Mixer with effects usb audio digital
Lista mais vendidos mixer with effects usb audio digital

Vitória da Conquista (Bahía)
A mesa tem 16 canais. GRAVA EM MULTIPISTA EM QUALQUER PROGRAMA DE AUDIO. 8 canais com XLR e phantom power. E 4 canais stereo com 8 entradas P10. s, muito útil em diversas situações. E tem uma mandada para Fx externo (a primeira você pode usar também). Grava em iPad. MULTIMIX 16 USB FX 16-Channel Mixer with Effects and USB Audio Digital ou t a qual eu usava para voltar a mix para a minha interface. Zap 77-98133-3953
R$ 2.000
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01V96i da Yamaha representa o próximo passo na evolução de um padrão da indústria, com base na configuração comprovado de seus predecessores para criar um mixer digital compacta que atende às necessidades de uma base de usuários em expansão. Agora, com 16 in/16 fora USB 2.0 streaming de áudio em um 96kHz impressionante, a mais recente versão do Steinberg Cubase AI, o conjunto completo de Virtual Circuitry Modeling efeitos DSP aclamados e recém aprimorados amplificadores de cabeça com qualidade de estúdio, a próxima geração 01V96i tomará todas as aspecto de sua mixagem e gravação para o próximo nível. Para mais informações sobre outras atrações, entre em contato conosco: E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725 @ hotmail.com E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725 @ gmail.com Skype ID ::: Johnson.Mark725
R$ 1,89
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Este mixer possui amplificadores compactos com qualidade de estúdio e processamento interno que suporta / 96kHz AD / conversão DA 24-bit para que nenhum detalhe é perdido na representação digital do seu áudio. O mixer oferece 40 entradas / 20 ônibus de mistura e tem uma riqueza de entradas e saídas para o uso com uma grande variedade de dispositivos e sistemas de som. A Cascade Link está disponível que permite conectar dois mixers em conjunto, dando-lhe até 80 canais de capacidade de mistura com uma única conexão. O 01V96i tem um conjunto completo de efeitos VCM da Yamaha, incluindo uma faixa de canal, tira mestre e pisão vintage, além de alta resolução reverbs REV-X para que você possa moldar o seu som em uma variedade de maneiras. O misturador tem o pacote de software 01V96i Editor, que lhe dá o controle total do console via computador. Software Steinberg Cubase AI também está incluído o que transforma o seu Mac ou PC na máquina final para compor, gravação, edição e mixagem. . CONTATO EUA *** NOW ****** :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: Hotmail :: electronicsseller.mark725 @ hotmail.com Gmail :::: electronicsseller.mark725 @ gmail.com Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 ...
R$ 1,82
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Este mixer possui amplificadores compactos com qualidade de estúdio e processamento interno que suporta / 96kHz AD / conversão DA 24-bit para que nenhum detalhe é perdido na representação digital do seu áudio. O mixer oferece 40 entradas / 20 ônibus de mistura e tem uma riqueza de entradas e saídas para o uso com uma grande variedade de dispositivos e sistemas de som. A Cascade Link está disponível que permite conectar dois mixers em conjunto, dando-lhe até 80 canais de capacidade de mistura com uma única conexão. O 01V96i tem um conjunto completo de efeitos VCM da Yamaha, incluindo uma faixa de canal, tira mestre e pisão vintage, além de alta resolução reverbs REV-X para que você possa moldar o seu som em uma variedade de maneiras. O misturador tem o pacote de software 01V96i Editor, que lhe dá o controle total do console via computador. Software Steinberg Cubase AI também está incluído o que transforma o seu Mac ou PC na máquina final para compor, gravação, edição e mixagem Para mais informações sobre outras atrações, entre em contato conosco: E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725@hotmail.com E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725@gmail.com Skype ID ::: Johnson.Mark725
R$ 650
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Este mixer possui amplificadores compactos de qualidade de estúdio e processamento interno que suporta / 96kHz AD / DA conversão de 24 bits para que nenhum detalhe é perdido na representação digital do áudio. O mixer oferece 40 entradas / 20 ônibus de mistura e tem uma riqueza de entradas e saídas para o uso com uma grande variedade de dispositivos e sistemas de som. A Cascade link está disponível que permite que você conecte 2 mixers juntos, dando-lhe até 80 canais de mixagem capacidade com uma única conexão. O 01V96i tem um conjunto completo de efeitos VCM da Yamaha, incluindo uma faixa de canal, tira mestre e fazer a batida do vintage, além de alta resolução reverbs REV-X para que você possa moldar o seu som em uma variedade de maneiras. O misturador tem o pacote de software 01V96i Editor, que lhe dá total controle do console através do seu computador. Software Steinberg Cubase AI também está incluído que transforma seu Mac ou PC na máquina final para compor, gravar, editar e misturar. Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 WhatsApp :: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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Américo Brasiliense (São Paulo)
01V96i da Yamaha representa o próximo passo na evolução de um padrão da indústria, com base na configuração comprovada de seus predecessores para criar um misturador digital compacta que atende às necessidades de uma base de usuários em expansão. Agora, com 16 in / 16 out USB 2.0 streaming de áudio em um 96kHz impressionante, a última versão do Steinberg Cubase AI, o conjunto completo de Virtual efeitos Circuito modelagem DSP aclamados e recentemente melhorado amplificadores de cabeça com qualidade de estúdio, a próxima geração 01V96i irá tomar todas as aspecto de sua mistura e gravação para o próximo nível. Para mais informações sobre outras atrações, entre em contato conosco: E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725@hotmail.com E-Mail :: electronicsseller.mark725@gmail.com Skype ::: Johnson.Mark725
R$ 1,91
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Fala Galera, To vendendo essa mesa / interface, SoundCraft 12 MTK, 12 Canais. Ela está novinha, bem conservada, e tenho a caixa e os manuais originais. Funciona Tudo! O legal desta mesa, é que você pode gravar em canais separados, simultaneamente. Valor $ 2.800 Entrego Em SP capital. Whapp: 11 9 6869-7131 Ficha tecnica, que peguei no site: High-Performance 12-input small format analogue mixer with onboard effects and multi-track USB recording and playback 14-in/12-out ultra-low latency USB playback and recording interface* Iconic Soundcraft® Ghost mic preamps with ultra-low noise performance Renowned Soundcraft® Sapphyre British EQ with sweepable mid-bands per channel Lexicon® Effects Engine featuring award-winning Reverbs, Delays, Choruses and Modulations dbx® Limiters (High-ratio Compressors) on input channels Switchable Hi-Z inputs for guitars, basses and other instruments Hi-Pass Filters (low-cut) and 48V Phantom Power on all mic channels Comprehensive Soundcraft® GB series audio routing with Auxes (flexible pre/post switching) and subgroups with switching and dedicated outputs Smooth premium-quality faders Robust metal construction for tour-grade build quality and reliability Internal universal power supply
R$ 2.800
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Salvador (Bahía)
Procurando uma maneira simples e acessível para passar a sua música para o mundo digital? Ou talvez você gostaria de conectar o computador a um aparelho de efeitos externos ou gravador? Deseja transferir suas fitas cassetes antigas para CD antes do óxido cair da fita? A forma mais rápida e fácil de obter o áudio analógico em seu computador é com o U-CONTROL. 100% Nova PRODUTO NÃO ACOMPANHA EMBALAGEM ORIGINAL E SIM VAREJO A UCA-222 é uma ultra-flexível interface de áudio que se conecta a seus instrumentos, mixer, mesa de som entre outros equipamentos direto com o seu computador para gravação e reprodução. - Trabalha com o seu PC ou Mac sem nenhuma necessidade de configurações ou drivers. - Alta resolução de conversores de 48 kHz para alta qualidade de áudio final - Saída de fone de ouvido estéreo com controle de nível dedicado que permite monitorar tanto a entrada quanto a saída - Adicional S / PDIF óptico para conversão digital direta - Alimentação via USB sem necessidade de fonte de energia externa - Componentes de alta qualidade e construção excepcionalmente robusta garantir vida longa - Concebido e desenhado pela BEHRINGER Alemanha - Compativel com Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 , Windows 8 , MAC OSX OBS: Os Plug-ins Effects / Instruments, Audio Software Audacity, ETC..... Pode fazer Downloads no Site
R$ 125
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Behringer, Soundcraft, Yamaha, Midas, PreSonus, Allen & Heath, precio mayorista Como empresa ubicada en EE. UU., Reino Unido y Malasia, vendemos a precios de mayorista. Todos los productos son nuevos, con garantía. Enviamos a todo el mundo por FedEx, DHL Aceptamos el pago por TRANSFERENCIA BANCARIA (IBAN) y otros Para una respuesta inmediata, escríbanos a bulkphons. gmail. com EMAIL: bulkphons. gmail. com DIGITAL MIXERS: Behringer X32 Compact-TP.... $ 1300 USD Behringer X32 Compact.... 1150 USD Behringer X32 Producer-TP...1000 USD Behringer X32 Producer.... 850 USD Behringer X32 Rack.... 750 USD Soundcraft Si Performer 3....$ 5150 USD Soundcraft Performer 2 ....4150 USD Soundcraft Performer 1 ....3000 USD Soundcraft Si Expression 3 - 32-channel.... $ 2300 USD Soundcraft Si Expression 2 - 24-Channel....1950 USD Soundcraft Si Expression 1 - 16-Channel....1400 USD Soundcraft Si Impact.... $ 1650 USD Soundcraft Mini Stagebox 32.... 1250 USD Midas M32 .... $ 2800 USD Midas DL251... 2550 USD Midas M32R.... 2250 USD Yamaha TF5.... $ 2950 USD Yamaha TF3.... 2150 USD Yamaha TF1.... 1700 USD Yamaha 01V96i.... 1550 USD Yamaha TF-Rack...1150 USD YAMAHA CL5.... $ 21500 USD YAMAHA CL3.... 16,550 USD YAMAHA CL1.... 11,350 USD Yamaha 02R96VCM.... 9300 USD Allen & Heath GLD-112 - Chrome Edition.... $ 4600 USD Allen & Heath GLD-80 - Chrome Edition.... 3900 USD Allen & Heath Qu-32 Chrome Edition.... 2250 USD Allen & Heath Qu-24 Chrome Edition.... 1600 USD Allen & Heath Qu-16 Chrome Edition.... 1150 USD PreSonus StudioLive 32.4.2AI.... $ 1300 USD PreSonus StudioLive 16 Series III - 16-channel Digital Mixer/Recorder....1190 USD PreSonus RML32AI - 32-ch Digital Rackmounted Mixer....1150 USD PreSonus StudioLive 24.4.2AI.... 1100 USD ANALOG MIXERS: Soundcraft GB4 32-channel....$ 2350 USD Soundcraft LX7ii 24-channel.... 985 USD Soundcraft GB2R 16-channel ....805 USD Yamaha MGP32X 32-channel ....940 USD Yamaha MGP24X 24-channel ....805 USD Mackie 3204VLZ4 32-channel .... 985 USD Mackie 2404VLZ4 24-channel .... 765 USD Allen & Heath ZED-436 32-channel Mixer with USB Audio Interface.... $ 1900 USD Allen & Heath ZED-428 24-channel Mixer with USB Audio Interface .... 1650 USD Allen & Heath XB-14-2 10-channel Broadcast Mixer .... 1030 USD Allen & Heath MixWizard WZ4 16:2 Mixer with Effects .... 985 USD Allen & Heath MixWizard WZ4 12:2 Mixer with Effects .... 800 USD Escríbanos CORREO ELECTRÓNICO: bulkphons. gmail. com EMAIL: bulkphons. gmail. com SUMMING MIXER: Shadow Hills Industries Equinox Summing Mixer and Monitor Controller .... $ 4300 USD Solid State Logic Sigma 16-channel Analog Summing Mixer.... 3280 USD Rupert Neve Designs 5059 Satellite Summing Mixer - Shelford Edition.... 2880 USD SPL MixDream 16-channel Summing Mixer .... 2750 USD A Designs Mix Factory Summing Mixer .... 2175 USD Dangerous Music 2-BUS+ Analog Summing Mixer.... 1990 USD Dangerous Music LIAISON Analog Master Router.... 1990 USD Coleman Audio RED48 48-channel Summing Console.... 1600 USD Dangerous Music D-BOX+ Monitor Controller & Summing Mixer....1470 USD Burl Audio B32 Vancouver Summing Mixer....1425 USD Phoenix Audio Nicerizer Junior Summing Mixer.... 1250 USD Rupert Neve Designs 5057 Orbit Summing Mixer.... 1250 USD Radial Space Heater Summing Mixer and Tube Drive.... 1030 USD Cranborne Audio 500R8 USB Audio Interface and 8-slot 500 Series Chassis.... 1030 USD SPL MixDream XP Analog Summing Mixer.... 1030 USD Heritage Audio MCM-8 II 500 Series Chassis and Summing Mixer.... 1000 USD Para una respuesta inmediata, escríbanos a bulkphons. gmail. com EMAIL: bulkphons. gmail. com
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WE ALL SALER, SUPPLIER OF DIFFERENT MODELS OF HIGH QUALITY AND Original DJ EQUIPMENT WITH WARRANTY as Pioneer, sampler, SPEAKER, needles, NUMARK, ALLEN & AMP, Heath Xone, VESTAX, TECHNICS, DENON and many more in stock for sale. Yamaha Tyros5 76-Key.Yamaha Motif XS8,Roland TD-20S,Yanagisawa Model B-9930,Yamaha M7CL-48 ,PIONEER DJM 800 Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y solicitudes de compra: Contact Email: vitor_pravia@yahoo.com BB PIN: 23B7E360 Skype Chat: o_store96 WhatsApp: +2349033651125 ICQ: 640647955 Yamaha Tyros5 76-Key Arranger Workstation (76-Key Pro Arranger) ..€ 2,000 SET 2x Technics SL 1200 GLD Turntable Plattenspieler Gold Limited Edition + Mixer + Technics Audio M ...€ 1,300 Interested buyers should contact U.S. To the roar articles Keyboards: Korg M3 M Workstation / Sampler .. € 1,000 Pa2XPro Korg 76-key arranger keyboard. € 750 Korg TR61 61-Key Workstation. € 970 Korg M3 73 73 Key Workstation / Sampler. € 990 Korg M3 61 61-Key Workstation. € 900 Korg PA50 Arranger Workstation .. € 790 Korg X50 Synthesizer ... € 850 Arrang Pa800 KORG PRO .. € 990 Korg TR88 88-Key Workstation € 857 KORG TRITON TR61 .. € 980 Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard ... € 890 Korg CX3 Digital drawbar organ ... € 799 Korg RADIAS synthesizer. € 740 Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation ... € 2,100 Korg NC-300, 88 keys. € 7,500.00 Korg TR-76 76-key keyboard .. € 800 Korg M3 88 88-Key Workstation. € 950 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-key keyboard. € 1,900 Yamaha Tyros2 61-Key Keyboard. € 1,850 Yamaha Portable Grand YPG-225 ... 1130 Korg Triton Extreme 76-Key Keyboard ... € 1,550 Korg TR88 88-key keyboard .. € 1,600 Yamaha PSR-OR700 61-Key Portable. € 1,450 White Computer Desk With Flip Down.1300 Yamaha Tyros2 61-Key Keyboard Workstation .. € 1,850 Yamaha PSR-S500 61-Key Arranger .. € 380 Yamaha Motif Keyboard 76-key XS7 .. € 1,700 Yamaha PSR-S700 61-Key Portable.450 Yamaha MO6 61-Key Synthesizer.1400 Yamaha S08 Synthesizer 88-Key. € 1,330 Yamaha 88-Key Synthesizer S90ES .. € 0.1440 Yamaha Portable Grand YPG-625. € 1,300 Yamaha CP300 Digital Piano 88 keys .. € 1,700 Suzuki 10 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab ... 1950 Suzuki 5 Student SP-47 Keyboard Lab .. € 1,650 Roland Fantom-G6 61-key synthesizer workstation sampling. € 1000. Roland G-70 76-Key Arranger Keyboard. € 1200. Roland V-Synth GT Synthesizer variable oscillator 61 Keys / Sampler € 1100. Rack Roland V-Synth XT / synthesizer table ... € 980. Roland FP-7 Digital Piano 88-Key Stage .. € 890. Roland VP-550 Vocal-modeling Keyboard € 760. Roland FP-4 digital piano with 88 keys ... € 790. Roland EXR-46 or the coordinator of the keyboard .. € 650 Roland Fantom-G8 88-Key Sampling Workstation Synth .. € 1200. Roland Fantom-G7 76-Key Sampling Workstation Synth ... € 1100. Roland Fantom-XR scalable voice synthesizer 128 € 789 Roland VK-8M Desktop Virtual tonewheel module bodies. € 0700 Roland Fantom-XR scalable voice synthesizer 128 € 800 Roland FP-7C 88-key digital piano with stand € 900. Roland RP-101 88-key digital piano € 800. Roland MP-70 88-note Hammer Action Digital Piano € 950. Roland VK-8 61-Key Modeling € 810. Roland RD-300GX Digital Stage Piano 88-key ... € 950. Roland FP-4C 88-key digital piano with stand € 2000. Roland RD-700SX 88-Key Expandable Digital Piano. € 1,000 Battery: Mapex Pro M 7-Piece Fusion Pop ... € 700 Ludwig Classic Maple 4-piece drum .. € 800 Mapex Saturn 6-Piece Studio Drum Set Electric .. € 850 Blue Ludwig Accent Fab 4 4-piece battery ... € 650 Mapex M Birch Studio 6-Piece Studio drums .. € 900 Final Pacific LXE Series 5-Piece Tiger Ash Red Drum Set w / Black Hardware € 900 7-piece Tama Superstar Bass ... € 950 Roland TD-20S V-Pro Electronic drums ------------ € 1,440 Roland TD-12S V-Stage electronic drums ------------ € 1,000 Roland TD-9SX V-Tour electronic drum ------------ € 1,100 Roland TD-6SW V-Tour electronic drum ------------ 900 Roland TD-3SW V-Compact battery ------------ € 950 Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 54S. € 1,500 Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 64P .. € 110. Selmer Baritone Saxophone € 1250. Selmer Paris Model 74 Reference 54 Tenor Saxophone. € 1200. Selmer Paris 72 Reference 54 Alto Sax. € 1000. Selmer Paris Super Action 80 Series II Model 52 Alto Sax. € 720. Selmer (Paris) Soprano Saxophone 51S ... € 1100. Selmer La Voix Tenor Saxophone TS220S. € 890 Selmer (Paris) Flamingo Limited Reference Tenor Saxophone ... € 1200. Selmer (Paris) Reference 54 Alto Saxophone. € 850. Selmer (Paris) Professional Tenor Saxophone 54M ... € 1,200 Selmer (Paris) Soprano Saxophone 51NG .. € 1,000 Selmer La Voix Soprano Saxophone (Standard). € 780. Tenor Saxophone Selmer La Voix € 890 Selmer Paris Series III 53 Soprano Saxophone € 900. Selmer (Paris) Soprano Saxophone 53 € 1200. Selmer Professional Baritone Saxophone 55AFB € 1400. Selmer Paris 51BL Black Soprano Saxophone. € 800. The Selmer /'Vie/' Tenor Saxophone - TS250 € 799. Selmer (Paris) Kookaburra Collector Series Tenor Saxophone ... € 1,200 Studio Monitors: ADAM Audio S3A Studio Monitor ... € 900.00 ADAM Audio P22A Studio Monitor ... € 500.00 ADAM Audio P33A Studio Monitor ... € 540.00 ADAM Audio Sub10 MK2 Studio Monitors. € 550.00 ADAM Audio S2A Studio Monitor € 560.00 Studio Monitor ADAM Audio S2.5A. € 950.00 ADAM Audio System 1-10 Studio Monitor .. € 1,200.00 ADAM Audio S4VA MK2 Studio Monitors € 1400.00 ADAM Audio Sub24 Studio Monitor .. € 850.00 Pak LSR4328P JBL studio monitors .. € 550.00 Pak LSR4326P JBL studio monitors .. € 500.00 LSR4312SP JBL Studio Monitor. € 450.00 LSR6328P Package JBL Studio Monitor. € 900.00 JBL Studio Monitor LSR6325P/5.1 € 1500.00 JBL LSR6332 Studio Monitor ... € 550.00 LSR6312SP JBL Studio Monitor. € 520.00 LSR6328P JBL studio monitors .. € 500.00 Analog video switching routers Way CTX-8022 Centrix 8x2 Mixer ... ... € 2,000.00 Analog Way Video Routers and Switchers EVX-8022HD EventiX 8x2 Mixer ... ... € 2,500.00 Audio Developments AD144 12-Input Studio and Remote Mixer ... € 6,500.00 Genelec Active Monitors 1036A 3100W Three-Way Active Main Control ... .. € 15000.00 Switching routers Analog Way DVX-8022 video-Di VENTIX 8x2 Mixer ... ... € 4,500.00 Audio Developments AD144 14-Input Studio and Remote Mixer. € 8000.00 Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Synthesizer .. 2000 or Yamaha MOTIF XS6 61-Key Synthesizer ... 1350 or Yamaha MOTIF ES Rack .. 990 or Yamaha Motif workstation XS7 76-key .. 1350 or Yamaha PSR-S900 61-Key Arranger Workstation ... 1000 or Yamaha Tenor Saxophone YTS475 .. € 1,000 Yamaha Alto Saxophone Custom YAS82Z. € 980 Yamaha Alto Saxophone YAS475 ... € 2,500 Yamaha YST-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone ... € 2,000 Yamaha YSS-875EX Soprano Saxophone .. € 1,200 Yamaha Baritone Saxophone YBS-52 Intermediate ... € 1,050.00 Yamaha YAS-875EX Alto Saxophone. € 1,500 Yamaha YSS-875EX Soprano Saxophone. € 1,100 Yamaha Soprano Saxophone YSS675 € 990 Yamaha YST-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone ... € 1,000 Yamaha Alto Saxophone Custom YAS875EXB € 750.00 Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS475II € 8900.00 Yamaha Professional Alto Saxophone YAS62II € 1,000 Yamaha YST-62 Mark II Professional Tenor Sax € 740.00 Yamaha Professional Saxophone YTS62IIS ... € 890 Yamaha Custom Z Alto Saxophone YAS82ZS .. € 900 Yamaha Custom Z Eb Alto Saxophone YAS82Z. € 1,650 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone. € 1,500 Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-82ZB Professional Black. € 1,600 Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Bari Sax .. € 1,950 Yamaha YTS-62II Professional Bb Tenor Saxophone .. € 1,650 Yamaha Tenor YTS-82Z Custom Z saxophones. € 1,800 Yamaha YSS-675 soprano saxophone professionally. € 1,800 Yamaha YAS-875EX Custom Alto Saxophone € 1,750 Yamaha YST-475 Intermediate Bb Tenor Saxophone. € 1,600 Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone1500 Yamaha YST-875S Tenor Sax.1850 Yamaha YST-23 Tenor Sax ... € 1,550 Yamaha YSS-675S Professional SopranoSax .. € 1,800 Yamaha YBS-62 Professional Bari Sax ... 2100 Yamaha YST-875EX Custom Tenor Saxophone € 1,800 Yamaha YSS-875EX Custom EX Soprano Saxophone .. € 1,800 Professional Tenor Saxophone Yamaha YST-82ZU. € 1,800 Yamaha Professional Alto Saxophone YAS-82ZU Unvarnished. € 1,650 Yamaha Alto Saxophone YAS-82ZS Professional Silver ... € 1,700 Yamaha Alto Saxophone YAS-Professional 62IIS silver. € 1,600 Professional Tenor Saxophone Yamaha YTS-82ZB ... € 1,800 Professional Tenor Saxophone Yamaha YST-82ZS ... € 1,800 Yamaha YST-Professional Tenor Sax .. 62IIS € 1,700 LA Sax LA-650 Artist Bb Soprano Saxophone ... € 1,250 Jupiter 847SG Soprano Sax Outfit. € 1,600 Baritone Saxophone Amati ABS ... 64 € 1850 Amati Blem ABS 64 Baritone Saxophone € 1,750 Shadow Tenor Saxophone KEILWERTH .. € 2100 Yanagisawa Model B-9930 Silver Series Bari Sax. € 2,700 Yanagisawa Model B-Professional Bari Sax ... € 991 2100 Professional Tenor Sax Yanagisawa Model T-991B. € 1,850 Yanagisawa Model T-991 Professional Tenor Sax. € 1,800 Yanagisawa Model T-901 Artist Tenor Sax. € 1,650 Yanagisawa Model S-991 soprano saxophone professionally. € 1,800 Yanagisawa Model S-901 .1600 professional soprano Yanagisawa Model S-9930 Artist Silver Series Soprano Sax € 2,000 Yanagisawa Model B-Intermediate Bari Sax ... € 2000 901 Yanagisawa Model A-9930 Silver Series Alto Sax. € 1,900 Professional Alto Sax Yanagisawa Model A-991B. € 1,800 Model 991-A Yanagisawa Professional Alto Sax. € 1,750 Model 901-A Alto Sax Yanagisawa artist .. € 1,600 Yanagisawa Model T-9930 Silver Series Tenor Sax. € 2,000 YAMAHA DM1000V2 digital mixing console € 1,500 Yamaha Digital Mixer € 2,200 O2R96V2 PM4000 Yamaha digital mixer. € 4900. DM2000V2-DIGITAL CONSOLE YAMAHA ... € 6000. Yamaha M7CL-48 48Ch Digital Mixing Console. € 10,000 Yamaha 01V96 V2 Digital Mixer. € 850.00 YAMAHA PM5D Version 2 Live Sound Console Digital Mixer ... € 18,000. PM4000 Yamaha digital mixer. € 4900. DM2000V2-DIGITAL CONSOLE YAMAHA ... € 6000. Yamaha M7CL-48 48Ch Digital Mixing Console. € 10,000 Yamaha N12 12-Channel Digital Mixer .. € 900. Yamaha N8 8-Channel Mixer digital ... € 890 Bb CLARINET: SELMER Clarinet in Bb - SIGNATURE 1600euro .... ELMER S Clarinet in Bb - SAINT LOUIS 1200euro .... SELMER Clarinet in Bb - ODYSSEE .... 900euro LEBLAN C Bb Clarinet - SONATA 1020 S. .. 600euro LEBLANC Bb Clarinet-OPUS II 1191 S. ... 1500euro LEBLANC Bb Clarinet - ESPRIT 1040 .... 900euro ANC LEBL Bb Clarinet - CONCERTO II 2002 ... 1000 euro BUFFET Bb Clarinet - TOSCA 2000euro .... BUFFET Bb Clarinet - RC PRESTIGE 1500euro .... T BUFF Bb Clarinet - RC .... 800euro BUFFET Bb Clarinet - R13 PRESTIGE ... 1500euro BUF FET Bb Clarinet - R13 .... 900euro BUFFET Bb Clarinet - FESTIVAL ... 1500euro BUFF ET Bb Clarinet - E13 .... 600euro Yamaha Bb Clarinet - YCL 450 S. .. 500 Euros YAMAHA Bb Clarinet - YCL 650 ... 600euro YAMAHA Bb Clarinet - YCL 450 N. ... 450euro A CLARINET: SELMER Clarinet in A - SIGNATURE ... 140euro SELMER Clarinet in A - SAINT LOUIS ... 1200euro SELMER Clarinet in A - ODYSSEE 1000 euro .... LEBLAN C A Clarinet - OPUS II 1191 ... 1300euro Leblanc Clarinet - ESPRIT 1040 S. .. 700euro Leblanc Clarinet - CONCERTO II 2002 .... 900euro BU FFET A Clarinet - TOSCA 1600euro .... BUF FET A Clarinet - RC PRESTIGE ... 1300euroBUFFET A Clarinet - RC 1000 euro ... BUFFET A Clarinet - R13 PRESTIGE ... 1400euroBUFFET A Clarinet - R13 ..... 800euro YAMAHA Bass Clarinet - YCL 622 II ... 2000euro YAMAHA Bass Clarinet - YCL 621 II ... 1800euro YAMAHA Bass Clarinet - YCL 221 500 Euros .... Yamaha Alto Clarinet - YCL 631 II ... 1700euro SELMER Clarinet - Contra Bass - Model 28 ..... 4000euro SELMER Clarinet - Contra Alto - Model 26 ..... 2500euro SELMER Clarinet - Bass - PRIVILEGE to Low Eb.1500euro SELMER Clarinet - Bass - PRIVILEGE to Low C. .2300 Euro SELMER Clarinet - Alto - Model 19 A. .. 1800euro LEBLANC Bass Clarinet - ESPRIT 160 .... 900euro LEBLANC Bass Clarinet - 430 ... 1700euro LEBLANC Bass Clarinet - 425 ... 1600euro LEBLANC Bass Clarinet - 330 1700euro .... LEBLANC Bass Clarinet - 325 1300euro .... LEBLANC Alto Clarinet - ESPRIT 155 .. 950euro LEBLANC Alto Clarinet - 300S .... 1000 euro BUFFET Contra Alto Clarinet - PRESTIGE 1553 .... 3000euro BUFFET Bass Klarinet - 1193 PRESTIGE to low C. .2000 Euro BUFFET Alto Clarinet - PRESTIGE 1503 ... 1300euro BUFFET Bass Clarinet - 1183 PRESTIGE to low Eb.1250euro TRUMPET LIST: YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8345 GS .... 600euro YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8345 G. ... 500 Euros YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8345 ... 500 Euros YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8335 S. ... 510euro YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8335 RGS ... 520euro YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8335 GS .... 550euro YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 8335 G. 500 Euros .... YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 5335 GS ..... 300euro YAMAHA Trumpet - YTR 5335 G. ... 250euro Schilke Trumpet - Piccolo - P5-4 MA ... 800euro Schilke Trumpet - Piccolo - P5-4 BG ... 800euro Schilke Trumpet - Piccolo - P5-4 ..... 750euro Schilke Trumpet - C Series .... 600euro Schilke Trumpet - Bb - X Series .... 600euro LKE SCHI Trumpet - Bb - S Series ... 600euro Schilke Trumpet - Bb - B Series .... 600euro BACH Trumpet - VBS 1S - Silver Plated ... 330euro BACH Trumpet - VBS 1 - Gold Lacquer ... 300euro BACH Trumpet - TR 300 S - Silver Plate ... 250euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - Sterling Silver Bell .. 700euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - Silver Plated .. 600euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - LR - Sterling Bell .... 700euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - LR - Silver Plated .... 600euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - LR - Gold Lacquer ..... 580euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - LR - Gold Brass Bell .. 650euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - Lightweight - Silver Plated ... 700euro BACH Trumpet - Stradivarius - Lightweight - Gold Lacquered .. 600euro € GUITAR Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul. € 2,900 Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul de Vos. € 1,900 Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3-tone ... € 1,480 Fender Classic Series /'50 .. € 1,389 Fender Yngwie Malmsteen .. € 1,500 Martin D-28 1937.8200 Authentic Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3-tone.1550 Martin 000-28 EC Eric Clapton Signature ... 1900 Martin D-16GT Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar.1380 Martin 000-15 Auditorium Acoustic ... 1230 Martin 000-18 Golden Era 1937 .. € 2,000 Martin D-16GT Dreadnought ... 330 Martin OM-21 Special Acoustic € 1800 .. Acoustic Electric Guitar Martin HD-28VE ... € 2,200 Epiphone G-1275 Custom double neck electric guitar. € 1,350 Peavey Bandit 112 Guitar Transtube 1120 .. Traben Bootsy Star Electric Bass € 1,650 Schecter Synyster Standard Electric ... € 1,320 DiPinto Galaxie 4 Electric Guitar Pink € 1,220 Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar € 3,899 Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar € 2,499 Martin HD-35 Acoustic Guitar € 2,215 Martin D-35 Dreadnought Guitar € 2,000 Martin D-28 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar € 1,799 Martin D-950 Dreadnought Guitar 16RGT € Martin DM12 12-String Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar € 920 Martin D-15 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar € 800 Martin 00-15 Grand Concert Acoustic Guitar € 810 Martin D-16GT Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar 835 € Martin 000-15 Auditorium Acoustic Guitar € 820 Martin DM Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Lefty € 720 Martin DM Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar € 699 Martin 000X1 Acoustic Guitar € 310 Koa Acoustic Guitar Martin DXK2 € 315 Martin DX1 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar € 305 Epiphone Dove Acoustic Guitar € 200 Taylor 110 Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Natural Guitar € 415 Italia Mondial Classic Electric Guitar € 599 Italia Maranello Standard II Electric Guitar € 350 Italia Maranello Speedster II Electric Guitar € 499 Brian Dillion DBM-0, May 4 t € 400 electric guitar Brian Dillion DBM-0, May 4 t € 230 electric guitar Dillion Korina Flying V Style Guitar € 515 € Dillion VEE SHAPE Korina Electric Guitar 420 SHRG1Z Ibanez HR Giger Limited Edition Electric Guitar recorded .. € 3850 CDJ PRODUCTS Cdj-2000 + Cdj 2000 + Dmj 900 Nexus + Metalic box + Headphones...€ 1,300 2x PIONEER CDJ-1000MK3 & 1x DJM-800 MIXERDJPACKAGE .. € 1,000.00 PIONEER CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER € 400.00 PIONEER CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER. € 330.00 PIONEER CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER € 200.00 PIONEER CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER. € 250.00 PIONEER DJM 1000 ... € 450.00 PIONEER DJM 800. € 400.00 PIONEER DJM 600 € 300.00 Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD € 450.00 Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer. € 1,000.00 - Technics SL-1200MK2 - 540 ... Technics SL-DZ 1200 - Technics SL-O Pro 1210M5G Turntable.680 Technics SL-1210MK5 Pro Turntable.750 O Technics SH-MZ1200 4 Channel DJ Mixer.780 O Denon DN-D4500 Pro DJ Dual CD/MP3 Player ... 500 O Numark CDX CD Turntable Direct. 700 O Numark TTX Direct-Drive Turntable .. 650 O Numark X2 Pro Hybrid Turntable And CD / MP3 .. 760 O Numark DVD01 Dual DVD Player .. 560 O Numark 5000FX 12 /"5-channel tabletop mixer 780 O Numark DXM09 Digital DJ Mixer .. 800 O Numark AVM02 Audio / Video Mixer with Effects 850 O CM200USB Numark 5-Channel 19 /"Rackmount DJ Mixer .. 680 O Numark DXM06 2-Channel Mixer digital. 580 O Numark iDJ 2 DJ Console for the iPod. 650 O Numark NuVJ video mixer. 700 O Numark CM100 Club Series DJ Mixer ... 500 or Gemini CDT-05 Professional Hybrid CD / Turntable Combo ... 650 or American Audio Velocity Professional Dual CD/MP3 Player ... 55 ° W Bark Dmix-300 Digital Music Control Station.650 or Return Policy: - You may return the item within ten (10) days of delivery of application. Products with Manufacturer Warranties which exceed 30 days, may be returned directly to the manufacturer according to their instructions. The client can request a replacement product otherwise company credit will be issued. A restocking fee maybe applied to your return. We deliver consignment within a stipulated period of 48 hours (days 2working) in steps from the door. Shipping Agents - FedEx, UPS and DHL Time - 48 72 hours Póngase en contacto con nosotros para obtener más información y solicitudes de compra: Contact Email: vitor_pravia@yahoo.com BB PIN: 23B7E360 Skype Chat: o_store96 WhatsApp: +2349033651125 ICQ: 640647955
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Korg Kronos 88 Weighted Key Workstation COMPLETE STAGE BUNDLE: $2300 KORG KRONOS 61 Synthesizer / Music Workstation: $2400 Korg M50-73 Keyboard Synthesizer Workstation, 73-Key: $900 Korg 61-Key Middle Eastern Arranger Keyboard PA500ORT: $900 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Pro Arranger Pro Keyboard: $2300 Korg PA3X61 61 Key Workstaion with Touch Display: $2400 Korg M50-88 - 88-Key Synthesizer Workstation with Weighted Keys: $1100 Korg KRONOS-88 Kronos Music Workstation 88 Key Keyboard: $1700 Korg Pa800 - Professional 61-Key Arranger Ke +Gift Card: $1300 Korg Pa588 88-Key Professional Arranger Keyboard with Speakers: $1300 Korg KRONOS-61 Kronos Music Workstation 61 Key Keyboard: $1200 Korg M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard: $1800 Korg KRONOS-73 Kronos Music Workstation 73 Key Keyboard: $1600 Korg PA3X76 76 Key Workstation with Touch Display: $1900 Korg m373 73-key workstation keyboard: $1400 Korg Kronos 73 Workstation Keyboard: $2400 2x CDJ-1000 MK3 + DJM-800 Mixer Package…….$1,400 2X PIONEER CDJ-350 Turntable + DJM-350 Mixer....$1,100 2X Limited Edition CDJ-400-K + DJM-400 Mixer Package.........1,200 2X PIONEER CDJ 850 + DJM 800 1 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 1800 2X PIONEER CDJ 900 + DJM 700 1 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 2450 2X PIONEER CDJ 900 + DJM 800 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 2100 2X PIONEER CDJ-900 +1 DJM-2000 MIXER PACKAGE $ 3000 2X Pioneer CDJ200 + DJM350 CD Player and Mixer PACKAGE $ 700 Pioneer CMX-3000 Dual Rackmount CD Player……….$500 Pioneer EFX-1000 Performance Effector Digital Effects Processor..$650 Pioneer DJM-500 mixer…..$450 Pioneer DJM-300 mixer….$350 Pioneer DJM-3000 mixer…$500 Pioneer DJ BOX 1 PRO CD PLAYER PACKAGE $ 500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 CD Turntable……$1300 Pioneer DJM-2000 Mixer….$1300 Pioneer CDJ-850 Turntable............$700 Pioneer CDJ-350 Turntable...........$480 Pioneer DVJ-X1 DJ Video Player……..$900 Pioneer SVM-1000 Pro Audio/Video DJ Mixer…..$3,700 Pioneer DVJ-1000 Professional DVD Turntable….$1,200 Pioneer DJ Twin CD System $ 1300 Numark CDX Direct-Drive CD Turntable……$500 Numark TTX Direct-Drive Turntable…………$300 Numark X2 Pro Hybrid Turntable And CD / MP3 Player…..$700 Numark 5000FX 12" 5-Channel Tabletop Mixer ….$400 Numark NS7 DJ Turntable Controller…$1,000 Numark NS6 DJ Turntable Controller......$750 Numark V7 DJ Turntable Controller....$500 Numark HDMIX Hd Mix Pro Dj Cd Mixer....$560 Numark AVM02 Audio/Video Mixer with Effects $500 Numark Mixdeck Turntable Player......$560 Numark iDJ 2 DJ Console for the iPOD ………$540 Skype:sales-acordelectltd
R$ 6,51
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Goiânia (Goiás)
24-bit 44.1kHz signal processing Advanced digital modeling technology delivers organic tone Over 140 high quality effects Editable effect chain 45 legendary guitar/bass/acoustic amp types 40 factory IR cabinets Supports storing 20 user IRs 50+ dynamic/drive/EQ/mod/delay/reverb effects USB audio interface function with stereo audio streaming Stompbox and preset modes for different situations 198 presets (99 factory, 99 user) High quality looper 100 high quality drum patterns Durable metal chassis and footswitches Built-in chromatic tuner Intuitive PC/Mac editor 1/4/
R$ 889
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Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard Korg M3 88 88-key Workstation YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 1.753
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Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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