliness, and does not fade for a long time. The color is bright.The difference with reactive printing and dyeingThere are two main methods of fabric printing and dyeing, one is traditional paint printing and the other is reactive printing and dyeing as opposed to paint printing. Reactive printing and dyeing means that azo and formaldehyde are not added during the printing and dyeing process, and it does not contain harmful substances to the human body, and does not fade during washing. The difference between reactive printing and dyeing is that the hand feel of reactive printing and dyeing is smooth and soft. The common saying is that the fabric of reactive printing and dyeing looks like mercerized cotton. The effect of printing and dyeing is very good from both the positive and negative aspects; while the fabric of coating printing and dyeing feels stiff. It looks a bit like an ink painting effect.The fabric has excellent dust resistance, high cleanliness and high color fastness. Of course, the cost is much higher than
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Features:- Washing method: wash at 40 ℃ warm water, use neutral detergent, wash separately in shades of light and dark, do not bleach and dry clean, do not soak for a long time, lay flat to dry.- Uses: Can be used for office leisure, sofa decoration, car decoration- Advantages: The fabric feels soft and comfortable, the simple knitting process, the embroidered pattern is exquisite and beautiful, breathable, and can be used in all sea.Description:Item: Cushion CoversMaterial: CottonSize: 45*45cm/17.72*17.72 inchPackage Included: 1*Cushion Covers(Without Filler )Please Note:1. Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement.2. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration. Thanks for understanding!
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Features:1. Exquisite and excellent design: Roses with warm lights, look beautiful and warm.2. Handwork and high-quality materials: Our products are composed of high borosilicate glass and a log base, which is very delicate, and the glass is transparent and looks like nothing.3. Perfect gifts and decorations: Such sophisticated products are excellent gifts and decorations for parties, festivals and other occasions, creating a festive atmosphere! It can be stored for a long time and is very suitable as a gift for mother or friends. It can also decorate your table, desk, sofa,bookshelf and mantelpiece or a unique area in your home.Specification:Type: Glass Cover Rose FlowerMaterial: Borosilicate Glass & LogProduct Size: 22*11.5*9 cm/8.66*4.53*3.54 InchGift Box Size:25.5*13*13 cm/10.04*5.12*5.12 InchPackage Included:1* Rose1* Warm light1* Glass cover1* Log base (Without Battery)Please Note:1. Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement.2. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration. Thanks for understanding!
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Features: Very beautiful and generous woven mat, hand-woven, long-established craftsmanship.Design fringe weave, adding a sense of design to the matCotton and linen plant printing and dyeing, combined with modern printing and dyeing technology, no fading, no formaldehyde, safer plant materials.Simple pattern, this is the literary route, the key is the color matching.Specifications:Material: Cotton and LinenCraft: hand-wovenSize: 60*90cm+20cm tassel/23.62*35.43inch+7.87inch tasselCleaning: Water washable/Machine washableSuitable place: living room / bedroom / dining room / studyWeight:0.54KGPackage Includes:1 x CarpetWashing instructions:Please use neutral detergent, hand wash at 30 degrees or less, hand wash or soft machine wash, use neutral detergent to avoid high temperature washing and long time soaking.The normal shrinkage rate is about 5-6%. The following points can reduce the shrinkage ratio to about 3%:Water temperature Do not use dry, which may cause damage or deformation.It can be stretched all around before washing and drying, which can make the fabric smooth and reduce the shrinkage ratio.After drying, it can be ironed with an iron.Please Note:1. Please allow 1-3cm error due to manual measurement.2. Please understand that colors may exist chromatic aberration. Thanks for understanding!
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