Piano fender rhodes
Lista mais vendidos piano fender rhodes

Vespasiano (Minas Gerais)
A tradição da linha RD Roland continua. O RD-300GX oferece tudo de que um pianista necessita para gravações e performances ao vivo: sons incríveis de pianos acústicos e elétricos, e reprodução de arquivos de áudio, além de funções de master control. No coração do RD-300GX está o novo chip Roland, para geração de sons como você nunca ouviu antes. Piano Digital portátil com 88 teclas, novo mecanismo PHA Alpha II; Polifonia de 128 vozes; Sons de piano com 88 notas sampleadas em diversos níveis; Reproduz arquivos de áudio via pen drive (wav, aiff, mp3); Permite customizar sons de piano por meio da função Piano Designer; Possui funções de Master Control para uso com equipamentos MIDI. O RD-300GX apresenta dois sets de legítimos pianos acústicos, com multisamplers em estéreo de 88 notas. Em adição aos excelentes sons de pianos acústicos, o RD-300GX possui diversos sons de pianos elétricos, todos sampleados de lendários modelos como Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer e outros. Você tem a vantagem de poder customizar qualquer som, tendo acesso imediato às suas programações. Além de se preocupar com a qualidade de som de seus pianos digitais, a Roland desenvolveu um novo mecanismo para esta linha RD. O Progressive Hammer Action Alpha II tem as mesmas características de um mecanismo de piano acústico, proporcionando toque mais pesado na região grave e mais suave na região aguda. Esse mecanismo possui as mesmas características do PHA II, mas com um sistema mais compacto e leve, perfeito para o transporte. Áudio via USB Você pode reproduzir arquivos de áudio diretamente no RD-300GX, através da entrada USB no painel traseiro. Apenas plugue um pen drive e toque junto de seus artistas preferidos, ou com um playback feito em computador. O RD-300GX reproduz arquivos wav, aiff, mp3 e SMF. A função Audio Key permite disparar esses arquivos por meio de 15 teclas da região mais grave. Além de disparar os arquivos, você pode modificar o andamento de um playback, mesmo que seja um arquivo de áudio. Também é possível conectar seu RD-300GX diretamente em um computador e utilizar o SONAR LE, que já acompanha o equipamento. Customização Para aqueles que gostam de personalizar o som, o RD-300GX oferece o recurso Piano Designer. Com ele, você pode configurar diversos detalhes e parâmetros do som, incluindo ruído dos martelos (Hammer Noise), ressonância do pedal (Damper Resonance) e muito mais. Efeitos de alta qualidade O RD-300GX oferece 78 multiefeitos de qualidade profissional. Cada som pode ter um multiefeito, além de Reverb, equalizador digital de 2 bandas e Sound Control. Adicione ambiência ao seu som de piano acústico, Chorus envolvente em um piano elétrico, ou um espacial Reverb em uma seção de cordas Extremamente leve e compacto Mesmo com um chassi feito para condições de turnês (estradas, aeroportos), com acabamento em metal escovado na cor preta, o RD-300GX é, atualmente, um dos mais leves pianos digitais do mercado Aceito trocas Valor pra trocar 5900 Pianos Yamaha Roland Korg Nord Cassio
R$ 5.500
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Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro)
Piano Digital com três pedais, armário. Pouquíssimo uso e em perfeito estado. Avalio troca com volta e aceito oferta. Zap => *9nove6sete2dois5nove0* Yamaha, korg, Roland, Fender, Teclado, piano, baixo, violino, violão, equipamento de estúdio, equipamento de som, fender, music man, Warwick, Cavaquinho
R$ 1.999
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Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
Valor para trocas 2.600,00 tenho interesse em Mackbook,Iphone,PC-Gamer,Notebook,pedaleira de guitarra Boss GT100,Pod HD500X/M13,Teclado Arranjador com ritmos,piano digital: Korg,Roland,Yamaha,Casio,M-Audio,Alesis,Kawai,Kurzwei. violão eletroacústico aço/nylon:Cort,Crafter,Takamine,Epiphone,Yamaha,Taylor,Fender,Ibanez Cubo p/ guitarra a partir de 60wrms Celular octacore:Sansung,LG,Sony,Motorola e Alpple Ipad Vários recursos Falante de 15/
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Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul)
Modelo: JUNO-DS88 Acompanhamentos: 30 Grupos de 8 Alimentação: 9V DC: Adaptador AC ou Pilhas Ni-MH Recarregáveis (AA, HR6) Canções: 1200 + 30 Kits de Bateria + 64 Performances Consumo de Energia: 600mA Cor: Preto Dimensões: 46.000 x 24.000 x 154.000 CM Dimensões: 1415x144x341mm (LxAxP) Display: LCD 256x80 pontos Efeitos: Multiefeitos 3 Sistemas (80 Tipos), Chorus (3 Tipos), Reverb (5 Tipos) e Reverb Para o Microfone (8 Tipos) Itens Inclusos: Fonte de Alimentação Marca: ROLAND Peso: 16,2 Kg Polifonia: 128 Notas Teclado: Sintetizador Teclas: 88 (Ivory Feel-G com Escapement) Tipo de conexões: Pedal Hold P-10 Mono, Pedal Control P-10 Mono, Microfone P-10 Mono, Linha P-2 Estéreo, Fone de Ouvido P-10 Estéreo, MIDI IN/OUT, Pen Drive e DC IN Informação adicional: - Design Portátil e Sons Prontos para Palco - Pianos de Alta Qualidade, Órgãos e Mais - Teclas Weighted para uma Sensação de Piano Acústico - Edição Aprimorada e Controles na Mão - Slot de Expansão Wave para Adicionar Novos Sons - Phrase Pads para Acionar Sons e Samples - Entrada de Microfone com Vocoder e Auto Pitch - Sequenciador de Padrões de Oito Tracks - Music Production Partner TAGS - Korg, Yamaha, Casio, Kurzweill, Rhodes, Boss, Keyboard, Piano, Órgão
R$ 7.500
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São Paulo (São Paulo)
Guitarra Fender Squier Japonesa s 90 Fr 212 Raríssima Guitarra está na região de Perdizes/Pompeia. Sem trocas. Guitarra perfeita para sua live, home studio ou show! Fender Squier Vermelha Japonesa, de 1992-1994, padrão superstrat com headstock invertido, sem falar no braço fininho que confere agilidade e facilidade para se fazer escalas e solos perfeitos. Vai ainda com uma ponte original fera, Gotoh Floyd Rose! Model Name: FR-212 Colors: Black Body Material: Solid Body Shape: Slim-Horned Double-Cutaway Neck Neck Shape: Neck Material: Maple Neck Plate: 4-Bolt Number of Frets: 22 Fretboard Material: Rosewood Nut: Locking Nut Pickup Configuration: H/S/H Pickups: 2 Humbucking (Bridge, Neck) (Black, Uncovered), 1 Single-Coil (Middle) Pickup Switching: 5-Way Switching Controls: 1 Volume, 1 Tone Hardware: Black Tuners: Gotoh Bridge: Gotoh Floyd Rose II Licensed Locking Tremolo Pickguard: None Unique Features: Underlined Squier logo, Reversed Angular Headstock, Black Headstock, Single-Bar String-Guide MSRP: Country of Origin: Japan Introduced: 1992 Discontinued: 1994 guitarra tagima guitarra stratocaster guitarra profissional guitarra preta guitarra ibanez guitarra fender guitarra elétrica guitarra para iniciantes violão teclado musical microfone guitarra microfone condensador ukulele violao microfone lapela microfone sem fio bateria bateria eletronica guitarra ibanez bong corda cavaquinho piano violao eletrico violino ukulele concert pandeiro guitarra les paul amplificador guitarra pedaleira guitarra guitarra eletrica piano digital bag cajon guitarra tagima sanfona kalimba controlador midi capotraste guitarra fender viola violão eletrico tomada microfone de lapela microfone usb acordeon violao infantil violão guitarra ukulele violao guitarra ibanez corda cavaquinho violao eletrico violino ukulele concert guitarra les paul guitarra eletrica guitarra tagima capotraste guitarra fender viola violão eletrico violao infantil guitarra usada violão nylon u
R$ 1.988
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R$ 800
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Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Estamos no Ano Novo de promoção: Compre 2 e ganhe 1 grátis produtos Product !!! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB:$600 Apple iPhone 6s plus 64GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 128GB:$550 Apple iPhone 6s 64GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 128GB:$500 Apple iPhone 6 plus 64GB:$450 Apple iPhone 6 plus 16GB:$400 Apple Iphone 6 128GB:$450 Apple Iphone 6 64GB:$400 Apple iphone SE 64GB:$400 Apple iphone 5s 64gb:$350 Apple iphone 5s 32gb:$300 Apple iphone 5s 16gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 64gb:$280 Apple iphone 5c 32gb:$270 Apple iphone 5c 16gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 64gb:$260 Apple iphone 5 32gb:$250 Apple iphone 5 16gb:$240 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 64GB:$350 Apple iPad Air 2 Wi-Fi 4G 128GB:$400 Apple iPad mini 2 - Wi-Fi - 32GB:$250 Apple iPad mini 3 - Wi-Fi - 64GB:$300 Apple iPad mini 4 - Wi-Fi - 128 GB:$350 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 512GB:$400 Microsoft Surface Pro 3 - Wi-Fi - 256GB:$350 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 64GB EDGE GSM :$550 SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 32GB EDGE GSM :$500 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 128GB EDGE PLUS :$450 SAMSUNG GALAXY S6 64GB EDGE GSM :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note Edge :$400 Samsung Galaxy S5 :$300 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 128GB :$500 Samsung Galaxy Note 5 128GB :$400 Samsung Galaxy Note 4 64GB :$350 Samsung Galaxy Note 3 :$300 Samsung Galaxy J7 :$300 LG G5 H860 64GB: $400 LG G4 4G/LTE 64GB: $350 LG G3 4G/LTE 32GB: $300 Sony xperia Z5:$400 Sony xperia Z4:$320 Sony Xperia Z3 D6653:$300 Sony Xperia Acro S:$250 Sony D6503 Xperia Z2:$250 HTC One (M9) 4G 32GB :$350 HTC One M8 32GB :$300 HTC Butterfly X920d :$250 Canon EOS 7D :$400 Canon EOS 50D :$300 Canon EOS 500D :$300 Canon EOS 450D :$280 Canon EOS 5D Mark III :$500 Canon EOS 5D Mark II :$500 Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II :$600 Nikon D3X :$400 Nikon D700 :$300 Nikon D90 :$300 Nikon D300 :$400 Nikon D7000 :$500 Yamaha TYROS 5 61 61-Key Digital Workstation :$1,500 Yamaha Tyros 4 (61-Key Pro Arranger Workstation) :$800 Korg Triton Extreme 76 Music Synthesizer Keyboard Workstation :$600 Yamaha Motif XS8 88-Key Keyboard :$600 Yamaha MOTIF XF7 - 76-key Workstation Synthesizer :$600 Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation :$600 Korg Pa2XPro 76 Key Arranger Keyboard :$500 Nord Stage 2 76 Key Keyboard :$600 Roland GW-8 Workstation :$500 Apple 15.4" MacBook Pro (with Retina Display) Quad-Core Intel Core i7 :$500 Apple 15-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display (Intel Quad Core i7 :$500 Apple MacBook Pro With Retina display - Core i7 2.7 GHz - 768 GB :$500 Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$600 Apple MacBook Pro ME662LL/A 13.3" LED Notebook - Intel Core i5 2 :$550 Apple MacBook Pro 15 Inch With Retina display, 2.7GHz Notebook :$500 Apple 15" I7 Macbook Pro 2.8ghz 16gb 768gb Ssd Retina Display :$600 Apple 27" Imac 3.4ghz I7 / 2tb+256gb Ssd / 16gb Ram / 2gb :$450 Apple Imac 27" 2016 I7 512gb Ssd 4tb Hd 32gb Memory 2gb Video 8mb :$500 Television: Samsung UN65F7100 - 65" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55GA7900 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd Sharp LC 70LE600U - 70" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $500usd LG 55LA7400 - 55" LED Smart TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $550usd Panasonic TC L55ET5 - 55" LED TV - 1080p (FullHD)..cost $600usd Samsung UN55ES7100F 55" 3D LED SMART TV...cost $500usd Samsung serie 8 UN65ES8000 60 LED HDTV...cost $500usd Samsung UN55EH6000 55 LED HDTV...cost $400usd LG 55LM7600 55 Class LED Cinema 3D HDTV...cost $500usd Musical Instrument: Soundcraft / Spirit LX7 II - 24 Channel Recording Mixer...400 TASCAM-TEAC America DM-3200 32-Channel Digital Mixing Console...500 Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-bus Total Recall Digital Mixing...500 Behringer PMP4000 / B215XL Powered Mixer Mains & mics Package..400 Behringer X32 32 Channel Motorized Fader Mixer Console ...500 Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer)...400 Edirol / Roland V-440 Hd Multi-format Video Mixer ...800 Pioneer DJM-2000 Professional DJ Mixer ....400 Pioneer DJM-1000 96kHz 24BIT Pro Mixer...500 Pioneer CDJ-2000 Professional CD / MP3 Turntable with Software..400 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom z Alto saxophone, Black Lacquer ....600 Yamaha YAS-62II Professional Eb Alto Saxophone ....500 Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone .....600 Yamaha YAS-82Z Custom Z Series Alto Saxophone, Silver-plated ....600 Yamaha YSS675 soprano Saxophone ...500 Fender American Deluxe Jazz V 5-String bass, 3-Color Sunburst ...400 Fender Vintage Hot Rod 57 Strat 2-Color Sunburst Maple ....400 SCOOTER: NUEVO AUTO BALANCE SCOOTER AEROTABLA : $300 Dolares MonoRover R2 Hover Board: $ 350 Dolares Phunkeeduck Electric Balance Board: $ 450 Dolares IO Hawk Smart Balance Segboard Scooter: $ 400 Dolares Games: Sony PlayStation 4 - 500GB + 2 controls + 2 games + PS Camera ..cost $300usd Xbox One Ultimate Bundle...cost $280usd Nintendo Wii U 32 GB Nintendo Land and Super Mario 3D World...cost $250usd Microsoft Xbox 360 with Kinect - 250 GB..cost $250usd Estamos no Ano Novo de promoção: Compre 2 e ganhe 1 grátis produtos Product !!! Email: cyntialisa@gmail.com whatsapp: +2348139573025 Skype: mary.scortt2
R$ 700
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Recife (Pernambuco)
Vendo esse excelente cubo para baixo, guitarra, violão. Ele já está em 220v e tem 15 wats, mas quem teve a oportunidade de ouvir um desses, sabe que a pressão sonora demonstra ter uns 30. Pois além da qualidade do som e pequeno. A pressão sonora é grande. Já toquei com ele em evento com público de 150 a 200 pessoas em área aberta e ele falou muito bem.. Violão, baixo, guitarra, pedal, pedaleira, teclado, sintetizador, controladir midi, piano, cavaquinho, bateria, mini system, som, subwoofer.
R$ 650
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Campo Grande-AL (Alagoas)
Teclas com ação pesada (de martelo) Timbres de piano e rhodes mto bons. Teclado está novo, sem marcas de uso. acompanha bag pedal de sustain suporte em x motivo da venda: Comprei um melhor. Aceito troca em iPhone X ou superior
R$ 2.600
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Vitória (Espírito Santo)
Fender Gibson Gretsch Steinberger Rickenbacker Music Man PRS Schecter Suhr Vintage Factor Kubicki Greco Orville Tokai Charvel BC Rich Carvin Tom Anderson Daisy Rock Squier Epiphone Ibanez ESP LTD Jackson Dean Tagima Yamaha Eagle Stagg Godin Fox Fernandes Condor Giannini Golden Strinberg Warwick Rock Bass Corvette SX Washburn Zaganin Musicman Pensa Heritage Vigier Music Maker Martin & co Taylor Guild Crafter Takamine Tonante Silverstone Danelectro The Noar Valco Zemaitis Harley Benton Explorer, Firebird, Thunderbird, Flying V, Mês Paul, SG, Stratocaster, Telecaster, Jaguar, Mustang, Jazzmaster, Jazz Bass, Precision, Meteora, Dimension, Bronco, Starcaster, Jagmaster, Corvette, Rockbass, Variax, Dimebag Sonoran, California, Malibu Newporter redondo Folk Jumbo Clássico Dreadnought Jumbo Flat Silent Parlor Auditorium Orchestra Concert Resonator Classic Vibe Vintage Modified Custom Shop Limited Edition Deluxe Roland Korg Kurzweil Alesis Yamaha Cassio Clavia Nord Stage Fazioli Fritz Dobbert Arturia Hohner Kawai Steinway & Sons Moog M-Audio Hammond Basendorfer Arranjador controlador sintetizador sequenciador midi Workstation Gretsch Pearl Yamaha Tama Ludwig Drums Sonor Mapex Odery Drums DW Pinguin Nagano PHX Decade RMV Cajon Guitarra baixo violão ukulele bateria teclado piano contrabaixo baixolão Marshall Meteoro Gallien Krueger Staner Boss Roland Line 6 Zoom Pedal pedaleira Delay reverb overdrive chorus flanger compressor sustain distorção distortion wha booster afinador equalizador equalizer volume expressão acoustic acústico phaser fuzz metal Captador Seymour Duncan EMG Spirit Dimarzio Malagoli Cabrera Sergio Rosar Guitar Garage SGT Bartolini LDR Customy Pickups Aço Nylon Case capa bolsa bag maleta Troco troca
R$ 2.000
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Manaus (Amazonas)
R$ 80
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Manaus (Amazonas)
R$ 35
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Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard Korg M3 88 88-key Workstation YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 1.753
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Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 2.337
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Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044 Korg Krome 88 Keyboard Workstation Kurzweil PC3X 88-key Performance Controller Dave Smith Instruments Poly Evolver Keyboard Kurzweil PC3 76-Note Semi Weighted Keyboard KORG SV1 Stage Vintage Piano 73-Key KORG SV188 88-Key Vintage Stage Piano KORG M3M Synthesizer Workstation Sampler Module Korg Pa2XPro 76-key Arranger Keyboard KORG PA588 88 Key Arranger Keyboard KORG M3 73-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M3 88-Key Music Workstation Keyboard KORG M50 61-Key Music Workstation KORG M50 88-Key Keyboard Workstation KORG M50-73 73-Key Synth Workstation Korg Pa500 61-key Arranger Keyboard Korg CX3 Digital Drawbar Organ Korg OASYS 88 88-Key Workstation Korg NC-300 88-Key Korg TR-76 76-Key Keyboard Korg M3 88 88-key Workstation YAMAH SAXOPHONE LIST::: Yamaha YAS-82ZS Professional Alto Saxophone Silver Yamaha YTS475 Tenor Saxophone Yamaha Yss-875exhg Custom Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YSS-475II Intermediate Soprano Saxophone Yamaha YAS-475 Intermediate Alto Saxophone Yamaha YAS-23 Student Alto Saxophone Yamaha YBS-52 Intermediate Baritone Saxophone GUITAR LIST::: Fender Classic Series '50s Martin OM28-V Vintage Reissue Acoustic Guitar Martin OM-42 Acoustic Guitar Martin HD-28VE Acoustic-Electric Guitar Yamaha SV250 Pro Series 4 String Silent Violin Fender American Deluxe Jazz 3- Fender Custom Shop Custom Shop David Gilmour Fender Select Carved Maple Top Telecaster Guitar Gibson Custom Shop 1960 Les Paul VOS Gibson Custom Shop 1968 Les Paul Fender American Deluxe Telecaster Ash Electric Guitar YAMAHA KEYBOARD LIST::: Yamaha Tyros 4 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 3 61-Key Arranger Workstation Keyboard Yamaha Tyros 2 Keyboard Workstation Yamaha S90XS 88-Key Balanced Weighted Hammer Action Synthesizer Yamaha MOTIF XS8 88-Key Music Synth Workstation Yamaha Motif XS6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha Motif XS7 Synthesizer - 76 Key Yamaha M06 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Yamaha YDP 223 Digital Home Piano $800usd Yamaha S70XS 76-Key Weighted Synthesizer Yamaha PSR-S910 Home Keyboard Arranger Workstation, Yamaha PSR 900 Yamaha P-155 Contemporary Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP140 Digital Piano Yamaha Arius YDP-160 Digital Piano ROLAND KEYBOARD LIST:::: Roland RD-700GX Digital Stage Roland Fantom-G8 88-key Sampling Synth Workstation Roland F-110 Compact Digital Piano Satin Black Roland F110 Compact Digital Piano (Black) Roland Juno Stage 76 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland Fantom-G7 Workstation Roland Fantom G6 61 Key Synthesizer Workstation Roland G-70 76-key Arranger Keyboard Roland V-Synth GT 61-key Variable Oscillator Synthesizer/Sampler Roland V-Synth XT Rack/Tabletop Synthesizer Roland FP7 Digital Stage Piano Black Roland Juno Di 61 Key Synthesizer Keyboard Roland V-Piano Digital Piano Roland FP-4 DIgital Piano MIXER LIST:::::: Rane Sixty-Two (2-Ch Scratch Live Mixer/Cont) Yamaha M7CL-48 Digital 48kHz Live Sound Mixing Console TASCAM-TEAC America DM-4800 48-Channel Digital Mixer Roland VR-3 Portable Audio and Video Mixer w/ USB Port Presonus StudioLive 1602 16-ch Digital Mixer 16 x 2 Yamaha IM8-40 Mixing Console Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixer with USB and Cubase Ai Software Tascam DM-3200 32 Channel 16-Bus Digital Mixer Soundcraft GB4 32 Channel Mixer Roland V-8 (8-Ch Video Mixer) Roland M-300 32-Channel Compact Live Digital Mixing Console Roland VR-5 All-in-One Audio Video AV Mixer Recorder Soundcraft Si Compact 32 (32-Ch Digital Console) Behringer X32 32-Channel 16-Bus Total Recall Digital Mixing Pioneer DJM-900NXS-M Platinum Edition 4-Channel Professional DJ Pioneer XDJ-AERO-W Wi-Fi DJ Controller - White Pioneer DDJ-SX 4-Channel DJ Controller for Serato Software Akai MPC Renaissance Music Production Controller with Iconic Numark NS7 II 4-Channel DJ Performance Controller with Serato Yamaha 02R96VCM Digital Recording Console Version 2 B-Stock Pioneer CDJ-2000nexus Professional WiFi Table Top Multi-Media Player Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MK3 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-1000 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer CDJ-800 MP3 MK2 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 1000 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 800 PLAYER Pioneer DJM 600 PLAYER Pioneer DVJ-X1 DVD PLAYER Pioneer - SVM-1000 Digital Video Mixer Email :: john.bell.84@mail.ru Skype Chat :: johnson.mark725 Whatsapp:: +2347067289044
R$ 948
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