Numark ns7 ii
Lista mais vendidos numark ns7 ii

Numark NS7 II - 4-Channel controlador DJ Desempenho Para Serato DJ Software NS7 II, Numark está empurrando capacidade de performance do DJ moderno ainda mais, incorporando a tecnologia icônica da Akai Professional, líder mundial em tecnologia de produção musical e criador do lendário MPC. 16 pads MPC do NS7 II pode ser atribuído de imediato, para controlar cinco características de desempenho dinâmico em Serato DJ: Tacos, laço, rolo, Sampler e Slicer. Além disso, cada bloco possui iluminação RGB, permitindo uma quantidade quase infinita de variações de cor atribuíveis via MIDI. Controle prato Vinyl nunca se sentiu mais familiarizados com a sua alta e baixa de torque platters motorizados com tapetes antiderrapantes reais e vinil verdadeiro sentado em 3600 ticks de resolução. Misturador de quatro canais de NS7 II funciona com ou sem um computador e inclui um conjunto completo de entradas dispositivo externo. Filtro capacitivo ativado por toque, de ganho, EQ, efeitos e maçanetas são outras características incorporadas a partir de Akai Professional, que transformam os botões Para mais informações sobre outras atrações, entre em contato conosco: E-Mail :: E-Mail :: Skype ID ::: Johnson.Mark725
R$ 600
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Numark NS7 II - 4-Channel controlador DJ Desempenho Para Serato DJ Software NS7 II, Numark está empurrando capacidade de performance do DJ moderno ainda mais, incorporando a tecnologia icônica da Akai Professional, líder mundial em tecnologia de produção musical e criador do lendário MPC. 16 pads MPC do NS7 II pode ser atribuído de imediato, para controlar cinco características de desempenho dinâmico em Serato DJ: Tacos, laço, rolo, Sampler e Slicer. Além disso, cada bloco possui iluminação RGB, permitindo uma quantidade quase infinita de variações de cor atribuíveis via MIDI. Controle prato Vinyl nunca se sentiu mais familiarizados com a sua alta e baixa de torque platters motorizados com tapetes antiderrapantes reais e vinil verdadeiro sentado em 3600 ticks de resolução. Misturador de quatro canais de NS7 II funciona com ou sem um computador e inclui um conjunto completo de entradas dispositivo externo. Filtro capacitivo ativado por toque, de ganho, EQ, efeitos e maçanetas são outras características incorporadas a partir de Akai Professional, que transformam os botões E-Mail :: E-Mail :: Skype ID ::: Johnson.Mark725
R$ 1.368
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Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato COMPRA COM CONFIANÇA: * Nós vendemos novos produtos eletrônicos da marca originais, tais como telefones celulares, câmeras de televisão, instrumentos musicais, etc. * Todos os nossos produtos vêm com acessórios completos e 1 ano de garantia internacional. * Todos os nossos produtos são bem embalados e selados por motivos de segurança. * Todos os nossos produtos vêm em sua caixa original selado direto da fábrica. * Todos os preços dos produtos são Affordiable se a compra em quantidade maior .. * Por um longo tempo, estamos em busca de produtos mais recentes, transporte rápido e com o menor preço. Email :: Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 WhatsApp :: +2347067289044
R$ 2.331
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Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Email
R$ 2.341
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Receba as pessoas que se deslocam na pista de dança! MIXDECK Quad é um sistema de DJ completa com um misturador de quatro canais que irá colocar você no controle completo em qualquer show. Baseado no controlador MIXDECK popular, o MIXDECK Quad chuta-se um entalhe, adicionando suporte para MIDI núcleo no iPad, abrindo o mundo de aplicativos como Algoriddims djay para seu equipamento de DJ. Além disso, nós adicionamos um de quatro canais mixer digital totalmente funcional MIDI / analógico, permitindo o controle total de tanto o software do iPad e DJ durante a mistura de CD, pen drives, microfones, ou de fontes externas. Jogar qualquer coisa: MIXDECK Quad vem completo com software Serato DJ Intro e é pré-mapeados para Traktor Pro 2 e Virtual - DJ Pro, então a partir do momento que você abrir a caixa e se conectar ao seu computador, você está girando faixas digitalmente. Além disso, você pode jogar a partir de praticamente qualquer tipo de mídia com MIXDECK Quad incluindo CDs, CDs MP3, drives flash USB e, claro, Email :: Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 WhatsApp :: +2347067289044
R$ 1.925
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CONTATO EUA AGORA *** ****** :: WhatsApp :: +2347067289044 Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 COMPRA COM CONFIANÇA: * Nós vendemos novos produtos eletrônicos da marca originais, tais como telefones celulares, câmeras de televisão, instrumentos musicais, etc. * Todos os nossos produtos vêm com acessórios completos e 1 ano de garantia internacional. * Todos os nossos produtos são bem embalados e selados por motivos de segurança. * Todos os nossos produtos vêm em sua caixa original selado direto da fábrica. * Todos os preços dos produtos são Affordiable se a compra em quantidade maior .. * Por um longo tempo, estamos em busca de produtos mais recentes, transporte rápido e com o menor preço. CONTATO EUA AGORA *** ****** :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: WhatsApp :: +2347067289044 Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725
R$ 2.286
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Numark NS7 II - 4-Channel controlador DJ Desempenho Para Serato DJ Software NS7 II, Numark está empurrando capacidade de performance do DJ moderno ainda mais, incorporando a tecnologia icônica da Akai Professional, líder mundial em tecnologia de produção musical e criador do lendário MPC. 16 pads MPC do NS7 II pode ser atribuído de imediato, para controlar cinco características de desempenho dinâmico em Serato DJ: Tacos, laço, rolo, Sampler e Slicer. Além disso, cada bloco possui iluminação RGB, permitindo uma quantidade quase infinita de variações de cor atribuíveis via MIDI. Controle prato Vinyl nunca se sentiu mais familiarizados com a sua alta e baixa de torque platters motorizados com tapetes antiderrapantes reais e vinil verdadeiro sentado em 3600 ticks de resolução. Misturador de quatro canais de NS7 II funciona com ou sem um computador e inclui um conjunto completo de entradas dispositivo externo. Filtro capacitivo ativado por toque, de ganho, EQ, efeitos e maçanetas são outras características incorporadas a partir de Akai Professional, que transformam os botões . CONTATO EUA *** NOW ****** :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::: Hotmail :: electronicsseller.mark725 @ Gmail :::: electronicsseller.mark725 @ Skype Bate-papo :: johnson.mark725 ...
R$ 1,54
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Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard Korg M3 88 88-key Workstation YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 1.753
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Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard Korg M3 88 88-key Workstation YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 948
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Korg Kronos 88 Weighted Key Workstation COMPLETE STAGE BUNDLE: $2300 KORG KRONOS 61 Synthesizer / Music Workstation: $2400 Korg M50-73 Keyboard Synthesizer Workstation, 73-Key: $900 Korg 61-Key Middle Eastern Arranger Keyboard PA500ORT: $900 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Pro Arranger Pro Keyboard: $2300 Korg PA3X61 61 Key Workstaion with Touch Display: $2400 Korg M50-88 - 88-Key Synthesizer Workstation with Weighted Keys: $1100 Korg KRONOS-88 Kronos Music Workstation 88 Key Keyboard: $1700 Korg Pa800 - Professional 61-Key Arranger Ke +Gift Card: $1300 Korg Pa588 88-Key Professional Arranger Keyboard with Speakers: $1300 Korg KRONOS-61 Kronos Music Workstation 61 Key Keyboard: $1200 Korg M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard: $1800 Korg KRONOS-73 Kronos Music Workstation 73 Key Keyboard: $1600 Korg PA3X76 76 Key Workstation with Touch Display: $1900 Korg m373 73-key workstation keyboard: $1400 Korg Kronos 73 Workstation Keyboard: $2400 2x CDJ-1000 MK3 + DJM-800 Mixer Package…….$1,400 2X PIONEER CDJ-350 Turntable + DJM-350 Mixer....$1,100 2X Limited Edition CDJ-400-K + DJM-400 Mixer Package.........1,200 2X PIONEER CDJ 850 + DJM 800 1 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 1800 2X PIONEER CDJ 900 + DJM 700 1 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 2450 2X PIONEER CDJ 900 + DJM 800 CD DJ PACKAGE $ 2100 2X PIONEER CDJ-900 +1 DJM-2000 MIXER PACKAGE $ 3000 2X Pioneer CDJ200 + DJM350 CD Player and Mixer PACKAGE $ 700 Pioneer CMX-3000 Dual Rackmount CD Player……….$500 Pioneer EFX-1000 Performance Effector Digital Effects Processor..$650 Pioneer DJM-500 mixer…..$450 Pioneer DJM-300 mixer….$350 Pioneer DJM-3000 mixer…$500 Pioneer DJ BOX 1 PRO CD PLAYER PACKAGE $ 500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 CD Turntable……$1300 Pioneer DJM-2000 Mixer….$1300 Pioneer CDJ-850 Turntable............$700 Pioneer CDJ-350 Turntable...........$480 Pioneer DVJ-X1 DJ Video Player……..$900 Pioneer SVM-1000 Pro Audio/Video DJ Mixer…..$3,700 Pioneer DVJ-1000 Professional DVD Turntable….$1,200 Pioneer DJ Twin CD System $ 1300 Numark CDX Direct-Drive CD Turntable……$500 Numark TTX Direct-Drive Turntable…………$300 Numark X2 Pro Hybrid Turntable And CD / MP3 Player…..$700 Numark 5000FX 12" 5-Channel Tabletop Mixer ….$400 Numark NS7 DJ Turntable Controller…$1,000 Numark NS6 DJ Turntable Controller......$750 Numark V7 DJ Turntable Controller....$500 Numark HDMIX Hd Mix Pro Dj Cd Mixer....$560 Numark AVM02 Audio/Video Mixer with Effects $500 Numark Mixdeck Turntable Player......$560 Numark iDJ 2 DJ Console for the iPOD ………$540 Skype:sales-acordelectltd
R$ 6,51
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Envie-nos um e-mail para mais informações sobre preços, especificação e como comprar? A entrega é de 2 dias. Contato: Mail ou chat Contato: ... SKYPE: .... musicals.instruments Diga /: +447035910309 ICQ: 635186238 DJ SETS: Pioneer DJ CDJ-2000 Nexus Set: 2x CDJ-2000NXS-M, 1x DJM-900NXS-M, 1x RMX-1000-M, 1x RMX-1000-M-Stand ............. 0,4000 EUR DJ Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus Set: 2x CDJ-2000NXS-M, 1x DJM-900NXS-M, 1 RMX-1000-M ............. 0,3300 EUR Pioneer DJ CDJ-2000 Nexus Set: 2x CDJ-2000 Nexus, 1x DJM-900-NXS, 1x HDJ-2000 -...... 3000 EUR Pioneer CDJ 900 Set Nexus: 2 x CDJ 900 NXS, 1 x DJM 850K, 1 x HDJ-1500-K ...... 2.800 EUR Pioneer DJ set 2 x CDJ-2000 Nexus & DJM-2000 Nexus ...... 3500 EUR Pioneer DJ set (2) Pioneer XDJ-1000 e DJM-900nexus Mixer Package ...... 1.600 EUR PIONEER DJ SET 2x PIONEER CDJ - 2000 & 1x DJM PIONEER - 2000 MIXER + HDJ 2000 ... 2100 euros Pioneer CDJ 900 Set Nexus: 2 x CDJ 900 Nexus ........ 1.800 EUR Pioneer CDJ-350 Set: 2 x CDJ-350 ........... 700 EUR Denon DN-SC3900 Set: 2 x DN-SC3900 ........ 1.400 EUR Pioneer DJ set 2 x CDJ-850 + DJM-850 prata ........ 2000 EUR Também disponível em unidades a um preço acessível Pioneer DJM-2000nexus ... 1300 euros Pioneer DJM 900 Nexus ... 900 EUR Pioneer DJM850K .... 700 EUR Pioneer DJM 340 EUR 3000. Pioneer DJM 2000. 1200 EUR Pioneer DJM 900 EUR 1000. Pioneer DJM 800 .. 700 EUR Pioneer DJM 700 .. 400 EUR Pioneer DJM 600 .. 340 EUR Pioneer DJM 500 .. 300 EUR Pioneer DJM350 ... 250 EUR Pioneer DJM-T1 .... 340 EUR Pioneer CDJ - 350 ... 300 EUR Pioneer CDJ 400 .. 270 EUR Pioneer CDJ 800MK2 .. 300 EUR Pioneer CDJ 1000MK3 .... 400 EUR Pioneer CDJ-850-K ...... 550 EUR Pioneer CDJ-900 Nexus .... 800 EUR Pioneer CDJ - 2000 Nexus .... 1200 Euro Pioneer RMX-1000 Estação Remix ... 350 EUR Pioneer DJM-900SRT Mixer ..... 1200 EUR Pioneer DVJ-1000 .... 1000 EUR Pioneer DDJ-SX ..... 450 EUR Pioneer DDJ-SX2 ... 600 EUR Pioneer DDJ-SZ .... 1300 EUR Pioneer DDJ-T1 ..... 500 EUR Pioneer XDJ Aero ..... 400 EUR Pioneer XDJ-1000 Media Player ..... 450 EUR Allen & Heath Xone: 92..570 EUR Allen & Heath Xone 62..300 EUR Allen & Heath Xone: 42..550 EUR Allen & Heath Xone: 3D..650 EUR Allen & Heath Xone: DX..800 EUR Allen & Heath Xone: 4D..1000 EUR Allen & Heath Xone DB4 4-Channel Digital Mixer..1500 EUR Numark DVD01 DVD duplo Player..220 EUR Numark iDJ 2 DJ Console para o iPOD..220 EUR Numark CDX direto-Drive CD Turntable..220 EUR Numark NS7 Desempenho DJ Controller..750 EUR Numark HDX CD e MP3 Player com 80GB removível HD..700 EUR Roland V-Synth XT Synthesizer..740 EUR Roland Fantom-XR Som Module..470 EUR Roland VK-8M Órgão Som Module..270 EUR Roland Cakewalk Sonar V Estúdio 700..1800EUR Roland SP-555 Sampler Criativo Workstation..200 EUR Roland Fantom-X7 76-Key Amostragem Workstation..1000 EUR
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Nova Olinda do Norte (Amazonas)
vendo ou troco! setup completo 2 cdj denon 3900, mixador amarican áudio 14 mxr 4 canais já cm placa interna interface traktor, + case valor 6.000,00 seis mil reais, troco por controladora da Pioneer ddj 1000, ddjsz ddj sx3 ou ns7 II numark.zap pra contato (92) 993831701
R$ 6.000
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Areia de Baraúnas (Paraíba)
2x CDJ-1000 MK3 + DJM-800 Mixer Package, 2X Pioneer CDJ-850 + DJM-850 Mixer Package, 2X PIONEER CDJ-350 Turntable + DJM-350 Mixer, 2X Edição limitada CDJ-400-K + DJM-400 Mixer Package , Numark NS7 DJ Turntable Controller, Pioneer DJM-900 Nexus, Bose Lifestyle V35 Início Eentertainment System, Pioneer CDJ-2000 CD Turntable, mixer Edirol-Roland V8 8 canais de vídeo, jogo de 2x Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus & 1x Pioneer DJM-2000 Nexus, 2 х CDJ 2000 Nexus & 1x DJM 900 Nexus + POSTOS DE TRABALHO 1xRMX1000 teclados, teclado Yamaha Tyros5 61-Key etc Envie-nos um e-mail para mais informações sobre preços, especificação e como comprar? A entrega é de 2 dias. SKYPE: .... musicals.instruments Diga /: +447035910309 ICQ: 635186238
R$ 10.373
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