Motoqueiro first s
Lista mais vendidos motoqueiro first s

São Paulo (São Paulo)
cinzeiros vintage
Ford's First Car 1896
Autocar Runabout 1902
fabricado no Japão
R$ 150
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Ribeirão Pires (São Paulo)
Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal Edição comemorativa de 20 anos Corvinal Produto usado com detalhes, vide fotos Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw. Twenty years ago these magical words and many more flowed from a young writer's pen, an orphan called Harry Potter was freed from the cupboard under the stairs - and a global phenomenon started. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone has been read and loved by every new generation since. To mark the 20th anniversary of first publication, Bloomsbury has published four House Editions of J.K. Rowling's modern classic. These stunning editions each feature the individual house crest on the jacket and line illustrations exclusive to that house, by Kate Greenaway Medal winner Levi Pinfold. Exciting new extra content includes fact files and profiles of favourite characters, and each book has sprayed edges in the house colours. Available for a limited period only, these highly collectable editions are a must-have for all Harry Potter fans.
R$ 37
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Aracaju (Sergipe)
Lote à venda com 108 CD's de bandas nacionais de Metal, para quem tem selo e/ou distro diversificar o seu catálogo. Os materiais são: Suffocation of Soul - The First Attack (Digipack com encarte duplo bilíngue): 12 unidades; Suffocation of Soul - Macabre Sentence: 22 unidades; V.A. - Horrendous Grindcore Freak Compilation - 2º Ed: 43 unidades; Sakhet - A Voz De Sakhet: 5 unidades; Karne Krua - XXXI - 1985-2016: 7 unidades; Karne Krua - Inanição: 7 unidades; Karne Krua - Horrores Humanos: 2 unidades; Keter - Terror Noturno: 2 unidades; Keter - Guerra Contra Tudo E Contra Todos: 1 unidade; Human - Sad Modern World: 4 unidades; Split - Mácula e Seeds In Barren Fields: 2 unidades; Blackened - Underground Attack: 2 unidades; Blackened - Truth Behind Destruction: 1 unidade; Misantropia - Cartão Postal: 1 unidade; Castifas - Bloodlust And Hate: 1 unidade; Vermis Mortem - Southern Evil: 1 unidade; Caverna - Abismo (Digipack): 1 unidade; Ponto De Ignição - Coletânea Pùnk/HC: 1 unidade; Lucifer Imperador Eternal - Lucifer Imperador Eternal: 1 unidade; Test - O Jogo Humano: 1 unidade; Tributo Ao Cambio Negro HC - Reflexo Do Espelho: 1 unidade. O frete está agregado ao valor final que está sendo repassado.
R$ 570
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Belém-AL (Alagoas)
CD Room On Fire, R$ 70,00 CD First Impressions, R$ 70,00 Ambos para completar sua coleção, apenas R$ 120,00 Somente dinheiro. Crédito apenas pelo picpay.
R$ 70
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Cotia (São Paulo)
Livro em inglês, The Secret Garden (Barnes & Noble Collectible Classics: Children's Edition). On the grounds of Misselthwaite, her Uncle Archibald's estate near the Yorkshire moors, nine-year-old Mary Lennox finds a walled-in garden that has been locked securely for years. With the help of Dickon Sowerby, a young local boy who can charm animals, Mary cultivates the garden, an experiences that both improves her health and raises her spirits. Ultimately, the secret garden proves beneficial not only to Mary, but to her sickly cousin Colin. Nurtured with love and tenderness, the secret garden proves it has the power to heal the heart. First published in 1911, Frances Hodgson Burnett's The Secret Garden is a much-loved classic of children's literature. This illustrated edition, with full-colour plates by Charles Robinson, features an elegant bonded-leather binding, a satin-ribbon bookmark, distinctive gilded edging, and decorative endpapers. Decorative, durable, and collectible, it's a book that will be cherished by readers of all ages.
R$ 110
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
WORLD OF WARCRAFT TBC CLASSIC ACCOUNT WARRIOR E PALADINO LEVEL 70 COM GEAR TIER 5 -> BOOST AVAILABLE Total Account Gold: 890g Warrior - Level 70 131g All Keys Kara, TK and SSC Attuned Blacksmith 375 Engineering 354 Cooking 375 (Hot Apple Cider, Spicy Hot Talbuk, Skullfish Soup, Kibler?s Bits) First Aid 375 Fishing 324 Riding 300 Reins of the Raven Lord Riding Crop Badge of Justice x158 Honor: 55436 Arena Points: 2635 Battlegrounds Marks: Eye of the Storm x100 Arathi Basin x99 Alterac Valley x83 Warsong Gulch x67 Gear: Warrior PvP: Warrior PvE Fury Warrior Tank __________________________________________________________________ Paladin - Level 70 54g All Keys Kara, TK and SSC Attuned Enchanting 332 Mining 375 Cooking 358 First Aid 361 Riding 225 Paladin Mount Badge of Justice x58 Honor: 56 Arena Points: 238 Sunfire Enchant Pattern 520 Arcane Dust 234 Greater Planar Essence 55 Small Prismatic Shard 30 Large Prismatic Shard 11 Void Crystal Paladin Tank Paladin Heal Others Bank #1: 6g Bank #2: 2g Bank #3: 681g Bank #4: 16g
R$ 4.500
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Produto Novo Porém Não Está Lacrado. Conforme Fotos.
Editora: Marvel Comics; Autor: Brian Wood, Chris Claremont; Arte: Oliver Coipel, David Lopez, Marc Silvestri; Ano: 2013; País: EUA; Idioma: Inglês; Páginas: 112; Tamanho 17cm X 26cm. Capa Normal.
The X-Women finally get their own book, from critically acclaimed superstars Brian Wood (X-MEN, ULTIMATE X-MEN, DMZ, THE MASSIVE) and Oliver Coipel (AVX, HOUSE OF M, THOR)! An old enemy shows up at the X-Men's door, seeking asylum from an ancient evil come back to earth. Meanwhile, Jubilee has come home, and she's brought with her an orphaned baby who might hold the key to the earth's survival...or its destruction. Against a backdrop of wh-t seems like an alien invasion and an eons-spanning war between brother and sister, Storm steps up and puts together a team to protect the child and stop a new threat that could destroy all life on earth! COLLECTIING: X-MEN (2013) #1-4, UNCANNY X-MEN (1963) #244 (JUBILEE'S CLASSIC FIRST APPEARANCE)
R$ 89
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
American English File Pre-intermediate (Azul)
American English File Intermediate (Verde)
New English File Upper-intermediate (Laranja)
Attitude 5 Student's Book + Workbook
Cambridge First Certificate Direct - Student's Book + Workbook
Todos os livros estão em ótimo estado de conservação. Alguns apresentam alguns escritos, pois foram usados.
R$ 127
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
01. Birdbrain -- Youth Of America 02. Catherine -- Whisper 03. Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds -- Red Right Hand 04. Gus -- Don't Fear The Reaper 05. Julee Cruise with The Flow -- Artificial World (Interdimensional Mix) 06. Sister Machine Gun -- Better Than Me 07. SoHo -- Whisper To A Scream (Birds Fly) 08. Moby -- First Cool Hive 09. The Connells -- Bitter Pill 10. The Last Hard Men -- School's Out 11. Marco Beltrami -- Trouble In Woodsboro / Sidney's Lament
R$ 79
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
The City of Ravens Forgotten Realms Novel - RPG Livro em bom estado de conservação. Capas e lombadas inteiras com sinais de uso. Páginas e miolo estão preservadas apenas com manchas comuns por tempo e uso nas bordas. Descrição: The City of Ravens For the first time, Jack Ravenwild's designs exceed his talents. His ambitions plunge him into the middle of a plot to destroy the city, a noble quest to find a lost hoard, and a conspiracy to seize the reins of power through the nobility's Game of Masks. Worse yet, Jack must choose between a life of freedom and saving the city he doesn't even know he loves.
R$ 38
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Campo Grande-AL (Alagoas)
Para maratona, ciclismo, motoqueiro, corrida, operação, motoboy, etc Excelente para quem anda de bicicleta ou moto Instagram @weiser_s_store Whatsapp 96991887862
R$ 35
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Mogi das Cruzes (São Paulo)
For the first time ever, a collection of the astoundingly successful group's best songs arranged for piano/vocal! Includes: One ? Nothing Else Matters ? Welcome Home (Sanitarium) ? Until It Sleeps ? and more. Capa comum: 88 páginas Editora: Hal Leonard; Edição: 1 (12 de junho de 2008) Idioma: Inglês ISBN-10: 1 5756... ver número ISBN-13: 978-1 5756... ver número Dimensões do produto: 22,9 x 0,6 x 30,5 cm
R$ 130
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
Fabricante = U.S. Games Systems Série = Aviação de caça da Segunda Guerra Mundial Airplane Spotter Playing Cards • World War II Facsimile of a deck first issued in 1943 Baralho / Jogo de cartas ilustrado tendo como protagonistas os aviões de guerra da Segunda Guerra Mundial, é uma excelente forma de entretenimento para quem quer passar momentos divertidos e inesquecíveis na companhia de amigos e familiares. Além de ser um item bem exclusivo e raro, muito visado por colecionadores amantes do tema. Modelo = Cartas no formato 94mm x 67mm Contém = 52 cartas Cor Predominante = Azul Coleção/Edição = 1997 Produto = Original - Importado ========================================= PRODUTO NOVO – LACRADO NA EMBALAGEM ========================================= Frete com seguro por conta do Comprador Importante saber: NÃO FAÇO ENTREGAS Peso total = 250grs Miniatura + Embalagem = 110grs Embalagem para envio = 140grs Dimensões = A=10cm x L=20cm x P=20cm CEP de Origem = 31.155-290 (Belo Horizonte/MG) Pagto = Mercado Pago Aceitamos depósito via Caixa Econômica Federal Produto do acervo pessoal “sem nota fiscal” *** Importante: Tire suas dúvidas antes da aquisição *** Forte abraço, sucesso, saúde e boas compras. Mini Space Colecionáveis Seu mundo, sua nação 1/64 Colecionáveis levados a sério!
R$ 345
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11 fotos

São Paulo (São Paulo)
Many students have trouble the first time they take a mathematics course in which proofs play a significant role. This new edition of Velleman's successful text will prepare students to make the transition from solving problems to proving theorems by teaching them the techniques needed to read and write proofs. The book begins with the basic concepts of logic and set theory, to familiarize students with the language of mathematics and how it is interpreted. These concepts are used as the basis for a step-by-step breakdown of the most important techniques used in constructing proofs. The author shows how complex proofs are built up from these smaller steps, using detailed 'scratch work' sections to expose the machinery of proofs about the natural numbers, relations, functions, and infinite sets. To give students the opportunity to construct their own proofs, this new edition contains over 200 new exercises, selected solutions, and an introduction to Proof Designer software. No background beyond standard high school mathematics is assumed. This book will be useful to anyone interested in logic and proofs: computer scientists, philosophers, linguists, and of course mathematicians. Livro em perfeito estado Retirada no bairro Butantã, em SP ou envio pelo correio.
R$ 400
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Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais)
Eadweard Muybridge: The Human and Animal Locomotion Photographs Capa dura ? 5 Correios ou retirada: CEP: 31.170-210, Cidade Nova, Belo Horizonte/MG; ou CEP: 33.200-614, Vespasiano/MG Editora ?: ? Taschen; 1ª edição Idioma ?: ? Inglês, Francês, Alemão Capa dura ?: ? 702 páginas Dimensões ?: ? 15.7 x 4.3 x 20.4 cm Ranking dos mais vendidos: Nº 76 em Importados de Fotografia. The life and work of Eadweard Muybridge (1830?1904), pioneer in the visual studies of animal and human movement. With a detailed chronology and numerous plates, this book features in particular many images from the groundbreaking Animal Locomotion, as well as from Muybridge's handmade and extremely rare first album, The Attitudes of Animals in Motion. Correios ou retirada: CEP: 31.170-210, Cidade Nova, Belo Horizonte/MG; ou CEP: 33.200-614, Vespasiano/MG
R$ 95
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